so there are a couple unique ways to
unlock a Tesla Model 3 you have your
normal keycard thing that you place next
to the door to unlock the vehicle
these black carts come with the car
they're the exact same size as a credit
card you can also get a key fob with a
button in the center that unlocks and
locks the car these are quite a bit more
expensive around a hundred and fifty
dollars instead of the ten dollars that
it cost to replace the small key card
the easiest way to unlock your car
though is with the Bluetooth connection
on your smart phone and the test lab it
just happens automatically when you walk
up to the car personally I think the
shape of this key card is quite
obnoxious I've seen people try to
awkwardly attach it to keychains to be
honest I don't think you actually need
the whole thing I vote we hack into the
card see how it works and try to
physically modify it into something else
the embedded chrome lettering can be
removed but the adhesive is strong
enough that I bet it'll be years before
the letters fall out on their own and
with how inexpensive these cards are to
replace it's a non-issue cutting into
the card reveals something interesting
the card isn't just plastic there is
technology in here taking up more space
than I anticipated all along the edge of
the card is copper wiring this
particular card is from my buddy Binh
over at Tesla Nomex
I sure hope he doesn't need this back
because I'm pretty sure the thing I just
cut was the antenna the Tesla Model 3
key card uses something called RFID to
communicate with the car by tapping it
next to the pillar next to the car door
the key card needs to be within an inch
or two of the door panel so there
shouldn't be any obstructions between
the card and the car if my antenna
theory is correct
the copper wiring should run along the
entire edge of the card which indeed it
does each cut exposes a little bit of
the antenna wiring the antenna should
circle back into a little chip in the
center somewhere and since I can see a
slight invention in the card itself it
should be here in the corner and there
the little guy is successfully destroyed
and chopped in half
this method of tearing down the card
wasn't very helpful luckily I have
something that might work a bit better
well this might look like a jar of water
it definitely is not acetone is a
colorless flammable solvent I use it to
clean metal before welding it's also
great for dissolving plastics rubber and
some adhesive but not so great for
dissolving metal glass
or body parts we should be able to get
rid of all the exterior plastic material
while leaving the interior metal
structure inside the card intact RFID
you are Radio Frequency Identification
chips don't need an internal power
source to work it can power itself from
the incoming radio waves from the reader
so there won't be any batteries or power
source inside the card there's pretty
interesting stuff after about 40 minutes
in the acetone we get this quite
fantastic furry frayed freaky looking
plastic monstrosity it's not quite where
we want it yet so I'll put it back in to
marinate for a bit longer after another
40 minutes we can see the internal wire
structure start to emerge from the
dissolving plastic that's sinking down
to the bottom the copper portion we can
see inside the jar is indeed the antenna
and the chip we see is the brains of the
holding the encrypted key information
used to unlock and start the car only
Tesla can copy or duplicate these cards
which is good for security and it's nice
they have fair cheap pricing on these
cards since the technology is super
common and super cheap let's see if it
still works on the car without the
plastic shell
and it even lets me drive the car so
obviously that antenna around the chip
is pretty important all these copper
wires we can see that it currently locks
the Tesla right now let's fold it in
half and see what happens let's get a
little fold right here kind of just
seeing what our options are with this
thing so that worked give it another
fold so I've tried this multiple ways
and the antennas going around the
outside of the card are important the
orientation of them if I keep on folding
this over like a figure eight and
folding it in half it works just fine
but if it's a scrambled mess it won't
work at all so it does depend on how the
wires are shaped when you're putting it
up against the car kind of interesting
so overall I'm pretty pumped with how
this turned out this is what's inside a
Tesla Model 3 key card you know who
would have thought there's a lot of
copper and a little RFID chip it's nice
that these things are super cheap
usually less than ten dollars which is a
lot different than modern gas-powered
vehicles where the key is programmed and
it costs hundreds of dollars to replace
so test the winds in the cheap key
category plus with Tesla's you can
usually just use your phone which
everyone carries with them anyway so it
works out pretty nice I'm excited to see
what fun things we can do with the
technology inside of this now that it's
not the shape of a card we can literally
bend it and shape it into whatever we
want we can make it into a ring we can
turn into a bracelet we can sew it into
the side of a wallet we can surgically
implant it into the palm of her hand
thanks again to Ben of Tesla nom explore
suggesting this idea I'll leave a link
to his channel so you can check it out
everything Tesla related if you're
thinking about buying a Tesla there's
two weeks left to get six months of free
super charging using someone's code Elon
Musk the CEO of the company decided to
stop doing the referral program so that
code is going to go away and you have
two weeks left to take advantage of it
so if you're in the market for a Tesla
six months of free super charging is
pretty solid you have any questions or
any ideas on what I should do with this
contraption go ahead and leave it down
in the comments thanks ton for watching
and I'll see you around
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