today we'll be doing a camera lens
replacement on the LG g6 I broke this
lens on purpose specifically for this
video some people might call that phone
abuse but I think it's for a good cause
there are multiple ways to accomplish
this task the one is by removing the
back glass panel and popping the lens
off from the inside but today I'm going
to try a less invasive maneuver and pull
the lens off from the front as always
I'll be using a bonafide Hardware
replacement camera lenses just because I
know they're real glass and not the
imitation plastic stuff let's get
started d LG g6 has a pretty big slab of
glass for a camera lens and with that
extra surface area comes a slightly
higher chance of breaking I'm using
bonafide hardware camera lenses I went
through several different suppliers and
it took a while to find a real glass
lens these guys made the cut the lens is
held on by a similar adhesive like you
saw on the back of the samsung galaxy
camera lenses the more heat it has the
softer it gets and the easier district
I'll warm it up until it's just barely
to hot to touch once it's extremely warm
I'll take my razor and try to grab the
lip of the glass and leverage it out a
sharp razor is best for this or if you
have a chunk of glass missing out of
your lens you can start there too with a
pair of tweezers or something if you're
wondering why my phone is clear I'll add
a link for that video in the description
now that I have my tool under the glass
I'll warm it up one last time and lift
the rest of the glass off from the phone
my adhesive came up still attached to
the glass and it's holding it all
relatively together which is good it's
extremely important that glass dust does
not fall into the camera unit you can
see the normal camera on the right and
the wide-angle lens on the left glass
dust will stop the camera from focusing
and stabilizing so be careful I'll turn
the camera side down and give it a
couple sharp taps on the screen to help
clear out any dust that might have
fallen down into the lens and then I'll
test the camera without the exterior
glass in place everything appears to be
working and the camera can still focus
and take pictures that probably deserves
a thumbs up if you're into that kind of
thing the bonafide Hardware replacement
glass for the LG G 6 comes with its own
adhesive on the back like with any glass
I'll make sure both sides are clean from
dust and fingerprints before pulling off
the protective layer and then I'll snip
off that little nub that remains since
the lens is pretty snug I don't want
that little nub getting in the way I'll
set the lens in place making sure to
keep my finger prints off from the
underside of the glass that'll be
impossible to clean once the lens is set
down a few final test pictures to make
sure everything is clean and working if
the camera is taking blurry pictures or
won't focus make sure the glass you
installed is clean and clear if it still
won't focus after that it's probably
dust that got inside the camera unit
sometimes that'll clear up on its own
after a few days or you can try a few
soft taps on the screen like we did
earlier with the camera side face down
gravity will help jostle any glass dust
out from the camera if you enjoyed
watching this video or actually needed
to replace the camera lens on your phone
hit that subscribe button and come hang
out with me on Twitter and Instagram
thanks a ton for watching and I'll see
you around
if you made it this far in the video
tell me what your current favorite song
is in the comments below I need some new
music in my life thanks
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