Coin Review: Is the future here? (Smart Credit Card)
Coin Review: Is the future here? (Smart Credit Card)
what's up everyone John render from
TechnoBuffalo here it's not often I get
introduce you to a entirely new line of
products this is the coin it is one of
the first smart cards at the market what
a smart card is it's a normal credit
card looking device that stores a ton of
other credit cards with the idea
everything be able to simplify our
wallet so carry one card and in theory
you have all of your cards with you so
here is the box for coin it started
shipping in April and cost $100 if you
want some links on it or on know more
about coin or want to pick them up for
yourself we'll put a link down below I
should also mention we have an upcoming
video talking about another smart card
Stratus we want to see which one's best
for you just wait and we'll have that
video for you soon
so pretty simple inside the box getting
started guide we've got a 3.5 millimeter
card adapter similar to what you see
with square I'm just gonna allow you to
do is plug this into your phone iOS or
Android and you can swipe your cards
onto the device and then you can sync
your cards over to the coin other than
that that's really it so here is the
device and I had a few big questions
with it I've got my signature cover up
and some other barcode information but
your name will be emblazoned on the
bottom as well as a normal signature
strip you see on the most credit cards
so looking at this it looks just like a
regular credit card the same thickness
as regular credit card it's got some
bend to it as well feels more like a
thick metro card and does an actual
credit card as far as sort of weight and
heft it's on the light side unlike
traditional plastic cards coy matically
locks itself down with each use don't
have to worry that much about security
and the mobile apps gonna keep track of
your coins last-known location which can
help you find your coin quickly if it's
misplaced lost or stolen or you know you
just happen to walk out and leave it
there it's got a two year battery life
in this really thin card the mobile app
since we're in a limited amount of cards
where the coin can hold me hold eight
cards so here's a big deal about the
coin it's got that one button right
there go ahead and push it I'm gonna see
a green light Latinos lots gonna check
to make sure your phone is close by and
as you load your cards on you can start
to see the name of the card you can't
customize that right now I'll tell you
what it is the Visa Mastercard Amex I'll
show you the last four an expiration
date and you can push it again and cycle
through it the one you leave it on is
the card that's going to swipe it'll
reprogram the magnetic strip and
essentially it becomes that credit card
and in theory you can swipe it and use
it everywhere but
we don't live in an ideal world my
friends this worked for me about 85 90
percent of the time but that 10 50
percent was a little bit tough to rely
on this as a dedicated card I found I
was still tearing the same cards in my
wallet that I had loaded on the coin I
just couldn't quite count on it to work
every single time and that is a problem
if you look at the front of the bus it
is all blocked the button and screamed
what's missing is the chip and pin which
is going to be mandatory for all
merchants come October of this year so
no support for that moving forward coin
said that perhaps they'll offer a new
device that can do that got a real eye
though on the antiquated and magnetic
strip that you're swiping together
caveats here I did loan ATM card on here
try using ATM machine it did not work in
my bank's ATM or any third party Kim so
bear that in mind when it did work
though I usually got a lot of weird
stares from people I didn't know what it
was or how it worked or if he would even
swipe it how to kind of tell them
explain what this is so it's a coin it's
a smart credit card a little different
cards on here
you can see it's an Amex I swipe it like
a normal Amex the last four are shown
right there and it'll swipe through so
another question that I had was what if
I just want to buy something online I
need to see my full credit card the coin
app will show you full credit card
information casing to enter it online or
if a vendor needs to see it card for
some reason it'll show it built right
into the application overall the
experience was definitely mixed I wish I
could have relied on this for one card
I've kind of got a George Costanza
wallet I've got everything crammed in
and I really looking forward to
simplifying my wallet and only carrying
one car that did everything but at being
able to use it as an ATM card that only
working 85 90 percent of the time was
definitely a problem it's a step in the
right direction sort of the first but I
think it's gonna be a future of smart
credit cards that will ultimately work
and work all the time but we're just not
there yet I do want to say the set up
process was seamless I was able to get
my cards on here very easily without any
issue I have set up and working from
open out-of-the-box in just about five
minutes I think s what do you think
about the coin would you pick one up did
you order one you're still waiting for
it did you cancel your order I'd love to
hear your thoughts on it leave it in the
comments down below until next time I'm
John Ryan Justin TechnoBuffalo you guys
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