hey everyone Jimmy with Jim's review
room welcome back to another one of my
vlogs this is not the 200,000 cell video
not just yet we're still about 300 to
500 subs away as of this video so that's
gonna be coming maybe next week maybe
another two more weeks or so but I put
up my calendar already I'm gonna do a
draw my life video for that particular
milestone it's gonna chronologically
tell you guys you know what my hobbies
were when I was a kid what my hobbies
were when I was a teenager that led up
to what kind of major I took at
university so what kind of jobs I took
to some of these side businesses that I
had in the in the past so what led up to
what I do today hopefully is some good
insight and letting you know I don't
know it just humble beginnings I'm an
average person that just has a unique
passion for creativity and it got me to
what I do today but anyways that's all
gonna be for that video I'm excited
about that video but today is just
really a quick simple one I want to show
you some of the rooms that have upstairs
the rooms I have upstairs were the
backdrops or the foundation of what
started my own youtube career here and
there's really empty rooms right now
there's a spare rooms hence the name
Jim's review room it's really simple but
I'm planning to up paint two of the
rooms actually and one of them I'm going
to completely empty out I'm planning to
start my second business as well
so I need to make room for some stuff
but I want to document that today and
just show you guys before I make these
changes so you know that I get the title
this video humble beginnings it all
started from a spare bedroom and I'll
show you guys some old footage as well
alright guys so this vlog is sponsored
by graphics comm sponsorships you do
help the channel tremendously here
especially this upcoming fall upcoming
Christmas season I have my entire
calendar lined up right now with a lot
of stuff that I want to review a lot of
stuff that I'm purchasing myself again
check them out and I'll see you upstairs
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I'm going to show you the very first
room here this is where it all started
this is before I did committed to
YouTube full-time the walls used to be
this color beige right here there's a
builder grades beige that came with the
house when I built it looks disgusting
but right now in the room is great this
is where my little girl actually stayed
she's a two and a half and there's some
footprints in the background this of
course was not in the reviews back in
the day but I used to have a desk here
and like a bookshelf and I had the table
set up right there I don't think it was
even a table it was yeah it was one of
my um filing cabinets that I had set up
right next to the window and I took a
white smock or some kind of white fabric
in a later over the table and I would
film on that I'll probably play some old
videos in during the vlog right now so
you guys can see what the hell I'm
talking about and it is disgusting but
it that's what that's color that's how
it started back in a day so this is the
first room I'm going to show you guys
second room real quick here
Wow alright so this is the second room
this is when I committed to YouTube
full-time you probably some of you guys
might recognize the foam padding on the
wall that's where I first started now
this room is really the the shipping
room is what I call it
and it goes just the table where I cut
paste I don't know tape boxes and stuff
like that but the reason why I have all
these boxes the reason why I don't break
them down is because I do you know of
course you get a lot of stuff and I do
ship out a lot of stuff as well I'm
almost on a daily basis so I don't want
to waste more tape I don't want to waste
time and reebok see and reassembling
these boxes so they're kind of in order
in my own little configuration or way
and here goes one of the tables that I
used to film my reviews on so if this
room I had my desk or table right there
with my monitors my my desktop on the
ground and then
actually film over here and that's
through natural lighting so if you guys
are just starting out on YouTube I would
highly implore that just get yourself
any table put it against the window and
then start filming that way now they're
one of the biggest reasons why I moved
out to the other room was because this
room would it wouldn't get the natural
lighting in the afternoon so I would
only have that limited time limited
window of filming early in the morning
right there but anyway so that's the
second room here it looks kind of like
crap right now but yeah this is just
really the storage room into a room and
also just for shipping stuff as well so
let's go through the third room here the
third room now this room is pretty dark
here however and had the grey walls that
are pretty signature to the channel next
to the black table as well I couldn't
paint the entire house downstairs of
course this color by dude like this dark
grey better it looks fabulous it looks
great under studio lighting and of
course in the reviews as well but
unfortunately like I said I can't do
that in the room downstairs right now I
just emptied it is there's nothing here
there's so some headphones laying around
here let's see what we got here I need
to bring this downstairs I haven't done
a head set review or a headphone review
and quite some time club revolvers
creative got these Sennheiser's was a
598 as ii love these things
open back and my old computer here well
here goes the original computer if you
guys watched one of my old old old
computer builds I was rocking a PCI
Express 2.0 graphics card I was like a
9800 GTX ancient back in the days and I
well ancient now I just built the new
computer probably now it's maybe about
six months old or so so again built the
foundation of YouTube off the old old
old computer here and these old acid
monitors as well I got a spare case from
fan Texas from my previous build my very
first build and right now I'm using the
tempered glass model so most likely for
next year
I'm trying to trying to grow the the
business the empire here or whatever you
want to call it maybe for another second
workers so that's why I'm keeping this
case I don't want to put anything to
waste here that's why some of the things
that you keep just in case you never
know some of the things that I reviewed
it's need to put them to storage for
future updates I'm probably gonna do a
giveaway in this if you guys watch one
of my old vlogs I haven't even opened
this thing it's still in its box I don't
have time for any of this anymore
unfortunately I'm probably gonna give
this away to I don't use this the
Samsung gear VR and then it's just a
mother a bunch of random stuff more
boxes up there I've just you know spare
stuff that I use to do comparisons if I
need to there's the other room had a
bunch of other stuff in the closet as
well here was one of those filing
cabinets I was talking to you guys about
that's where I put that whites map
against the wall and filmed on that but
anyways the table my desk was originally
bare the filming table was right in the
middle of this room with all the
lighting and that was probably a hundred
thousand subs to probably one hundred
and eighty thousand subs and today we're
almost hitting two hundred thousand so
the new studio downstairs is actually
really new probably maybe two months
older so if you guys go back on my vlogs
you guys would see it but other than
that that's really it I mean those are
the rooms that first started I know it's
been three different rooms but there's
the reason of you know I needed a room
for my little girl that's why I moved
out the bad one I moved see that one
over there
when I moved over there I eventually
realized the sunlight was horrible I
moved into this room the sunlight is
better but then I need more space as you
guys can see once I put my desk in here
once I put the review table the lighting
I've been focusing more on lighting now
it just got really really really crowded
so now I'm downstairs and you guys have
already seen that video if you guys
haven't checked it out check out my
thing is vlog I just put it on the
screen right here vlog number whatever
and it will show you my new space from a
new area especially the living room that
is most likely going to move a lot of
the student quipment
into the living room as well and then
we'll start filming and showing off
other products in that area today is
such a gloomy day man holy cow sorry
about the lighting here testing out
these bad boys I'm gonna see if I can
show you guys and these are the beats
solo threes and doing the battery test
on those I had that playing since 2:30
last night draining the crap out of that
battery and per my little iPod Touch
here it's showing that the batter has
only drink probably about 10% or so
which is a ridiculous this thing has up
to 40 hours of battery life which is
simply amazing but that's about it for
this vlog again wait until the
200-thousand sub video and that's coming
out pretty soon and that's about it guys
strap on tight this fall season's gonna
be crazy this channel blowing up like
crazy I did the 190,000 sub video
probably like a week or two ago and then
before that was probably in two or three
weeks before that I did 180 so guys you
guys are blowing up like crazy you guys
are coming out the woodwork thank you
very much and I'll catch you on the next
one bye
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