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Fire TV and Windows Phone 8.1 Live Q&A

hello everybody happy Wednesday happy amazon day happy filled day happy hump day depending on where you're located perhaps it means you're having an extra good day it really is comforted for you we are going to be talking about the news du jour which is my fancy talk for news of the day we've got you fire TV and you can play a drinking game along with me and take a shot our time I say kindle fire TV and Windows Phone 8.1 so ask questions we've got our moderator and good friend and editor-in-chief Sean the beard on in here hi everybody who will be moderating and trimming in answering questions he's our streaming I guess local expert so to speak so there's there's a lot of things to talk about Amazon's now officially getting involved in your TV Microsoft's Windows Phone is getting closer to being a real big competitor I think to the iOS and Android Thrones you could even say that they are playing a game of thrones or at least trying to play a game of thrones high but I'm not even going to acknowledge that sorry I should be the caveat my baby was up from one to four in the morning screaming atheon so if my jokes are even less funnier than usual I'm so sorry and I'm not sure that's even humanly possible our first question comes from Josh McMurdo well windows 8.1 Update finally let users boot to the desktop and skip Metro UI dude yeah announce that yes they did and it's sad when they have to make an announcement like their figure there's so many things to talk about when things I talked about was yes you can now boot directly to your normal desktop like you've been able to do in every other version of windows before then that's probably the feature most people were extra excited about so yes booster remember this tile you I we're just gonna break over here oh and also remember we have the same deal we made about touch screen like thank you the mass of it because we realized the mouse and keyboard experience the modern UI was awful yeah yeah duper extra awful okay we've got one more windows 8.1 question okay this one comes from Shawn huh well windows 8.1 finally show how good windows 8 will be um that's a subjective question I've always liked windows 8 um I liked it on the surface I will say the learning curve to learn how to use it was really really long that's for somebody like me who's you know more on on the tech-savvy side folks it just sort of used to using a computer had a much harder time so I always liked windows 8 I think one of the 8.1 makes a little bit easier for people being able to sort of launch app seamlessly between normal you are desktop UI and modern UI and then you know doc both those apps things going to make life much easier for a lot of people remember you loaned me that Windows a laptop and I called you that night and what how do i shut it down yeah like yes scroll and bring the charm bar from the side you gotta go to settings and then the where's tower it made light wood what is it that you to be a four step process yeah no question don't turn it off this question comes from Siro did you order the Amazon fire TV yes of course me good I think it's awesome when Amazon did like available today if you have same-day delivery and we knew this was coming when you sell a controller leak but like the console itself or the box itself didn't leak the packaging didn't leak at all I think that's pretty incredible nowadays when like every single part gets leaked online so I don't know who Amazon's using for their super-secret suppliers who their supply chains but Apple HTC and Samsung maybe I want to look at him a little bit ya know there had been no leaks on the box whatsoever ameritech all the rivers we'd heard was that was going to be a dongle chromecast sighs yeah which is pretty cool and even the name nobody knew you know fire TV um was pretty neat so I could didn't credit for that yep here's a another question i'm not sure we know the answer on this one yet uh matthäus she Sean excuse me i mispronounced your name is amazon fire TV coming to other countries outside the US EG central europe my guess would be yes but they did not specifically address that it will be coming to other countries they didn't say which countries in one no unfortunate yeah so I I would've mattered that a well yeah yeah that would be my guess as well okay this question comes from sooner Chandra is Windows Phone 8.1 a free update and is it coming to all windows phone 8 phone yes absolutely free updates I don't know people really charge for OS updates anymore I think that got killed Apple did for a while and they yeah they did up until Mavericks yeah um they took my windows phone 8.1 I don't think OS done kits mobile OS up they think any capital charge for OS update to rejoin oh yes I'm sorry on the desktop they charge but not on mobile so uh yeah it will be free and they didn't say if it's coming to all windows phone devices but I have four rumors that it will come to all Lumia devices so if you have one of those you should be should be ok but for I understand this hardware requirements are very similar to what Windows Phone 8 was so we can run a windows phone 8 presumably can running point one as well I'm surprised it was a big update they didn't call it Windows Phone 9 or this windows 18.5 like a point 1 denotes a cat angulo update they added it's