today I'm going to show you how I built
my super huge granite inlaid solid wood
desk each of these chunks right here are
pieces of granite that I got for free
from a counter shop it was just throwing
them away the legs are made of piping
I'll explain a little bit more about
that as well
so here's where I'm at so far I'm making
a giant seven footlong granite inlaid
desk I got these three quarter inch
thick ones just because it'll take less
wood out of the desk I have some thicker
pieces of granite but when you're taking
that much wood out of the total deaf
space it's going to leave it pretty
structurally unsound so the thinner the
pieces of granite are the more sturdy
the desk will be I have a bunch more
granite slabs over there as far as
positioning of the granite goes I have
this piece right here which used to be
one I thought it'd be kind of cool to
spread it out a little bit and then as
far as the rest of them goes I kind of
want to keep the same grain of the
granite even though these are entirely
different chunks that are broken off
they have that dark streak kind of go on
left to right I want to keep that kind
of uniform throughout the table to keep
a general theme of it and then as I'm
using my plunge router to cut out the
holes I have marked this with a pencil
and I've left a little piece of wood
right here so as I router out this space
around here this will keep the router
steady and even with the top of the
table so I don't end up with uneven
chunks at the bottom and I'll show you
what I mean later on now all I have to
do is finish routing out the other slots
for the other pieces of granite and I'll
figure out how to fill this gap between
the granite and the wood
I've started to seal the blocks down
into the wood
I've taken some liquid nails and some
wood glue and I've drifted into the hole
and then set the granite slabs on top of
the Apple to kind of seal it into the
back of the wood and then I started
taking wood filler and putting it around
the outside of the granite and the
inside of the wood and that's worked out
pretty well so far one thing that really
helped me lay the wood filler in between
the granite in the wood is when I
started I was using my finger and a
knife and putting it in between but it
was spreading out too far in the wood
and I'm afraid that's going to look bad
when I finally stain it so what I did is
I bought one of these Dollar ketchup
dispensers from Walmart and filled it up
with the wood filler and then I can take
and squeeze it into the crack between
the granite and the wood and that makes
it a lot less messy I also try to
experiment with the liquid nails that
liquid nail says it's stainable so we're
going to find that out I use these two
front pieces entirely with liquid nails
so I'm going to take those and send them
down later clean them up and then we'll
see how well they stain what's nice with
the wood filler though is that I can
take it and it's rough right now but
since as soon as it's going to dry it
leaves it a little bit tacky and you can
just tap it down into the hole and kind
of clean up that hole a lot better than
it would normally one block left and
then I'll let it dry for a day and then
stand and see what happens let me talk a
minute for about the base that I'm using
for the desk it is a pipe base basically
the whole thing is made out of pipes so
starting with this leg here you can see
I have the base then I have a tea joint
after a four-inch straight piece and
then that branches out and I'm going to
link all of the different parts of this
base in the video description below
I'll put a link there to what all the
parts are so I have this bar right here
spaces the two legs and then I have
another T joint up here that moves
across and I teach you one here that
moves up so there's a total four legs
around the side that you can see here
and then there's the one leg here up in
the center that goes up towards the back
and that's where my monitor stands going
to be so this adds another little bit of
support in the center of the back of the
desk and I've put all of my weight on
that and it evenly distributes it down
these legs over here which is really
nice so the desk is going to be pretty
darn sturdy another thing that's nice
about the desk is that the garage floor
isn't quite even you can see that
there's a little bit discrepancy between
the concrete slabs but at each of the
joints you can see the base the four
inch piece and the T joint you can screw
it in a little bit more a little bit
less and then the top will be exactly
where you want it
so learned a couple things while staying
the top of this desk a stain does stick
to granite so I'm gonna have to find a
way to get that off after I noticed that
I did switch around and start taping off
the pieces of granite so hopefully the
rest of them won't end up quite as
marked up
now it's all uncovered and ready to be
put in the office slash my bedroom so
I'm getting the base of the table all
screwed into place and all of the tops
are measured so they're all the exact
same height so I'm pretty happy with how
the desk turned out I use two different
types of granite just to kind of see how
they would differ so we have the white
granite in the back and that's just like
a matte finish it's not super glossy or
anything and I think it looks alright
but I actually prefer this darker
granite right here that is super glossy
you can see the reflection of the light
right there and the door frame so I
think having a bunch of super glossy
pieces embedded in the wood would look
really cool the one thing that I would
do different as I tried using liquid
nails right here because it said it was
stainable it actually did not stain very
well and I don't like how it looks I
mean it's not terrible
but where I use the wood filler blends
in a lot easier with the granite so next
time I will use wood filler for all the
granite pieces instead of liquid nails
so it's fun about this setup is I have
my new desk here and I have my old desk
here and if you remember this is the one
I did the wireless charging through the
bottom of the desk I'll post a link for
that video here as well and so since
it's right next to my bed I can just
take my phone put it right on my desk
and have it wire as the charge through
the desk during the night this is also
where I do all my phone repair videos as
well help set up my lightbox and put my
camera mount and tripod here so I can
film those videos right next to my
editing station so this is it and as you
can tell it's pretty darn sturdy
thanks ton for watching if you have any
questions make sure you leave them down
in the comments below don't forget to
like if you enjoyed this project and
don't forget to subscribe thanks for
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