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Android M Initial Thoughts and iOS 9 Predictions

this here episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by hello internet and book back the pisode of ass the buffalo wall not physically a buffalo it is my spirit animal and i embody it's Buffalo eNOS on this episode of asta Buffalo we got a ton of stuff to talk about I'm just back from google i/o I'm on my way to apple WWDC we got new tech coming out a new OS is coming out and all kinds of crazy stuff in between let's jump right to the questions first one comes from such off underscore at john for lakers what is the best android phone on verizon the best is totally subjective to the pen on what's best for you but i will say i am on verizon and i bought a galaxy s6 edge so for me that was the best foam but you can use an x 6 on verizon even by one of the unlocked ones and put your sim card in and be fine if you want a good deal the droid turbo is still one of the better phones out i don't fit up into your question next one comes from at danger gross 09 @ john for lakers do you think Android M is worth the upgrade hashtag asked the bead answer is we don't know yet we don't know what Android M is really going to be when it comes out to full release we've got a very very early Developer Preview on I could advise folks out there I'm all for running beta software don't run the beta software and use the phone as a daily driver it is not be a pleasant experience for you at least I would advise against it use it if you have extra device if you want to test it see what new features are coming out a lot just wanna start developing applications definitely wait until a couple beta iterations before even consider using it every day next one comes from Fabio Estevez brother of Emilio who asks at John for lakers do you think Windows 10 will be better than Mac os10 the new dell XPS 13 is amazing but it still has windows again fastest objective I will say Windows 10 is definitely better than windows 8 and windows 8.1 i've been using Windows 10 and its latest beta for about two weeks I'm really enjoying it I always liked the Start menu in Windows 8 I used the surface and was pretty handy I very rarely went back the desktop mode that's a bit strange having it sort of in the Start menu now but you can make it fullscreen not apps aren't working all that well right now we can see a lot of potential of Windows 10 I've been using the edge browser it's still called project Spartan though in the current beta it also works pretty well the current logo it's going to look like Internet Explorer logo i'm so i can think i'm using it it doesn't work well on if you're a fan of Windows 8 or sort of debating going to Windows 8 I think you're gonna really like Windows 10 you got an idea for next great website domain com has you covered they won't hook you up with a great offer save twenty percent on domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code TechnoBuffalo that's all capital letters one word at domain coms check out I think domain names think expert comes from Adam Victor escu who asked at drawn for lakers are you planning on using the google photos a personal backup collection the answer is yes i am planning on it and i am i'm someone like me two switches between iOS and Android very regularly it was always really hard to manage my pictures I used to back up all of my iOS photos on to onedrive and of course from Android backed up to onedrive as well now though I've malls syncing via google photos and syncing really well so that was one of the big problems i had from the switching os's now that is no longer an issue at all some happy google released a really well featured very well performing iOS version of course one on Android works seamlessly sunday might go to gallery app on android probably my go to gallery up now on iOS haven't tried it yet definitely should but be warned though it does take a very long time to upload your pictures and if you want it to sink from iOS for me it didn't work without the app open on the screen so big battery drain come on leave it plugged in and it sit for a few hours my back up all of your photos next one comes from kipper Busby who asks do you think iOS I don't be a giant leap forward I feel like every year I get this question and I say yes this is gonna be the one that we get widgets on the home screen we get the ability to hide icons we get some sort of app drawer wait the ability to add a dial director right to your home screen I get so excited every year it doesn't happen we get like new fonts and a new design language so listen fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me for me three times shame on me for me full time shame on me and for me five times still still still shame on me so no more no it is not going to be a huge jump for I'm just going to hope I'm hope I'm wrong I think we're probably going to see a more refined bug free version of the I that we've got right now in iOS 8 probably see some hints of what the next iPhone is going to be probably see some code for force touch in there but certainly it's not going to be available because phone zone support it right now but I wouldn't expect that much unfortunately with iOS 9 disappoint in the past maybe I'm wrong I love to be wrong but these figures are no longer crossed much love anyway thank you guys for watching an episode of acid buffalo hope you guys enjoyed I love doing these videos i love answering your questions to be sure to keep asking them until next time i'm john render from techna buffalo and i will talk to you dear friend a next video bye bye hey filming yeah can you see the mic it's hardly noticeable now think people are going to say it edge like blends in with my shirt it blends in yeah thought so too it's hardly noticeable
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