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9 Years

I wasn't sure how to start this video so I'm going to come out and say it this week has been my 9 year anniversary since i created the youtube channel and in nine years my life has changed more than i ever could have imagined nine years ago when i opened the channel youtube was mostly cat videos and guys get hit in the balls that's what youtube was it wasn't her the vast space that is now with incredible creative content youtube professionals short films full length features what YouTube has evolved into over the past almost decades been incredible but back down years ago it was kind of a wasteland of awesome opportunity you could do whatever you wanted to do I made the channel initially I picked my old a.m. screening from high school Jon for lakers to show that I clearly had no foresight what was going to happen because I wanted a comment on other videos if you don't know the story i'll give you the real quick abbreviated version i've been using a giant 17 inch HP laptop and diet and I want to get a new one that thought maybe I might switch to mac but I never used a mac before I didn't know how to use a mac thought I'd look for videos on how to do it and there weren't any is a go walk around best buy just relax I used to just love to research technologies I figured okay I'll get new computer and I'll research video cameras and I'll make videos maybe they'll help somebody since I couldn't find any otha that I was looking to do and it just kind of grew from there my early videos you could hear the digital tape in the background a lot of them were filmed in my apartment with the webcam on it was that old santa rosa macbook pro it's just been an incredible opportunity i never knew what i want to do with my life before i started youtube I always figured I was going to go to law school don't think I've ever been good at my entire life was talking I figured law school seemed to be a good fit so after college I worked in a law firm my parents convince me to do that before with the law school I'd already applied to law schools and I hated it I was miserable i I just I didn't like what that life was what that life would be for me I knew I wanted to have a family and very tough to do as a new associate in a law firm sells really floundering I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my life I started running a marketing department for software development firm it was fine I you know I paid the bills I didn't like the job than YouTube gave me an opportunity and you guys gave me the opportunity through YouTube and it's been just incredible the past nine years we've grown from a company of one to a company of 12 to you know 1.2 million subscribers and the website doing 15 million page views a month it's it's been incredible and I've learned a lot over the past 10 years and I have made plenty of mistakes and I have certainly not done everything right over the past nine years but I've learned and I've learned with you guys and I'm still learning and I'm still growing trying to be a better leader trying to make better content trying to steer the site in different directions and trying to do new things and none of this would be possible without you guys and I not I know people say that all tie and let go thank you but I mean generally from the bottom of my heart you actually put food on my table you put diapers on my children and none of this none of anything here would be without you one of the things in life that I'm most proud of is ability to let other people have a chance to live their dreams to the chance to talk about technology to make videos about technology to write about technology something I'm so passionate about and I a wake up every day happy even a really bad day here you know when the comments are mean and miserable it is still a good day and a grand scheme of things I get to do what I love and that's something that I will never ever take for granted for as long as you guys let me do this from the bottom of my heart I just want to say thank you and know that I generally mean it and know that you have changed not just my life but everybody's life here and because of YouTube because of YouTube there grew a business and that never that never would happen just thank you that's really the all I wanted to say it was 9 years has gone by incredibly fast and I look what I looked like nine years ago the kid to now I guess an adult who's married with two kids my life has changed as much as YouTube has change you guys andaman along the ride there with me and look how horrible i was on camera how i used to stutter how nervous i wasn't self-conscious i was on camera and if you guys are thinking about creating a channel and you're nervous you're self-conscious on camera to watch those earlier videos it was horrible I was nervous I was nervous wreck but I stuck with it and hopefully maybe you guys can do that same thing and something that you feel passion about as well I know there's a lot of people doing YouTube videos now but it's an opportunity for someone new to get recognized and some of you to get attention maybe that person could be you like it was me nine years ago just thank you again from the bottom very bottom of my soul thank you for the opportunity you
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