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Here's my Camera - VLOG #7 - Road to 100k

everyone's room up back to another vlog here road to 100,000 subscribers I'll put the number down here somewhere and welcome to all the new people welcome back to all those who have been following me love all your faces love all your comments even the bad ones and off filming again of course last night only common audience asleep until 3:30 last night woke up at 7 took my little girl to take care and how on the road right now I need a film as quickly as possible and just basically just trying to catch up from last week last week my little girl had the flu or had a fever or so and she had to stay home from day care and you know I had a it took you know some time away for me to work but I need to catch up products are coming out like crazy so just hustling right now I'm gonna show you guys what I have in my bag that basically some products that I bought or a product that I bought here speaking of my bag here next week's the next week's vlog I'm gonna show you what I carry in my bag in general basically my tools my laptop you know etc just to show you guys you know my my work tool is basically and for today's vlog I'm going to show you what kind of camera mocking a lot of people asked me what kind of cameras I use what kind of lens tripod etc I'll show you guys that pretty shortly but just real quickly quickly here that's when I can discuss some consumer news sadly and I put this on social media asking if anyone else had the same or similar issue my Samsung Note 4 battery has unfortunately gone kaput I think it is not a big deal of course I can replace I can swap it out but at 15% battery remaining that bit the phone just died he just turns off and I'm gonna turn them back on it's at 0% this just started happening this past weekend prior to that the last month or two at about 5% it would start dying and then doing this crap but I don't know what the hell's going on but besides the one I can replace the battery but the big the main issue I want to talk about is the Samsung s6 edge+ that I'm reviewing right now it is a non-removable back I hope I hope Samsung has shows as it shows that a good battery that would not be faulty after a year this Note 4 is less than a year old I bought it when it came out so next month November or maybe December I can't remember it would be a full year so unfortunately this phone has recently died yeah I mean the s6 edge+ the battery I mean you can hire somebody to open up the phone and rip off the adhesive and replace the battery and whatnot but I mean I don't know what they're charging one two compared to a removal black back plates I consumer home can easily replace the memory so that's my qualms that's my that's why I've been advocating my reviews I know it doesn't happen to everybody I'm very well aware of that some old Motorola phones there no batteries still work today surprisingly and it still holds it chargeable and I have in my drawer I haven't thrown it away or anything it's like four years old so who knows how the consumer news if you guys have see or haven't seen this link I posted up on my social media Facebook Twitter Instagram there's this one company that surprisingly owned I'm a virtually 90 percent of the glasses and eyewear that is on the market today it is ridiculous watch the video put the link in the video description very cool to watch if you guys watch that so that's about it but um let me go get the products in the trunk here give me a second I'll be back all right it's on next week what I want to do is I'm gonna show you what's in my bag what I usually carry when I go off-site this is just one of the bags let me show you guys what I got here that out the way of course still testing the v10 from LG I have I let me see I think in my pocket here yep galaxy s6 edge+ and he was one of the products and I purchased this I didn't get it shipped but here you go of course I'll be testing this pretty soon here it's basically chromecast the new one I have the old one the other one the features I love it I cast everything from my phone we cut our cable bill watching Netflix YouTube videos a lot of Jimmy Fallon YouTube video clips and whatnot and I stream I don't know once and while I play twitch down there and the wife's not home I don't know but I love the chromecast for 35 bucks this is the new one of course faster that's what I'm hoping for because the the first one I do one even when I first bought it I noticed that it was lagging a good bit so hopefully this works out but I didn't get his bag out the way here again next week I'll show you what's given here so you guys excited about this now I tweeted them and they didn't say if they are coming to my neighborhood or not they didn't disclose as of yet the only thing that they could tell me was their building in my city so I still have to wait I hope I prayed to God guys man I'm excited to hopefully coming and building my town here I am willing to pay you guys $70 a month for that one gigabyte download I know I'm probably not gonna get that whole one gigabyte speed but it's better than what I have right now Time Warner I'm paying right now they just upgraded the speed for free because they know competition is coming in Google Fiber baby bump my particular plant up to 100 megabytes download and 10 megabytes upload sounds great some days I get 20 megabytes down I still get the 10 up and then there's some days I get 80 down