fun really awesome new features i hope you guys know God because I really want to talk about him well here you go then for Alexander's 14 14 will windows phone 8.1 finally have the microsoft version of Siri it will and it is called Cortana officially which is awesome Cortana of course from halo fame she's the little virtual character that master chief hung out with room too much of the story but it does make sense that they call the court on it's pretty awesome it looks like it works pretty well one of things I liked about it that you can't really do a series you can type request to if you're not have additional where you can talk or its loud you can just type it and she will understand and execute your every will which was pretty nice oh yes finally we have it and it will coming very very soon yeah I'm it's a geeky thing but I love the fact they called it Cortana yeah I think everybody really really like that from one of our regulars from session the hull do you need a amazon prime subscription to take full use of the Amazon fire TV yes for boys yes yes I mean unless you just want to watch like Netflix and Hulu whenever Netflix probably makes it there yes yeah exactly yeah it's gonna be very tightly integrated into the glamazon ecosystem even with the price increase I Peng and renewing my prime every year I'm so ably giddy to do it it is the best money I think I spend all year prime is so worth it even just for the second day shipping so the streaming stuff is just like an added bonus ah I know not affiliated amazon at all and not advertising or anything but i think prime is really the best going a tech even at 100 bucks down it's worth every single penny living in the middle of nowhere like i do it's a lifesaver Sean really does live in the middle of nowhere you google maps address it's like a forest and then like a pin drops right in the middle of it pretty fun okay here here's another subjective question but interesting from shauna do you like Windows 8 or Windows 7 better I like what does ain't no honestly I like a touch me like using on the surface windows 7 was nice so sort of still just windows to me so I prefer windows 8 but I recognize that I am still probably in the minority with that opinion but I really like the way it works like the way it looks and once I sort of got the hang of it I could appreciate sort of the X you can call it confusing and elegance um uh windows 8 that's one way to put it no now here's a very excellent question about Windows Phone and this one comes from Nathan gelsen I had windows phone two years ago and the apps were limited how is it now that is a good question Nathan he also had a great name um the apps have gotten way way better so for me there core group of apps that I use Facebook Twitter Instagram and whatsapp and all of those are available on Windows so on anything secondary that I can live without the other apps are important to me at least a Google Analytics app may they have a Google Analytics app a youtube app and there's been issues with google working with microsoft on a nap but there's an app called was it metro tube that works really really well so all the apps that I've me get have have been there and that's something that was not true you know two years ago probably when you used it so we actually gotten way way better there's still a ton of garbage apps out there but you can find the gems and they're much easier to find and much more of them now than definitely there were two years ago here's a question from sumner Chandra about the fire TV why would someone up for amazon fire rather than any other service provider there'll actually be a post about that shortly after the show and you wanna give it either now aunty nan I i will give a teaser i I think some of the big things are the gaming supports while it's still not PC gaming like some of the rumors had said also the fact that it's got a lot more horsepower under the hood and voice search I threw my hands up in joy for voice search yeah um it's a funny comment got me is actually better spec than the iphone 5s yeah it's a gonna be very interesting i can't wait for minder arrive tomorrow yeah i'm excited all of our tomorrow as well all right and here's a very specific question from mated ilk are there any changes in Windows 8.1 RT um that's a good question I don't remember the mentioning RT at all I think the only change my making RT is making our tea just magically disappear yeah I I think we're going to see with windows 9 at RT just kind of slowly die yeah I don't I don't I remember hearing a word about Windows RT yeah exactly all right from Greg kiss kessman excuse is it worth picking up amazon fire TV if i already own a chromecast good question yeah all right enjoy church is nice gaming is nice if those aren't important to use of your chromecast I mean you get pretty much know anything to do on your phone or tablet York you'll do that includes you know foo do now and a ton of other services um I think chromecast and it's a cheaper option to chromecast is still good we go Sean yeah yeah I totally great chromecast is it's getting a lot more support especially since they launched the SDK in February and I I think that it's still a great option especially at $35 you really like you can't beat it yeah I agree it doesn't hurt to have a full set top box as well for it depend on what features you're looking for so yeah