How to Get Rid of Dust Inside the iPhone 5 Camera Lens
How to Get Rid of Dust Inside the iPhone 5 Camera Lens
so my buddy recently just dropped his
iPhone 5 it wasn't even now a very far
drop but it deemed this side just enough
so that there was a small gap or dust
could enter inside of the phone and so
his front camera and his back camera
have dust all over them so today I'm
going to show you how to take apart the
iPhone 5 remove the dust and put it all
back together and it's actually pretty
simple you just need a basic set of
tools I'll put a link in the video
description below to the tools that you
need to buy they're only like 10 bucks I
think anyway take out the bottom two
screws on the on the iPhone they're the
same screws that you would have used
with an iPhone 4 let the pentalobe
screwdriver then attach the suction cup
and then if you have a plastic tool you
know go ahead and use that to pry the
screen up the metal one fits in there a
little bit easier but you do just crash
your phone just a tiny bit so use the
plastic one if you have one then once
the screen is lifted up using the
suction cup there's three screws on this
metal plate that hold down the ribbon
cables so remove the three screws
there's two smaller ones at the bottom
and there's one slightly longer screw at
the top
once you get those three screws undone
the metal plate lifts up and there's
three ribbon cables connected and they
just kind of unsnap just like LEGO
pieces so using your flat plastic non
marring tool just kind of lift those up
and away and then the screen itself
detaches from the iPhone so now for the
back camera it just lifts up just like
this don't pull it all the way away from
the phone just kind of tilt it back at a
90 degrees and then usually either a air
compressor or compressed air inside of a
can which I'll link in the video
description below to blow out the excess
dust um you don't actually need to touch
it or anything usually the air just kind
of pulls everything away and leaves it
super clean then just pop the camera
back into place and it just kind of
it'll sit snugly once you press it back
in now the front cam is a little harder
and there's two screws holding on the
the metal plate this is the speaker
right here so I'll remove the speaker
and the metal plate together and then
the camera assembly lifts out sideways
so you can see there there's a bunch of
dust on the lens so I'm going to blow it
all the way inside and outside
and then the camera assembly just snaps
right back into place again I had to use
a pair of tweezers to get the light
sensor on position correctly and then
you put the earpiece back in I remember
that your piece is a magnets when you're
trying to screw the screws back in it
will mess with you just a little bit
so get those two screws back in place
and that's basically it to reattach the
front screen of the iPhone 5 grab the
ribbon cables and they just they snap
back into place just like Legos would I
use my non marring tool to kind of press
them gently into place and then just use
my finger to make sure they were all
secure then grab your little metal plate
put it back on top remember the three
screws you have there's one that's
slightly longer than the other ones and
that screw goes on the top the other two
screws go on the bottom I'm going to
speed this up just a little bit anyway
like I mention before you know all the
tools you'll need will be in the video
description below as low as well as the
compressed air Amazon is usually the
best place to buy it you know screen
replacements or speaker replacements or
basically anything and you anything you
take the screen put the top in first and
then press along the sides to snap the
rest of it into place and then don't
forget to put the bottom two screws the
pentalobe screws back into place as well
anyway I I put up videos you know at
least once a week you know high tech
phone repairs new phone reviews new
releases so if you have any questions
make sure leave in the comments I don't
forget to like this video if it helped
you and don't forget to subscribe I like
knowing now who I help there you go
thanks for watching
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