all right so there's a new thing out
called NeverWet basically whatever you
spray it on gets protected by a
hydrophobic surface as you can see from
my cleverly made jerry-rigged everything
brick stencil the water is only sticking
to the area of the brick that does not
have the spray on it everything that was
sprayed beads up and rolls off leaving
the brick 100% dry to the touch the box
says it's good for metal concrete wood
shoes and fabrics but says nothing about
electronics probably for a good reason
naturally having the cellphone
background that I do I wondered if you
could take this magical substance and
coat a phone against water damage I have
fueled phones laying around so I grabbed
an Evo took it apart and attempted to
immortalize my cell phone there are two
sprays in the box the base coat and the
final coat I followed the instructions
to the letter and with one base coat and
several light top coats I covered the
phone I left the ribbon cables plugged
in as to not have the waterproof gunk
getting on the connectors I reassembled
the phone you can see a white film
around the edge of the phone coating the
entire phone screen and everything would
not be an option with the way this spray
stuff dries once I reassemble the phone
nothing the phone appears to turn on it
vibrates and lights up and charges but
the screen is dead the sprays must have
somehow come in contact with the LCD and
digitizer ribbon cables and shorted it
out I tried scraping off the battery
connectors as well to see if that does
anything but nothing
here's just another quick example of how
the hydrophobic coating works you can
see it just beating up and rolling off
well it still is a fun project like
always thanks for watching don't forget
to like if this video helped you if you
thought it was interesting and don't
forget to subscribe thanks
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