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Apple vs FBI - Who's right?

what's going on everybody I am John renter and I'm Ron prudent and we're back not with audience questions or even with rumors but we've got a much grander more important topic to discuss got news news and you're I'm actually talking to you with your head on your left hand your privacy on your phone big news going on right now so here's the Cliff Notes version of what's been going on if you want to know more detail you want to read CEO letters or magistrates ruling hit the link down below in early December 2015 there's a horrible tragedy in San Bernardino there's a terrorist attacks and there was a shooting one of the shooters had an iPhone 5c that the government has since recovered and certainly wants to get access to the information on their phone to see who they work cohorting with they were texting someone that had assistance from the outside they were calling somebody information that the FBI needs to do their job so Magistrate Sheri Pym quoting the 1789 all writs act said it is reasonable for Apple to create a backdoor way to unlock this phone and we're talking earlier backdoor it sounds like a really fancy way of like you need nine terminals and six monitors to get access to this phone but essentially all they're asking Apple to do is remove the restriction for how many times you can try a password right so I'm sure if you guys have friends who you try to get in their phone and ruin their lives you use the four pin code to you know try different things and then after a certain number of failed attempts they'll be like wait five minutes wait 15 minutes and I'll end up just being like wait five years yeah and the FBI is basically trying to have Apple create a system that allows them to bypass this so they can create a computer or a bot that will just run an algorithm or run a code that creates a exponential number of permutation combination that allows them to get into the phone Magistrate Pym is saying listen I get that it's tricky so we only want Apple to create this for just one song but that's in theory and that's when so Tim Cook went ahead and Apple as a whole released a public letter to to us the consumers and customers yeah saying that while they've supported that way up until this point which is very important to say that big distinction to make yeah they've been extremely helpful and they've done everything they can to try to help the case along but Tim Cook is saying that they're drawing here in terms of ethics because if they create this tool it sort of leads down the rabbit hole of opening this tool up to anybody and he quoted saying criminals and yeah and this thing right now this does not exist not anywhere in Apple's deep dark skunkworks labs this doesn't exist you create it once for one phone the threat of that exploit getting out and the threat of what it could mean for security becomes very very frightening and the big issue to keep in mind is what presence isn't going to send if Apple does say ok magistrate PIM here's the exploit here you go what about the next case and I understand the FBI is trying to do their job and trying to catch horrible human beings so I'm not even sure what side of the fence I'm on it'll also lead to other problems potentially with their shareholders and customers because it could be a conflict of interest for shareholders saying that they're making the product not quite as good as it could be so they'll sell less which could be conflict of interest for them it could do a little drive into Drive share place prices down exactly Tim Cook staff do share responsibility to the shareholders to keep that soft price as high as you can go exactly and then you also have lawsuits potential lawsuits from customers saying that their privacy is not being protected by Apple intentionally so it's a very complex multifaceted issue yeah and like you said it's it's hard to gauge really what the right side is the intentions are all good it's just becoming a very complex situation with legislation trying to keep up with the insanely fast progress of technology yeah and we're quoting a writ from 1789 and we've been a country for for 20 odd years at that point obviously going far back was a little bit different magistrates PIMs job is to enforce the letter of the law and that is currently the letter of the law so as you think about what side you're on if they decide to even beyond take Apple out of the equation take your feelings of Apple admittedly a very polarizing company poison could very easily be Google easily be Microsoft it could be any other company and very well probably will be them next depending on how this case lays out so you want to know what you guys think if you're a looker in the comments stopping a lurker leave a comment and let us let us know we genuinely want to have this conversation with you guys we were talking about in the office and no one really sure what side they're on so we thought maybe let the ask can be audience and maybe educate the audience if you don't really know what's going on so my guys thank you for watching hope you guys enjoy the sort of a really fascinating topic that's dominating these our news right now fifty video thumbs up we always appreciate it - next time I am NOT wrong / Rita I'm mom / - he's John Ranger see you next time
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