you know 50 down 60 down it varies or fluctuates so much it's crazy and there's days when time water is not even usable and I don't even live out in the boonies I live you know in the suburbs you know 20 minutes 30 minutes outside the city and so I don't get it but I'm paying sixty five dollars sixty four dollars I'm changed for that I'm going to pay seventy four you guys please come well let's see what they gave me here this is actually free you just had a sign up on their website all right so they gave me this little card here there you go and of course it gave me a shirt I love the dark colors I love the charcoal gray or or it's heather gray or charcoal gray whatever awesome thank you google or alphabet whoever you guys are right now freaking taking over the world as long as you guys provide reliable service I'm happy with that all right so that's it and again chromecast and that's it for four packages today I have to get running I'm hungry as hell has just been a crazy morning pretty start and man it's time to hustle in time to grind like I said I slept like 3:00 this morning and woke up at 7:00 3:30 and woke up at 7:00 oh man gotta work gotta grind baby gotta do what you got to do so later in this video I'm gonna show you what my camera's I know a lot of people has been asking me about my camera I got that on this vlog for you guys so stay tuned like I said earlier I haven't eaten lunch yet but that's where I'm going I'm hungry let's go all right back to work alright folks I know you guys been waiting for this for quite some time now a lot of people that have been asked me what camera do I use for my for my reviews so just a heads up for the longest time I have been using a Nikon d5100 s first ever DSLR camera that I had very old now I think the occur models D 5500 basically just use what you've got to be honest with you and I just recently got this brand new camera I mean probably maybe four months now so a lot of the videos that you see on youtube prior to against four months and back have been on my old camera and like I said you can do a lot of work with a beginners camera an entry-level camera you do obviously get a little bit more flexibility with a more professional a full-frame sensor but anyways let me just show you my camera here now walk yes to the steps let me rotate the video here alright folks and there she goes it's a Nikon d810 it's a full-frame sensor camera 36 megapixels this can record in video up to 1080p at 60 frames per second which is what you guys see in the reviews very sharp obviously it's not 4k but still with this combination of lens and the amazing new sensor that they have on here this still gives one of the sharpest images that's available right now from Nikon which I'm totally thrilled about real quick in regard to lens I didn't use the kit lens looking up reviews the kit let this actually outperform the kit lens this is a Tamron 24 to 70 millimeter f-stop of 2.8 fixed and both the body and also the lens itself this is considered as a professional camera so if you were to do sports photography or go out I don't know into the desert or so or even at the beach where it's windy maybe some sand is blowing around and whatnot it is weather sealed so it does prevent allowed that nasty gunk from getting in there but again beautiful combination I really love it let's go to the side real quick here look at some of the things that I didn't have on my old camera you got your microphone and head headphone ports to monitor your audio from the microphone and just if you guys are curious it's a roadie mic Pro pretty standard I'm okay with this one I would have now looking back I would have gotten the sure microphone a little bit more expensive but I did discuss that in my previous vlog and going down here USB 3.0 thank goodness for those fast transfers and of course a mini HDMI if I have to connect this to a external monitor which I don't have attached today going to the rear here thing is built like a tank and get the strap out the way for you guys on the back just to show you guys what it looks like your canvas I'm trying to focus pretty standard stuff and let's rotate to the right four so for you photography junkies and whatnot you guys probably know more than I do and that's the reason why I haven't done a review on this one hi I have taken some photos with this and it works amazingly well at least for me again I am the average consumer although I have a professional camera but on the video side up that's my strong suit on photography I'm alright but on the video side of you use it more often so that's why I haven't done a full review on this or a review in general it's because I don't think I would give it enough justice or meat on this professional camera if I were to review this and put it out but nonetheless you guys see the work that I do tell me how it looks I mean of course I seen the feedback and whatnot but I hope you guys do like it but keep in mind I think only my last 20 to 25 videos has been shot on this everything that I've learned was on my old camera the the 5100 so you don't technically need a really badass camera to really get started but I guess once you you know get your feet wet establish yourself then you may consider it to a like I said a full-frame camera this does help tremendously in low-light performance this is actually one of the best in low-light performance I believe either equivalent or just right below these sony was at a seven are I believe that's