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Apple Watch Event: Five Things to Expect

what's up everyone jon rettinger from TechnoBuffalo here Apple sent out invitations for an upcoming March 9th event I think it's going to focus mostly on Apple watch thought it could be fun to talk about other things that they might announce I think they've been a rumor for quite some time so here are five things that you can expect from the apple event number one just ones the obvious and certainly way most likely just tons of apple watch news so you already know the apple watch will do we know that it's coming out sometime in April we don't have a precise release date nor do we know how much things going to call us how much more expensive models are going to be in all that pricing information better yet Apple stilton said how long the freaking battery's gonna last the company might take the opportunity to talk about that especially following rumors about the device potentially getting less at a day with regular use so Apple typically likes to rehash informations already talked about the event so at march nine it's probably gonna spend plenty of time talking about the oh weddings bar be seen but the advice is a rival said to be just over a month away so hopefully we'll see how to play i was some of the bigger apps are critic on the market hopefully get some demonstrations what it can do apple supposedly he's been putting a ton of pressure to the biggest app developers to finish and get anything is ready for launch as possibility we'll get some slick on state demos about how the wearable you can just draw pretty pictures with it them to your friends number two the 12 inch macbook air it's been a long time coming but apple might finally announce the rumor 12 inch mba which isn't circulating in the rumor mill since since i was like eight but beginning at 2015 it was one when the biggest rumor bombs was drop an act of five mac when they should have ton of confidential details about apple's new laptop same device will be the company's thinnest and lightest yet which kind of expect report to the 12 inch macbook air was supposedly be even narrower than apple is 11 inch model suggesting the device will be both bezel list and feature keyboards that's smaller and more cramped than what we're usually used to and also look at those renders it looks so pretty and number three you can probably put this one under like the less likely of things to happen but it has the river for a while it is just a larger iPad sometimes called or reference as the ipad pro apple's new macbook air might not be the only new 12 edge gadget getting at the company's portfolio I've been plenty of rumors about a new 12 inch iPad dubbed ipad pro coming to apple's other ipad lineup hasn't found the same success in once at over the past few years which could give Apple the freedom to experiment with just new form factors fits our little what with two different compared to the current ipad air 2 just larger and it could have some feature rich emphasis on content creation Lisa putting expect now we're getting probably the more unlikely but I don't know what to call this one's i'm going to call it the apple surface so apples 12 inch ipad could simply be that just the 12 inch ipad some of the more dubious and juicy rumors of the vice feature kind of a hybrid of sorts like Microsoft Surface Apple has already said it's got interation to combine the experience of OS 10 and iOS what is it that bold introduced a hybrid device it seems unlikely especially with a 12 inch macbook air on the way would certainly give apple's ipad lineup a nice jolt of adrenaline which it certainly needs and Steve Jobs once famously said when asked about cannibalizing their own products saying rather I can't advise my own products and somebody else do it so i don't know maybe a 12 inch ipad and 12 inch macbook air and this crazy hybrid can live together in synergy and number five this one is definitely gonna happen in some form of surprises prize there's a chance Apple mind reduce a new subscription-based streaming service based on beats music although that might not be official until WWDC in June beyond that what kind of surprise might have in store I mean I don't know basic information about allowing users to beta test future versions of iOS there's also been a lot of crazy patents that shown up for the past several years and those generally are not indicator at all of what to expect but imagine like Apple VR it seems unlikely Apple lightsaber Apple pay rolling out to more countries so so many questions but fortunately march nine not that far away so what you guys think most likely it's gonna be just a ton of Apple watch news but that'll be fun to say five things an ideal world that we could see come from an apple product launch want to hear your thoughts on it thumbs up if you're excited at what they're going to announce until next time I'm John render from technobuffalo few like what you see here the big subscribe button get the latest tech news delivered fresh to 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