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3D Touch App Support and Upcoming Microsoft Flagships (ATB)

what's up internet friends welcome back the episode of asta buffaloes the show where I put my butt on this your couch and answer your questions on whatever you got going on from will to tech there's a lot of new stuff that just came out or just coming out so we're going to talk a lot of mobile let's jump right to the questions first one comes from at time warp 2 303 at John for lakers you think Microsoft is any advantage left in the smartphone game hashtag s to be the answer is yes I definitely do the rumored leaks of the Lumia 615 and 650 XL look pretty badass but I think Microsoft's ace in the hole is Windows 10 having both platforms used the same app store and also be built on the same infrastructure is huge there's a lot of Windows users already out there and I think the Windows Phone platform the big issue was app support I think that will very soon be mitigated when this one is a really robust to great OS but it never got the attention I think it deserves just based on on app support certainly the market penetration have already Android and iOS so I do think that Microsoft definitely has a few bullets left in their proverbial gun so to speak next question comes from at f1 Mercedes wo 3 ass hey at john for lakers to use a case on your personal smartphone a good question i am usually not a case guy view gelée just I like my phones with the way I sleep totally naked just not really but I usually don't use cases right now I'm testing the iphone 6s plus and I did put a case on it and I'm really glad I did because I dropped it now my case has a giant gash on the side the phone underneath is totally pristine so i probably will be a case guy from from here on out just because I'm clumsy I got a two-year-old at home with always grabbing and things in my hands and then just throwing them so yeah I think I'll err on the side of caution now or maybe I didn't before threw caution to the next one comes from ads texts asked at John for lakers how often do you change devices a good question personally whenever I'm not testing a device which is not that often usually I'll change of Isis once a month or so you'd go back and forth between iOS and Android but when I am testing usually it's a new phone ever week I generally try and spend at least five to seven days how about the new phone as my daily driver to get to know how to use it also I'm switching phones very quickly I've got it down to a science now switching from android to android usually i can switch completely have everything over and working in like 15 minutes i can transfer everything over and syrup have it all done you guys don't know how i do it i can make a video showing how i tranfer phone the sort of learn through trial and error which work best for me so maybe if you wouldn't want to know we're looking to make switching Android device easier leave a comment down below and I'll up yup and the last question comes from our friend Kristin Singh who asked at John for lakers do you think three touch will change the mobile industry honestly I've forgotten most of the time that my phone has 3d touch or force touch I think it's going to rely on the hands of developers if there are apps that come out that only you can take advantage of force touch 3d touch then yes I do peasant stands right now it seems for like a nice add-on that's not necessary these in the way that the current iphone 6s and 6s plus exists it's nice but it's by no means a necessity and I should say it working on a review of these phones i want use it for a few more days before i put out the final review of apple's new phones look for it very soon I don't think you guys for watching hope you enjoy the episode of ask the Buffalo be nice to each other in the comments they love making videos isn't my favorite sort of way to talk to you guys and you guys talk to me so please keep the questions coming until next time jon rettinger from technobuffalo see you guys next video
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