How to install heated seats in any vehicle for 50 bucks
How to install heated seats in any vehicle for 50 bucks
okay so we're taking on the seat right
now um there's just usually just four
bolts on either side and there's the two
bolts right there and then the two one
is in the back or on the left of the
ledge and the hole so you can just come
I'm just make sure you take off all the
wires and stuff okay so we got to take
out the seat belt to basically is just
one of those little star bolts so one of
these little guys that was just stuck
inside of there and then the seat belt
just came up and out just like that and
now the wiring is also unclipped right
here and so the seat belt the seat can
just come out so every seats getting a
little bit different this one latches on
with these little clips just like that
one that one stuck on so this is the pad
itself it's got the connectors coming
out the back so I need to do is slip it
now that I have the seat up a little bit
when I kind of tuck it up inside of
there without removing too many clips
make it less complicated as possible
and then I get up inside of here so the
best way I've found to do it is to take
off these little these strips release
them all the way and then put them back
it down again so they're not as tight
that way when you slip it down and
underneath the seat they're a lot easier
to pull off you don't want to pull them
off and then put under the seat
otherwise I'll get caught then make sure
it's as flat as possible underneath so
the person sitting on a can't tell so
now we're just putting the pad in the
upper part of the seat back and the pads
in there
I'll straighten everything and now we
just need to pull out the sticky parts
so for the side of the seat this is
where the button goes I've taken a drill
bit I believe the actual size is like a
25 32 or 27 32 you just take the little
sensor slide it down inside and then
once the sensor is in just press it down
into place looks like a little bit
bigger and then it will snap into place
and not come out that's what it looks
like with the button in place
now we're just cleaning up the wires
underneath I put them all down flat so I
could still time if I need to adjust the
seat at all I'm also be able to slide
back and forth and right now I just have
these wires sticking out just for the
ground in the power so once I attach
those I'll clean those up as well so
when we're connecting the power we have
to connect up to a wire that is only on
when the car is on so right now I have
that wire cut open a little bit as you
can see so if I touch it with my tester
it's not going to turn on unless the car
turns on so now the car is on is running
electricity that's just to make sure
that we don't have this running and
draining the battery at the same time so
this is only going to be on if the car
is on okay so this is I'm gonna work for
the power I took the fuse out
I'm with the ground the little round
thing on the end wasn't cutting it for
me so I'm going to do is I'm going to
attach it to this bolt that goes right
down inside of there holes connect the
frame so it should be grounded I'm gonna
do it on this side so we wrap around the
bolt and then just bolt it in really
tight in this great way some of that
black paint as well to give it a better
connection then right here you never
want to cut any of the wires all the way
through so I'm going to show you how to
splice that in without cutting it I made
a connection right here's I took up took
apart a section of the wire and then
stabbed the other wire through it this
one then wrapped it around and that will
make it so that the thing itself will
hold once I put the electrode tape
around it and it also never cut any of
the wires
there we go I have a switch right here
the high off and low got the yellow LED
in that
which one it is I got all the wires
tucked up underneath zip tied to the top
of the frame of the seat just making
sure that when I slide the seat back and
forth we never have any problems with
the wires getting pinched anywhere
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