How to fix a wet iPhone 4s in 2 minutes. Water damage repair.
How to fix a wet iPhone 4s in 2 minutes. Water damage repair.
all right so this iPhone has been
completely wet you can tell in the
charging for
little red dot it kind of hard to see
with this camera as well as in the
earpiece there is another red dot it
would not turn on before but I have
since fixed that and I will show you how
and there's the two pentalobe screws
down at the bottom that you have to take
out and then just by replacing the
battery itself it usually fixes these
this is the third iPhone for that I've
done and it's worked each time so
basically take off these two little
Phillips head screws here and then you
can take the battery port and pop it up
I will show you that this little metal
bracket there's a black piece right here
don't lose this because you'll need to
put it back on later in the exact same
position it was and this metal bracket
just pops up and off just like that and
then you can lift this little guy in the
battery you'll come away from the phone
just like that and then you take your
new battery I'll link those in the video
description below
place it in and then position the little
black and gold bracket this guy just how
it was before by the metal piece and
snap it in and that would restore your
iPhone 4 or 4s if it's been wet this
also works with the iPhone 5s usually
when the there's water damage done to
the phone it usually is with the power
source instead of the motherboard
especially got in rice soon enough
anyway no guarantee that this works but
hey you know it's worth a shot
especially if you got a warranty or
don't have Apple care anyway like if
this video helped you and Oh for you to
subscribe thanks you can see that this
phone has the water damage indicator
that's completely bled out or this phone
is completely white still when it gets
wet it turns red
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