JerryRigEverything Q&A - Ask Me Anything!- AskJerryRig #1
JerryRigEverything Q&A - Ask Me Anything!- AskJerryRig #1
so my name is Zach I run the YouTube
channel called jerry-rigged everything
and I just passed a quarter million
subscribers so I figured it was high
time that I do a Q&A to answer any
questions that people might have I did
initiate the Q&A on Twitter so if you're
not following me over there head over
there follow me and then you can ask
some questions for the next Q&A and
whenever I decide to do that the most
popular question that I seem to get on
YouTube and Twitter is this one what
smartphone do you use as your daily
driver so I've tried out a lot of
different phones and my current favorite
is the Samsung I have the Galaxy s7 edge
that I use as my daily driver I'm not a
huge fan of the edge feature to be
honest with you I prefer a flat screen
phone like the note 5 that one was
fantastic I did just buy the note 7 to
use as my daily driver as well I bought
a second one not the one that I'm using
in my test so we'll see how that goes so
I actually get a surprising number of
questions about this as well what color
is your hair and can you show us a photo
of you with hair so this is a picture of
me with hair this should be interesting
I'm at a construction site and then here
is another picture of me with hairs is
after I wrecked my truck that's a story
for another time so is this the type of
hair that you pictured me with let me
know what you think down in the comments
but like I always say you can't grow
hair and brains at the same time is that
right dad that's exactly right
great minds think alike so why did you
make your first video so this happened
about four years ago had a really old
Jeep that broke down and I'd never
really worked on cars a whole lot at
this point and I went to a shop to ask
him how much it was to fixed they wanted
$1,000 for it and I was like there's no
way this cheat doesn't even worth $1,000
so I jumped on Google YouTube and
watched some videos on how to fix it and
I found one that had the exact same
problem that my Jeep did and I ended up
fixing it for 80 bucks instead of a
thousand so I messaged the guy who made
the video and I was like you know thank
you so much for helping me out like why
do you make videos and so the channel
that I watched was Brian's mobile one so
check him out he is free
awesome but he responded back and he
said the reason that he makes videos is
to decrease world suck to make the world
a better place and I thought that was
the coolest thing and so you know
putting that in in addition to the fact
that you can make money with YouTube
with the little ads that play in front
of the videos I was like that is my
dream job right there so I started doing
YouTube about four years ago and it kind
of just took off after that had about
2000 subscribers my first year after
making videos and now we're sitting just
over a quarter million so uh hard work
and perseverance pays off do you do
meetups I have done some conferences in
the past not like meetups specifically
but I was in Ireland with Casey nice tat
what's inside shonduras and so we hung
out with some fans up there and actually
in October I will be in LA here in the
United States and I'll be doing another
conference called vid summit I'll put a
link for that information down in the
video description if you're interested
in that yeah so if you're anywhere in
California come out and hang out with us
advids summit there's gonna be a bunch
of other big youtubers there as well do
you have a job other than YouTube right
now I do not YouTube is my main thing it
actually takes a surprising amount of
time to make youtube videos like a
teardown you know like with the HTC 10
that probably took eight hours to film
the video tear it down
edit the video do the voice-over and
everything so it really is a full-time
job with full-time hours I actually get
a lot of this question as well what is
your favorite phone of the year
durability wise and which phone is your
worst so if I had to pick I'm actually
planning on making a video about the
durability of all the phones in 2016 at
the end I keep all of my phones that I
do the durability tests on and if I had
to pick one right now you know in the
middle of the year I think the HTC ten
is really rocking it as far as
durability goes and then the worst phone
durability wise you know the me five was
surprising the way that it broke and
then as far as like just you know poor
quality of the phone not to dig on an LG
g5 or anything but that one you know
when they claim that the phone is metal
and it's not it has a thick layer of
plastic or primer around surface that
was pretty disappointing so those are
probably my two least favorite phones do
you plan on expanding your chain
up to more than just smartphones
actually I've been thinking about this a
lot lately I love doing repair videos on
smartphones and durability tests but it
was actually really fun to go up to my
grandpa's cabin and film that video
about me getting rid of the mice problem
so in the future I would definitely like
to do more videos like that where it's
like a bigger project and I compile it
down in just a short little interesting
video so be on the lookout for some more
of those how do you know how to tear
down a new smartphone do you read
instructions online or do you proceed by
guesses it's actually a little bit of
both if I'm the first person ever to
make a repair video on a particular
smartphone I'm going in totally blind
there's no guides or anything
manufacturers actually don't like it
when you get inside to repair your own
