it's been six months its finale of the
console wars the playstation 3 and xbox
360 clash 212 peter rounds and in the
end the ps3 came out on top both
consoles have evolved quite a bit since
the beginning of the series and it's now
time to take a second look
in season two of the console wars we're
going to be focusing on mortgage old
gaming it's going to be a battle between
the playstation move and the xbox 360
kinect and as usual i'm going to be
covering all the aspects of the devices
hardware and accessories price precision
gaining mechanics and hopefully some
decent motion control games as well it's
all going to be covered and this time
around I want your opinions on what
aspects of motor control gaming you want
to see addressed so write down your
suggestions in the comments section
below and get ready for six full rounds
of heavy wii game console action this is
LP and I'm back for season two of the
console wars
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