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Favorite Tech of 2016!

2016 has seen a ton of new technology come out but I want to share with you guys some of my favorite of the year does that certainly make them the best these are just things that kind of had a nice soft place in my my tech lovin hug on the computer side that should come as no surprise the latest iteration of the Microsoft Surface book with performance base is my BAE I absolutely love that thing from a performance standpoint to a portability battery life fact that I can just take off the whole screen and go with me that is definitely my favorite laptop of the year don't sigh diet you macbook pro for phones I've got to network my favorite first is the Moto z line the phone so that's the Z's is a force and the Z play I picked them because the Moto mods proved to be really interesting and an awesome way to add real world modularity but it came out everybody's screaming project are a product are other than Google wet and just poof dropped project RS this is really the only modularity option we have save for the LG g5 but putting out a hot swap things on the back and not have to worry about rebooting a phone or taking things out it's an absolutely awesome choice whether you want a battery with you want a projector when you want a freaking hasselblad camera adapter on the back it's a ton of awesome things I think it's got a really good potential the second one a little more controversial and had it not gone up in flames spoiler alert we've been my favorite piece of tech of the year the note the note 7 just a real quick moment of silence for the note 7 screen was incredible retina scanning quick charge everything about that phone I loved it was my favorite piece of tech of the year and then Samsung ripped out of my hands cuz it was a fire hazard the middle of my life take my take my chances next on the list is something that I love so much I went and bought twice because my idiot self lost them after the first week of using him the bose QC 35 bluetooth headphones these things are incredible first micro USB rechargeable bluetooth noise cancelling will love the way these things felt where they perform battery life is outstanding if you want a pair of wireless headphones they're going to block out the noise on an airplane or your co-workers q35 are incredible way to go just don't leave them in an airport like like somebody and last but absolutely not least is the gift that I'm just like just to give an out like candy to family this year the echo dot I absolutely love the big Amazon echo my son yells at it to play upside down by jack johnson from curious george more times than a human being should but the echo does everything i love about the big tall film they're just smaller and squatty ur built-in speaker does not sound as bad as i expected actually sounds pretty decent specially for something that size and the price depending on when you buy it around 50 bucks is absolutely killer deal if you want to get sensors smart speakers connected speaker if a lot of things use it as a hub for smart homing up your your dumb home go back school home so this on my favorite tech of the year what is your favorite tech of your bed before you guys start screaming at me that include an iphone or pixel miss is my favorite tech you can't tell me what I gotta love and don't love you can't tell me that is mine maybe you love something different Mike hold it against you much big cares for watching hope you enjoyed video a thumbs up we appreciate it turn those notifications on so you know when new videos come up till next time jon rettinger regardless what your favorite tech of the year was one thing we could all agree on is that we'd like to take our content with the and with the Animal Planet go app you can take your project grizzly or treehouse masters with you wherever wherever you want to go I'll link to the app down below
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