smartphones they kind of lose money from
it plus there aren't very many channels
on YouTube that are doing teardown
videos on cell phones it's pretty much
just me and I fix it and then a couple
other smaller channels here and there
you know they do a pretty good job but
usually I'm going in blind but if you
think about it it's not that big of a
just because with the iPhone 5 the 5s
the 5c the 6 the 6s all of those have
the same basic design so if you've
opened up the 5 you already know what to
expect in the 6s and the same thing with
the Samsung's
you know with the Samsung Galaxy s6 the
s7 the note 5 the note 7 those are all
the same basic design as well so I kind
of have a basic idea of what to expect
when I get inside so I'm not too shocked
so how do you handle allegations against
you like the Nexus 6p and now Corning
Gorilla Glass 5 so this is actually a
good question I am NOT a person that
loves confrontation so my favorite
videos to make are my repair videos
where I you know there's a positive
outcome I'm showing people how to save
money and fix their own stuff that's
what I really like to do what shocked me
a lot was the stream amount of hate that
I got for that first Nexus 6p video I
understand that my presentation was a
little bit extreme in that video so I
ended up buying a second phone and doing
a second test on it just to explain
myself a little bit better and that one
went over a lot you know smoother than
the first one did but just like the
unrealistic amount of hate for I got
from the first one you know people
saying that I faked the test that I was
a liar you know to go kill myself like
that's nobody enjoys that stuff with
Gorilla Glass 5 is not that big of a
deal you know scratching is a very minor
deal compared to the severe
if damaged at the Nexus 6p ad and I have
no hard feelings towards the no 7 at all
I actually bought a second no 7 to use
as my daily driver
I think Samsung is a fantastic company
and Corning has done a great job with
their glass you know shadow resistance
is still a fantastic attribute even if
you do lose a little bit with the
scratch resistance
have you ever injured yourself while
filming a durability test or teardown
video not that I can remember I mean I
do use a razor blade and a lot of my you
know tear downs and stuff which probably
isn't the smartest tool to use but the
time the only time I can remember
stabbing myself is in one of my wood
carving videos where I was carving out a
ball in cage wood project and I think
towards the end of that video you can
see some blood if you watch close enough
it might have been edited out during the
time lapse I'm not sure but I definitely
did cut my finger during that the scar
you see on my hand and most of my videos
is actually when I was 8 years old
working on a woodworking project now is
way before I started you know YouTube so
that scars from a long time ago do
tipper glass screen protectors help in
case your phone drops if so how much I
love tempered glass screen protectors
they're a little bit harder to install
when you have a curved screen like the
galaxy note 7 or the s7 edge but the
tempered glass really does add a layer
of protection it's kind of like body
armor you know if you're going
paintballing and you have a plastic
shield over your chest and you get hit
with the paintball you almost don't feel
it because that impact is spread out
over more area same thing with the
tempered glass screen protector if you
drop your screen and it hits a rock or
something the impact is spread out over
more area than just your glass screen of
your phone it has that shield in front
of it so tempered glass is definitely
the way to go
if you get a screen protector with the
curved screens it's probably better to
get one that wraps around the edge of
the curve just so you can get that
little bit of padding around the edges
of it as well who is your favorite
YouTube tech channel now this question
is actually pretty hard to answer
because there are so many awesome
YouTube tech channels out there I would
have to say that my favorite channels
are the ones who teach how to do
something you know instructional videos
or do-it-yourself videos or you know
showing how a project is done I went to
college and I graduated from college but
one thing I hated was going to college
that I was paying for and my professors
would pull up a YouTube video that they
got for free to teach us what they were
be teaching us and it's like you know
why am i paying for this when I can just
watch you do on my own
you know anytime that I need to learn
something how to edit a video on Adobe
Premiere or Photoshop and having a
tutorial online is just so helpful so
those are the channels that I love the
most the instructional do it yourself
for free videos if you have any more
questions leave them down in the
comments below I do answer questions
quite often in the comments after I post
a video I'm usually around for an hour
to just kind of responding and making
sure that everything is going smoothly
and all the questions have been answered
thank you so much for watching and
subscribing I could not be doing all of
these videos without you guys my
subscribers coming back so often and
watching every video that I make you
guys are awesome
I post most my behind-the-scenes stuff
on Instagram and Twitter those are where
I'm most active I do a little bit on
snapchat as well so make sure you follow
me on those and thanks for watching hope
see you around
so here's another question actually get
a surprising amount of
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