Samsung Ativ S Neo Screen and Charging port fix, Windows 8 Phone
Samsung Ativ S Neo Screen and Charging port fix, Windows 8 Phone
all right so today I'm going to show you
how to take apart the atif s neo from
Samsung this phone is currently on
Sprint here in the US and we're gonna
start off by taking off the back taking
out the battery and there are 10 screws
around the outside of the phone there's
this one in the corner and I'm gonna
show you where the placement is of all
the other screws right here you can go
ahead and pause the video if you want to
just make sure to take out all the
screws there they're all the same size
you don't need to worry about jumbled in
a month make sure to take out the SIM
card click it in and it'll slide right
out to remove the screen take your nan
your pry tool and slide it around the
edges and you'll hear a series of clicks
as it snaps the outside casing away from
the actual screen itself do this a few
times just to make sure all the little
locks are unclick just kind of wiggle it
out there you can see it coming away
from the actual from the back of the
phone then right there it came loose so
there's no wires or anything holding on
the back casing to the actual phone
itself here you can see the water marker
where it shows where that's been wet or
not here we have the phone so when I
take apart right now this part is a
bracket that holds the charging port in
place on this black piece of plastic is
also the microphone so if you're
replacing the microphone this is the
piece that you'll need to replace as
soon as it becomes available I'll place
it a link for it in the video
description below
I'm usually from Amazon as a place I'd
buy all my parts from anyway so I just
unlatch the ribbon cable for the
charging port from the motherboard and
then here's a wire cable right here as
well that I am just lifting up to
unlatch from the motherboard itself pull
the wire cable out from the little
groove that it's in next to the battery
and do the same thing with this wire
cable from this side so that's how you
unplug the charging port I'll show you
how to remove it in just a second
there's two
wire cables sorry ribbon cables up at
the top and then there's a ribbon cable
right here as well they just unclick
kind of like Legos they just unsnap
really easily and that frees up the
motherboard for you the camera on the
motherboard is also replaceable as the
same type of wire ribbon cable that you
can just unsnap and it becomes loose so
if you need to replace that it's pretty
simple to just snap a new one in place
here is the earpiece as well as the
they are both attached to the same piece
so if you replace one you gotta replace
both once again I'll put the parts in
the video description as soon as they
become available on Amazon or ISA fly
and here's how to remove the charging
port the whole thing is just kind of a
circuit board slash ribbon so and it's
just glued down to the bottom of the
phone it does come up relatively easily
though what I found works best is just
to take my non-marring pry tool and
slide it underneath the top of the of
the charging port and then down into it
right following the ribbon cable down so
don't put any pressure on the ribbon
cable do that to both sides and it pops
loose so here's a charging port it's
really that simple to replace is super
easy take your new one press it down
into place using the same glue that you
had before the black plastic will hold
it down into place with those two screws
so you have to worry about it too much
and I'm gonna take the ribbon cables
sorry the wire cables and slide them
into the grooves where they came from
then I'm taking the motherboard and
position it remembering to keep all of
the ribbon cables on the upper side of
the motherboard just like that so there
are two up at the top that you have to
clip in and they snap in just like Legos
so there's the one on the side that I'm
doing right now
and then there's the two wire cables one
on either side of the phone
you only have one shot at this you got
to make sure to clip them in you know
putting the pressure directly from the
top of the phone otherwise you might
bend the little lip and it won't connect
anymore anyway so now I'm placing down
the microphone / charging port bracket
and putting the screws in overall I'm
pretty impressed with this phone I
really like half Samsung has made the
charging port replaceable mostly because
the charging port is usually what goes
out on a smartphone first is the part
that suffers the most abuse so making it
replaceable is a pretty intelligent
decision and I'm going to snap the back
on you'll hear a series of clicks as you
take this screen and kind of push it
back into place and it fits perfectly so
you won't notice you know you wouldn't
be able to tell it anyone ever took the
phone apart it's gonna keep on snapping
those around pop the battery in back on
and don't forget to put all the screws
in I'll put up that little picture here
in just a second
and everything works there you go I hope
that you found this video interesting
don't forget to like the video if it
helped you out at all and don't forget
to subscribe I do put up the videos on a
fairly regular basis I enjoy taking
apart anyway there's the screw layout
and don't forget to subscribe thanks for
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