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Android N: Worth the Install? (Developer Preview)

what's going on everyone John render from TechnoBuffalo here we've been covering Android and ever since Google took the wraps off its very first alpha release it's one thing to talk about hypothetical situations talk about new features that they've added like call blocking new emoji new quick settings and a ton more but it's a totally different thing to talk about actually using it now I've been using the third beta of Android and on my 6p for the better part of five days I want to share my experiences talking about it a lot on Twitter be getting a ton of questions so they answer your questions everything you guys wanted to know about Android and this is a question I got more than anyone else I'm battery life has been ok it's about 10 to 15 percent worse than what I had on marshmallow but don't take it as a sign of Android and not be good for battery life make that more of a sign is just a third beta and they're bound to be memory leak issues and that's all despite things like doze on-the-go and projects felt being built into Android and what time it comes to release I expect value like to be much better than marshmallow but least for right now if you're considering putting it on your 6p are the Nexus device be aware battery life will not be as strong as it was with an official build of Android this seems to be one of the biggest problems with the third build of Android and I've definitely had those problems I've had issues with the connecting to my car I've had a repair it reconnected no issues at all looking to Android wear if that's something that's important to you and definitely there have been some a2dp issues at all what song is not coming over or metadata not coming over with those songs so Bluetooth seems to be a little bit wonky you can work around it but it's far from perfect at least right now I've actually been really impressed with stability it seems to be very good I've had some third-party app crashes which sort of is known to happen a snapchat's but a little bit wonky for me I can't get my key though a panic smart lock I don't even install on device rather than that it's been like 95 percent really solid and running very fast and with not that much app crashing at all so thinking about trying it it's not the worst idea you tell us for sure I think it's a farce what Google's trying to say about picked a name they've already said they're gonna pick the name anyway for you to find print on that it's gonna be tutela I'm just you heard it already here first what the window has been nice I'm not using it oh and often it's been one instance where it's been really nice to have doesn't work every app so bear that in mind right now hopefully as more versions of the beta I'll have more compatibility but it's nice and it works as advertised see most updates will not make it to the 16 the 5 X R an article about it last week so sort of a complicated answer but boils down to partitions Google's gonna need a small partition on your device to install it on the background wave another live partition which is what you're actually using and the 16 of 5x don't do it out of the box I'd expect next should Android devices though of course to enable seamless updates this appear to be any snappier at all the marshmallow but it does appear to be at least as snappy as marshmallow which is surprising for Veda it's been really solid really responsive and overall working pretty well so just my experience as an Android insofar as more betas come out and you guys have more questions I'll do a Pyxis video anything you guys want to know even a comments down below hit me up at twitter hit me up at snapchat any of the social ways you can get ahold of me and I will try to answer anything you want to know about Android and boils down to this though you've been waiting to install Android n on your 6p or 5x your pixel C now something a good time to do it it's been really stable it's my only phone I've been using things didn't seem to be working like 90% of the way the battery life has not been as good as I would have hoped that's to be expected for a beta and it's far better than most bands I've tested in the past at all so as far as betas are concerned thumbs up for Android n get installing keep comments down below with the next time John render can TechnoBuffalo like its kind of videos the subscribe button girls appreciate it I'll see you guys the next
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