the other second best performing low-light camera at the moment but but yeah I mean there she goes below that is a Manfrotto tripod with a Manfrotto video head this is a fluid drag system so like I said I recommend it for anyone considering getting into YouTube if you're going to be doing a lot of pans and whatnot let me give me a second let me try to twitch this you can turn this ring and it basically gives you resistance and this is how I get my very smooth panning shots there's a lot of resistance on there right now and that's how I get my smooth rotations same thing with vertical twist that and I can just push up and down and it will give me that smooth smooth flow and that's it again that's my camera there and I know a lot of guys a lot of people were asking about what camera I use and there she is I put the link in the description below I believe it is currently on sale right now for about six or seven hundred dollars less for the body than what I paid for retail when it first came out no and one last thing the reason why I didn't go with Canon I was hoping for a Canon 5d Mark 4 to come out but instead they came out with the 5d S&T 5d are it doesn't shoot at 4k which is fine me I don't really care too much for 4k right now at least since most people don't even have the internet connections even run 4k streamed via YouTube or even you know on other websites and whatnot but but you had a Canon from what I heard like I said I could be wrong the sensor was the same as the mark 3 with just a huge increase in megapixels it's up to like what 50 megapixels right now which is crazy good for photography but for video again you're shooting at 1080p this camera does phenomenal at the time one this just came out the Canon didn't have a model out yeah the the 5d r and the five es wasn't out yet so I didn't have any reviews to base my purchase but actually I got this and Lisa once the 5d Mark four comes out if it ever comes out it may be a consideration all right guys I know it's a long video here let me get to the questions for you guys all right folks just like in last week's vlog write down your questions in the comment section below you can ask me anything and I'll try to answer them next week on next week's vlog and it doesn't have to be YouTube related or not even though this is road to 100,000 subscribers all right first up here I'm gonna go real quick here because this video is long enough Goose 24 how often does a company sponsor me to do a review I think I answered that earlier in this vlog here I did record it earlier this morning 1959 95 to 98% of the time I do pay for my own products so currently I am still shelling it out of my own pocket Nicolay Nicolae Andrei I am so sorry if I pronounce these names wrong I'm really bad with names how long does it take for me to edit the video I did answer this question probably about I think vlog number two and I go into detail but real quick here it takes me to edit just literally editing alone it takes me about a day so six to eight hours amber Etzel what I consider reviewing fitness equipment such as bikes I have done a couple of pull-up bars there's one pull-up bar that I very much love going to YouTube and search best pull-up bar and that's the one I personally still use today is the best one that I found so far and it cost almost equivalent to all the other ones but this one has a lot of perks and bonuses again youtube search best pull-up bar and you'll see gyms review room on there and take a look at that one it's really good and it for bikes and whatnot I can't afford it I would love to I would love a specialized bike I want to get into road biking but man those bikes are not cheap I'm still working with my beginners bike but maybe one day James Hahn what did I do with all the products after their review I majority of them I do sell them I just can't I can't keep them obviously if I reviewed three Bluetooth speakers that's what nine hundred you know 700 to 900 bucks right there in total so it's not chief I do salad most of them back I do take a hit on each one hopefully with the with the reviews I do make the money back over you know several months or a year or whatever so that's the game plan Jose Salas will you review the chromecast or he just told me to review the chromecast got on pre-order I should be getting it this weekend so definitely I want to replace my old one so I'll see how this new one performs it should be faster so we'll see yes chromecast is on the way all right folks and that's all the questions right there if you guys can add me on to Facebook Twitter and or Instagram and follow me under you guys see some you know behind the scenes pictures and also content before I can actually can put them on video of course and guys I can't say how much I'm thankful for the opportunity right now we're gonna hit 100,000 subscribers it's just a matter of when but the opportunities you know screw the numbers if the if the opportunities that you guys are offering or presenting to Jim's review room without you guys LG would have reached out to me you know without you guys I wouldn't be able to have this as my full-time job thank you thank you thank you it's that seriously from the bottom of my heart thank you and now I'm an film blessed and I'm going to keep pushing for you guys more reviews more content honest reviews some damn gold looking video and let's keep pushing I told you guys next time bye
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