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Apple Watch 2 Wish List and OnePlus X Buying Advice - Ask the Buffalo!

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by how's it going guys my first nighter here TechnoBuffalo and this is ask the buffalo we've been doing things a little bit differently here in terms of video so we figured we would take a different approach with this one too so this is kind of ask the buffalo 2.0 we've got a couple of questions here i'm gonna answer some john's gonna answer some so one and we go ahead and get started what would you like to see inside the second Apple watch so for the second generation of this I like it to be a little more like this at least in the screen Department I would love to see a round display on the next-gen Apple watch Apple is always sort of pushing design at least that's their claim but you see the design be pushed with Gentoo I think they wasn't very safe with here small bezels they had a little bit on the thicker side I would love to see something around like to see a higher resolution screen more things take advantage of forced touch or 3d touch I think would be nice and just more apps that can run natively on the watch hopefully that'll come view of that blesses develop more first party apps those are my hopes and my dreams and hopefully we'll see them what do you want to see what the next update of Android marshmallow so in terms of what I want to see next in a marshmallow update well marshmallows out so at this point we're at incremental updates so I would really like to see them do what they normally do and just you know polish off some rough edges what I would love to see in the next version of Android though like 7.0 l MN which could be nougat who knows but what I would love to see is some deeper exploration into multitasking and how we multitask on our phones there's a lot of great concepts flowing around on the internet actually this week I saw one of how to handle using multitasking for actually accomplishing tasks not just for one particular app so I'd really love to see something like that come out in the next version of Android hey Mark huge fan of the show I was wondering where's the best place to go to register all of my million dot ninja domain names idea I'll do it to think on it keep up the good work you and that other dude nice job Wow John great great question I really appreciate you saying you're a fan yeah the other guy on the videos is like whatever but I really appreciate the question anyway you caught me just as I was registering a domain with so what I was actually going to go for was allergic to daunt soy either that or check out my new hip surgery which is a a brand new website for people who are just recovering from hip surgery I use for all of my stuff because they've got so many options they've got great support they've got all kinds of great stuff plus I get 20% off because I'm a technical buffalo of you or you can just use the code TechnoBuffalo to get 20% off your order and remember John when you think domains think in 20 years where do you see TechnoBuffalo being and what are your future visions for the company my vision of technical always remained the same when we started it I want to just be the voice of the consumer and I hope that in 20 years we are still the voice that consumer I hope we've grown we'll be giving more people a chance to live their dream to talk about tech like we get a chance to do I hope that I'm still reviewing tech I still love it but I hope people care what a 55 year old man has to say about technology I hope that we're still here and I hope to be experiencing a new medium I'm gonna go on the record though I'm saying I want like the RTG - holographic displays to be coming out he can be like help me obi-wan I want that I want to take out my phone and just have everything just pop up on it that's what I'm hoping for and that was your question but my mind wandered there something hoping for Le thank you for asking the question hey John here is the oneplus X just a better design one plus one and is there much of a difference is the $50 worth the extra screen size so the oneplus X is not just a one plus one or a one plus to rescan to rebrand it or anything like that the oneplus X is really kind of aimed at a really sort of I guess fashion conscious but still affordability conscious market it's it makes a handful of compromises lots of compromises in fact but it still feels really really premium it still feels like a great device haven't gotten it into the office yet for a full review but I did do a hands-on with it obviously at the event which you can check out up here when we were there a week or so ago I wouldn't say that it's just the same as a 1 + 1 or a 1 + 2 and in terms of the difference in price you know 50 bucks is getting you a little bit more than just screen size so I don't think oneplus is attacking their lineup the same way that a traditional manufacturer would I think they're trying to stay agile trying to do different things and see what sticks so I wouldn't look at them Plus acts as a direct successor to the 1+2 well that's it for the first episode of the kind of 2.0 asked the Buffalo let us know what you guys think of the comments we'd really love to get your feedback and let us know what you want to see kind of out of this kind of a video series as always thank you guys so much for watching be kind of one another and I'll catch you in the next video
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