so this is a Jeep Cherokee Laredo
it's a 95 the Jeep threw a rod about two
years ago and it's been sitting around
ever since you can kind of tell that
from the line through the rod the oil
came up through the this end down in
here into the air filter because there's
a bunch of oil down inside of there
that's what's kind of a giveaway that it
threw a rod needs a new engine we're
going to a engine swap on it started the
front grille has three screws here here
and there you just unscrew those three
things go comes up and off okay so to
take out the radiator it comes up in
parts there's a bolt here here here here
times there's four along the top and
then there's two more underneath the
bottom so on the front grille right
above the license plate here and here
and the whole thing should just lift out
I finally got the radiator out there's a
few more hoses and connectors that
needed to come off as well um there's
this one right here and there's two more
at the very bottom of the radiator I'm a
big tube and a little tube I'll show you
with those ones are so that top one was
here and then the big tube little too I
took them off at the other end where it
connects to the motor that way guys have
to take apart less things as I'm taking
out the engine so to get the whole thing
apart I did have to take apart the fan
that made it the easiest may give me a
lot more room to work with once I had
the fan out and the plastic shroud out
the whole thing giving more room to get
the radiator out to move the cables
around the big hoses thing you always
have to do is make sure to put all the
back where you got them just to make
sure that there's no chance of you
losing them later on because there's
going to be a lot of leftover bolts and
stuff like that if you do that so better
to stay organized
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