the only problem i'm running into it all the stuff is I have enough freaking hdmi ports I there's gonna be an editorial about that coming up in the not-too-distant future like not everything you're plugging to eat GMOs TVs have for if you're lucky and you can get a switcher I know when you can get a receiver employed by means like you just don't have that many hdmi ports more more ports on TVs please uh Jacob was at a samsung event and actually asked them and they said that the average user only uses three HDMI ports and they do not see this currently as an issue what okay so let's run through this together shall we once I assume you don't have a splitter or you're not running to your receiver you've got a cable box or satellite whatever that might be um let's say you've got one streamer which is probably a few so it's very few probably more books you've got either chromecast an apple TV Roku something like that pretty reasonable people have one of those um one gaming system perhaps mmm Xbox one we whatever ps4 so there's three taken right there's I think most sort of common core system then you want to start adding things like a fire TV or chromecast or Roku or myriad of other option appletini if you don't have that blu-ray player blu ray player exactly ports go ev eV EV really ridiculously fast ya know it's crazy yeah I will say another free Xbox ones are going to everyone in the audience that build what's worth whoa well kind of wish i wasnt build now even though i have an xbox one uh here's another question from somewhere to Agra how much can I be the joke if they have all these Xbox one's laying around and sold how much does the fire TV costs ninety-nine dollars 99 99 but if you want the game controller then that's an additional thirty nine dollars 3999 so forty dollars but it does currently come with 16 99 and value in amazon coins and a freaking amazon coin it's like dogecoin look better so much coin so much coin at coin habit quick thank you from one of our viewers here who is the questions not moving up there but from Nathan go Orson not a question but I want to say that I enjoy the interaction with all of your viewers thanks hey Dad thank you sir hey you wait you're pointing at you we do enjoy an interacting with all of you it's nice to hear what everyone has got on their minds what's the important questions I wish though that we can interact more because Leslie just like me talking but I wish that we could talk back and dialogue up yes exactly okay and here it is again I know it we already addressed this but I'm sure it's going to come up multiple times for me to Mesa jhilik are all phones running Windows Phone 8 to be updated 8.1 I know we already dressed it but I'm sure this is all a lot of people's minds yeah we don't know about every phone they didn't say which phone but the river we've heard will at least be every dunia phone will get 81 yep alright our next question here is from Schwimmer John dragon what type of gaming integration is there in the fire TV it's going to have its own game store and they also announced amazon game studio which is currently developing a dozen original game so there will be thousands of currently available android games as well as the ones amazon is working on it so it's a big point that John mentioned they are android based games make it did they expect the games that cost an average of I believe a dollar in 85 cents you have dollar 85 so the unity out looking like a sixty-dollar flagship console-style game you know it's more cheaper impulse I purposes but they are you know android-based big game supposedly porting from typical Android over to fire TV should be relatively easy for developers yeah they said since its Android an HTML base that you not only in the games but in the apps it should also be a very easy move over so I expected we'll see a lot of stuff coming up very quickly agree ok the next question comes from Rex Enzo will the windows phone 8.1 Update make devices with 512 megabytes ram like Lumia 520 better and faster um they didn't say after that we didn't get into like you know following the devices but I would assume that it's not going to make it faster either you're still dealing with a limited spectrogram again I settled lumia devices like assume that you will get something of a point one I wouldn't be surprised if it's a pared-down 8.1 version else that's five of the twelve megabyte ceramic still sort of on the lower end of what's uh you know becoming standard now it is yeah it will be very interesting to see now here's a little bit of an op topic question but it's one that's on everyone's minds as of light from mated cilic do you think Microsoft will release a SmartWatch OS like Google yes I think you'll have one live tile and give you a single notification no I do you think Microsoft's going to get into it of course typically microsoft fashion probably get into it about six years when the trend is already on the sort of downswing yeah i think eventually they will oh yeah me too mmm from Alexander's 1414 does the fire TV support any type of marrying for Kendall devices they did not mention today it does have a second screen option for when you're watching a movie I'll pull information from IMDb even about the specific scene you're watching but they did not mention any sort of mirroring but that seems possible with the Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi connectivity so maybe down the road yeah I would have seen that's a no-brainer that that will come and Sean mentioned the integration of IMDB which coincidentally amazon owns I'm really yeah yeah I was soon as I said IMDb of like of course it yeah I will say guys for the next leg whatever 10 or 15 minutes that were on if you have other questions to that you want to ask if you want asked by other piece of technology please go ahead and do so you know looking primarily on the fire TV and Windows Phone 8.1 but anything else you guys are welcome to try answer chime in and ask well we actually have one of those it's been lurking down and the system here does the new HTC One have wireless 802 point 11ac citizen new the fire one mA um I'm checking our product page boys keep one m8 i believe only has an N but at 2.45 yogurts I got some top of my head that right on its back sometimes I am going to check that right now oh yeah I think I can do this back to almost my memory yes folks we're going to test John on live video here you can just dig dis name phone if I can excite the specs for you it has AC ah balzac you were correct about dual band but it does it does have a see also guys nokia lumia 930 just got announced its international version of the lumina breakdown done right so yeah I thought they were going to announce that this evening it just happens John oh whoa live and on the air just haven't you heard here first food okay uh there's some interesting questions popping towards the top uh does the fire TV offer anything new shell hug Wanderers so what is it Sean one of you ha i answer it does offer some new things it offers a optical out which the apple TV offers the big thing though everyone is going to be the gaming because this yes the Roku does have gaming support on some of its models but it's very limited and it's just with the remote in an a B button with the integration of the controller I think that makes things a little bit more interesting but I'm almost looking at like a string box with an oil can console shoved inside of it yes at the period it's a very good analogy action yeah so I I think once we have it in hand and we can actually look at the games especially this the first game that's coming free with the controller sub-zero and we can actually see how it plays I think that's going to tell us a lot more yeah something oh that's great I can't wait for the sequel work in to come out should be pretty good Johnny Cage come come out after you after that folks this is what I have to work with every day anyway ah this question comes from Craig kessman any more rumors to round up regarding the nexus 8 um nothing honestly nothing new we heard some grumblings from one source but we couldn't get it verified by someone else so I unfortunately I don't know anything concrete on that one yet at all yeah I think it's probably gonna happen but we just don't know for sure you up yeah alright moving on here let's see we've got tons of questions coming in uh a lot of questions asking how the the fire TV compares with other devices like I said there is a top 5 list coming out shortly after the show so I will be addressing all those for you folks in that post I I think the big thing is its size especially the quad core processor the two gigabytes ram the dedicated graphics processor I think it's going to be quite powerful actually when we look at it yeah and they said you know lag with anything that's why there's a dedicated GPU here so it's growing through menus will be no lag and all kind of other stuff you sir that no lag experience and I think a lot of people have been been hoping for yeah exactly another question from summer Chandra has windows phone 8.1 improved on multitasking did they cover that I unfortunately was not able to watch so before we get to their tech exam is asking about the vin on my desk the OCD is killin em sis for you they didn't talk about one from tasking at all presumably you can close app so you can swipe them up close multiple the same time but they didn't talk much about the test nail or at all about it Oh John can you wave if you read this anyway oh my okay let's see here oh now this is interesting i did not realize this i will have to double check this i didn't think it started in 94 amazon's turning 20 this year Wow um so I know Sean you know this answer but to some of the younger folks out there what kind of company amazon start as what what did they sell ready answer at your head if you can if your answer was books you would get correct they were just a bookstore i remember buying books from just amazon com i think i went through my order history not too long ago my first order from those in 96 and it was books that was all they did was just just books and they did it very well now here's a question Jon I didn't get to ask you did you see this question is from a bomb 24 is e la mex the musk the next evolutionary inventor you saw the 60 minutes 50 60 minutes piece and I believe you man eric schmidt from google said when he dies he wants to give you on muskies money because he's going to change the world yes i think you one must absolutely is I think it goes beyond serve like that sort of Steve Jobs analogy i think steve jobs did a lot for consumer electronics in the world i think in one Musk's gonna do a lot to actually change the world and there's a big big difference there um