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Biggest Tech Trends of 2016

2016 wraps up there was a ton of technology that came out and a ton of trends that made news so ought to pick some of the biggest tech and the biggest trends we saw the year and kind of put them all together in the biggest buzz of 2016 notable emissions here are things like the iPhone it was an incremental update it created a lot of news when it came out then that new cycle tend to die down emissions on this list not a knock time particular product to just didn't make that big news so let's start with something that surprised a lot of people that was snapchat or snap getting into the physical product market with spectacles super hard to come by hung available on the second-hand market yet buy them from vending machine we'd wait in line for like four hours as Venice California get our hands on them it turns out the pretty good they don't look nearly as ridiculous as Google glass did and school to see snapchat get into something new the next thing that made headlines and probably for the wrong reasons is the note 7 arguably one of the best phones of the year literally went up in flames the stories weren't focused on what the phone could do is focus on what the phone was doing and that was smoking and oftentimes catching fire there were recalls and the phone came back out then it got recalled again and the whole phone got killed the news cycle from the note 7 lasted for quite a while and is still going on with carriers issuing updates over the air that are murdering the cell connection on these things it was a sad it was a sad year for the note 7 next up on the list I was going to do ugh vented reality but the main driving force behind AR and 2016 is Pokemon go so that's the next thing on this list I've never been that big of a pokemon player but I picked up pokemon girl I played it for a while I loved it I got into the mythos of Pokemon and it got me to want to go back and play the old games and then probably like you I want this Oh later kind of forgot about it it was an awesome game though that brought AR to the forefront and it made a lot of people re-evaluate whether or not the future was going to be virtual reality or augmented reality so shoes also made a lot of headlines in 2016 particular the Nike Air Mags or the Back to the Future shoes nike made 89 of these because back to 322 came out in 1989 I gave the opportunity to give a few a way to two lucky people who entered and don't to Michael J Fox is charity their auction some pair off demand for as high as 200 thousand dollars these self-lacing shoes looked incredible and technology filter down to more affordable shoes if you consider seven hundred dollars affordable but the Nike Air Mags were a thing they came out they got a ton of attention they raised a lot of money for charity nostalgia is expensive though 2016 in addition to being a year of augmented reality was also the year of virtual reality we saw things like oculus rift HTC vive we saw google cardboard come into its own daydream came out virtual reality on your face isn't does look like it's going anywhere and it looks like it was going to continues 2017 i'm selling the fence but they're not i like vr i really liked a playstation did at the psv are but we'll see how 2017 to go to treat the technology certainly made a ton of news and we shall i wrote a lot of stories about it with every new end comes the beginning the end the nexus line made a ton of news but i should in the beginning of the pixel line of phones named pixels been around for a few years from google but now it's in a phone format and that was a huge buzz worthy thing in 2016 Google's flagship their marquee foam their reference design was being killed sort of Lisa name was and they were making their own hardware or at least overseeing what HTC was doing with the pixel and the pixel XL 2016 also looks like the year Nintendo made a crazy come back we had things like the NES classic the Nintendo switch Nintendo is making headlines everywhere I can't wait to get my hands on the switch that's gonna be a 20-17 story but the announcement of their next-gen console was 2016 and is still making waves today and then yes classic you still can't find in the last category that made a ton of news and 2016 was home assistance in particular things like the Amazon echo the echo dot and Google home making their ways into almost everybody's house chances are you gotta echo dot for Christmas or whatever you celebrate they're really useful to have mono people using them as hubs for the smart homes that I use mine for 2062 as a year that they permeated our house 2017 is probably going to be the year they take over and and murder us so a lot of tech and a lot of trends happened in 2016 those are some of the most noteworthy literally and the most buzz-worthy things that I thought but whatever you've off the list let me know down below what you think my product I missed or trends i miss we're gonna pins in the top comments up to the top so let us know in the pants region so you has next video also i'm going to see you next year i'm filming this in the last days of 2016 so after 2017 to you can't be as bad as a dumpster fire the last year was
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