Behind me I have a bullet proof Tesla.
No one has ever shot a bullet proof Tesla
We're going to be the first.
Let's get started.
[Music playing]
So Tesla does not sell bullet proof Teslas
- it's something that has to happen after
the fact.
It's an after market upgrade you could say.
So with a bullet proof Tesla, they have to
add bullet proof glass for the windshield,
the driver's side, the passenger side, the
rear trunk, and they also add bullet proof
paneling inside the metal doors.
So no matter where a projectile might enter
into the vehicle, whether through the window
or through the door panel, it's going to stop
the bullet in the car instead of letting it
inside of, you know, the cabin area.
The goal is to kind of protect the passenger
area like a cocoon Bullet proof windshield,
we have a bullet proof A post, B post right
here behind Star Man, and then C post back
All of those have the bullet proof paneling
inside of them.
So since this particular Model S Tesla has
been bullet proofed to withstand, you know,
hand guns, it did add about 430 pounds worth
of weight, you know, between the thickness
of the glass and the body panels and the door.
If this Tesla was bullet proofed to withstand
rifles, you know, it's a bigger bullet, you
know, more power, it would add about 700 or
800 pounds.
But Tesla's are already pretty heavy vehicles,
you know, that's why they are so safe.
They don't roll over.
So adding 400 pounds isn't that big of a deal.
It still has an insane amount of get-up-and-go
and it still looks almost the exact same as
it did when it first came from Tesla.
So one thing that is different with this amoured
Tesla is the bracket right here around the
window...there's a little bit of structural
integrity added to the glass because on Tesla's
it's a free floating panel.
So the armoured portion is this thick part
of the glass right here, and then this is
a rebated edge.
If there were a projectile to come in through
this window, this glass would stop it.
If the projectile were to come in through
the thin portion, it would be stopped right
here up in the A frame.
You might be thinking to yourself, but what
happens if someone shoots out the tires?
There is a solution to that.
Dan from the YouTube channel What's Inside
made a video about how the tires can still
keep rolling even if they're flat.
I'll post a link for that video at the end
of this one.
Make sure you check it out.
So for this video I'm going to be using a
Glock 19 which is a 9mm hand gun.
So this is a regular 9mm bullet.
It has the solid tip on the end.
But we're also going to be shooting with this.
This is a hollow point 9mm bullet, and so
when it hits something, these little phalanges
on the end spread out and it has a little
bit different of an impact area.
We're going to see what happens with the bullet
proof glass when hit with both of these bullets.
[Music playing]
Three, two, one!
[Shooting sounds]
That was sweet!
That is insane.
I can still hear the glass....listen to the
glass...[cracking sounds]...that's crazy.
It hit right here in the center and you can
see that this top layer of glass shattered
And there's no hole yet, so pretty sure that
the bullet didn't go through.
We'll hit it a couple more times in just a
So on the Tesla right here we have the point
of impact and we have a little bit of pulverized
glass right here along the edge.
So when the bullet hits bullet proof glass,
it just kind of disintegrates.
It just dissolves into nothing, and all the
energy, the forward momentum, gets distributed
into the glass itself and kind of like fractures
outward because the glass is made up of multiple
If we open it up from the inside, you can
see the underside of the glass is completely
flat and smooth right here.
My fingers are not getting caught with any
of the glass shards because this layer underneath
is a poly-carbonate It's kind of a plastic
of sorts that absorbs the energy from the
So now we can kind of see the different layers
from the bullet's hit right here.
The glass on the outside has a little ridge
on the end.
As soon as it hit that poly-carbonate, that's
when the bullet stops going into the glass.
So a lot of people think that bullet proof
means that's like Superman – the
bullet's going to hit it and just bounce off
and leave no damage, but there's a lot of
energy in a bullet, so that has to be absorbed
into the glass.
And it's going to leave some damage, but the
bullet didn't penetrate, and that's what we're
There's a safe cocoon inside of the car that
allows the person inside just to be safe.
So that first shot was done with a 9mm bullet.
This is the little guy right here.
It's just a solid tipped, you know, normal...this
is what you'd buy to do target shooting or
something like that.
Now we're going to shoot it with a hollow
This bullet is a little bit different.
This one actually has a hollow tip with little
phalanges along the side that will open up
and hit the glass, and we'll see if it has
a different impact radius or if it affects
the glass any differently than the original
[Music playing]
Three, two, one!
[Shooting sounds]
It has a smaller impact radius.
That's interesting.
I would have thought for sure that the way
the bullet expands after it hits something,
it would have been bigger.
And, because we compromised the glass the
first time around, I thought for sure the
next one would be bigger, but it's actually
a smaller impact zone.
That's interesting.
That looks sweet.
[Dan] Better shoot it again.
Yeah, one more time!
Three, two, one!
[Shooting sounds]
Right there.
So that was another non-hollow point and it
looks about the same.
So I think the hollow points are more for
soft objects.
And you can still hear the glass like cracking.
Right here there's a piece of glass.
That's awesome.
A lot more glass...pulverized glass down here
at the bottom...just disintegrated.
So no matter where a bullet hits on this Tesla,
it's protected.
Where the bullet hits the glass obviously,
but also in the A pillar, the B pillar, the
C pillar, and inside of the door panels.
The whole thing is just kind of like a cocoon
of safety inside – and not just for bullets,
you know, the whole car is more sturdy as
it is right now because of the added support
and internal structure.
Whether it's random acts of violence or a
roll over, you know, Tesla's are pretty safe
as they are, but you know, a little added
protection never hurts.
It's kind of like having a case on your cell
You don't want to damage the important stuff
So just like with regular glass, here on the
outside my razor blade won't be able to do
any damage.
It's not leaving any scratches.
Obviously, we did it with a bullet a couple
times - that will do the trick.
But on the inside, right here, we can see
it's still, it's completely flat on the inside.
Nothing's getting caught on my fingers.
I can rub my hands totally safe on the inside
of the car, but there is plastic on the inside.
You can tell that my razor is leaving a mark
and that's because of the poly-carbonate inside
of the Tesla.
So glass is glass, and glass breaks...but
poly-carbonate can stop bullets.
So is it possible to put bullet proof glass
on a cell phone?
Not really.
With how thick it know, a cell phone
needs to sense where your finger's at and
bullet proof glass with the thickness and
the different just wouldn't work.
It's not financially feasible either.
Bullet proof glass is kind of expensive.
So when companies are advertising bullet proof
screen protectors or explosion proof screen
protectors, that's not the case.
On Dan's channel, we're seeing how bullet
proof the tires are.
I'll leave a link for that up here in the
And yeah, huge thanks to ArmorMax for letting
us shoot their Tesla.
I hope we'll be back again someday with a
future project.
It's a different way of testing stuff, but
I enjoyed it.
Thanks a ton for watching, and I'll see you
[Music playing]
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