what's up everyone John Brenda from
TechnoBuffalo here we are at Google i/o
2014 taking a first look at Android TVs
google TV is very 2012 what we've got
right now is the latest from google open
to get into television set let's take a
first look all right so here is the UI
for Android TV the idea is that it's
going to be built into most intelligence
tests i'll just sit on top of whatever
TV you are using with your in your tail
box whatever it's always gonna be
available i also be available in set-top
boxes we've got it right now plugged
into a tiny little set-top box and I
empowering it just by using a game
controller but also you can use an
android device just talk to it via voice
art so we're in a very loud area so
voice search is not going to work well
and we'll see if internet actually works
so looks great the UI is really clean
very reminiscent of what we've seen from
others were except top boxes certainly I
look at the fire TV is a bit competitor
for this so the cool things here is
powered by google so you could just ask
it yeah what movie or show me movies
that won the Academy Award in 2002 or
show me TV shows with David Duchovny
whatever might be a no start to show it
to you and of course you can buy TV
shows or movies using google play and
just watch it right here so i'll show
you what the search looks like go ahead
and move up today you get there talk to
it or a keyboard would just go ahead and
pop right up well go ahead and go back
let's go ahead and see a preview good
say I want to check out the lego movie
go ahead and select at least actually
works and just starts to play and it
looks really nice we're not sure at this
point yet what it's putting out if it's
a 1080p 1080i or 720p having doing us
that information yet if we do have throw
at it down below and being a Google
device you get access to all these apps
sort of already right out of the box is
the big ones here Netflix certainly
being the giant one zumba we'll see
others show up here hulu plus is missing
games the big one here as well I can
take advantage of all your sort of
android games let's go and see what the
amp sure looks like so you're going to
go into the Google Play Store you can
see sort of everything that's available
presumably with the SDK out plenty more
is going to be available Leo's fortune
was one that they show during the
keynote was a little
fuzzy guy with a mustache were jumping
and rolling around will launch out here
you can see it looks like just very
quickly graphic promise would be very
capable they say almost console like
capabilities but I guess that would
depend on what you consider a console
and from what year but it does look
really nice it's easy to use UI is very
easy to understand if you've used really
any more android device you're going to
understand how to use innately and
that's really what Google is hoping for
their signature of an app synergy and a
device synergy between your phones and
now your television set so anyway
there's a screen Google wants to be and
I think guys for watching is a real
quick overview of Android TV hope you
guys enjoy course check outside
TechnoBuffalo calm place greatest tech
news so next time I'm John render see
you guys next video bye bye thank you
guys for watching if you have it yet
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