mr. musk has said his goals hard to not only help save the planet but also to help mankind expand to a multiplanetary looking so get a colony on Mars which judging by how quickly are burning their resources and cleaning this planet is going to be increasingly important so I thank you very much thing to be on musk is the next revolutionary inventor and world world changer hey I have to agree I and having yo seen Tesla cars in person now it's it's quite interesting it's yeah yeah so now i agree to john hagee how many people consider angle you know what i think i'll start a rocket company and actually do like it hasn't been a successful American startup card company since Chrysler that's been like it's been successful since Chrysler those are very very long time ago 1938 apartment wants to say I mean just like a really really long time ago and so many have failed it's a it's very impressive you know DeLorean fisker recently american motors gone under me that so many car companies have have failed exactly um okay I Sumer I I saw your question about I always get your name wrong I apologize if you'd like to put a question with your name phonetically spelled I will gladly gladly read it I do apologize One all Wi-Fi band antennas does fire TV support 802 11 AVGN correct no AC I that seems odd especially for streaming video uh doesn't know a lot yeah yeah you would think they would want to get that in there were coming up on a half hour here so we're going to take just a couple more questions guys and let's see here we got let me just see there's a lot coming in there it is from Shaun huh would you get Amazon fire TV if you have a ps3 nope ah a ps3 the ps4 um I would upgrade your ps4 and then um get the but ok not see I'm gonna go counter to you here yes the ps4 has some of the stringing amps but it depends on which streaming apps you want to use I mean it's got hulu it's got amazon it's got voodoo it's got netflix what else are we missing there's a lot o crackle crackle Oh does it have crackle ok crunchyroll the anime service that took my two I member tip number thinking what the heck's crunchyroll and then looking at okay then yeah if you have a ps4 you don't need one haha good lawyer boom will same thing with the xbox to it's got all night well uh John here's a question that i'll let you answer all i'll just put it up at the top and let you deal with this question on your own Sean why do you always wear a cap while live streams I've been asking that question too not only does he work during live streams Sean where's that cap during everything when Sean comes the office cap we go out in Southern California Gavin and you think that Sean's got like a weird he's got like what is like a Kuato on the back of his head um isn't that cuanto para otra yeah I came out the stomach but yes cuatro oh that's right on the you know the back of his head um you know where he's he's got those whose name we do not speak growing it had the back of his head I don't know why Sean does that that's a very valid question I know last time I was out the office it was februari I did not wear the hat once to the office mmm I did it i I just I like wearing a stocking cap it's just always been my thing Monday zhem of robbing convenience stores and John makes a little face every time he sees it coming my bad kid sees me put it oki oz like this is our homeless editor-in-chief what if they have the beer yeah it's weird that when Sean comes they just like pushes his stuff in a cart 0 like tighten up Chrysler found in 1925 Dana I was old not close on that what are we gonna do with you John you got HTC One m8 Stacy wrong and I'm listen I did laws my cred yeah we're gonna make you stand in the corner for an hour he'd go for an hour break who is the Amazon fire TV directed towards that's actually a very interesting question chalant what do you feel that one um I think it's yet another example of Amazon very successfully if you look at the the kindle fires who's that directed towards it's a android tablet but not quite an Android tablet and so it's directed at I think the budget-minded consumer who is already on Amazon all the time and it's just yet another opportunity with the fire TV for them to keep you in the ecosystem and get you to buy amazon coins purchase videos directly from amazon prime instant video and hey wouldn't you like have access to all these free movies you could if you signed up for amazon prime which amazon prime customers also spend more money on average than your average amazon comes am um I want to jump in here it was just announced by Stephen Elop on stage that in fact all Lumia devices will be getting 8.1 including the 530 so all the new devices it says Lumia your phone will be getting 8.1 no idea when but it will be coming so we can confirm that rumor that her for a while that's very nice very nice um from Adam al-ahmadi I'm going to apologize what was the best feature Windows Phone 8.1 for John there are a lot of really cool features I I like the analysts fear was gonna make jokes and laughing me but how they serve made the home screen a raster baited image is very cool the sort of like little pictures make up a whole big one the new keyboard is awesome I'm really really excited about that I've always really liked Windows Phone I think now it's just gotten way better it's really Cortana it's something that just really neat it's not really impressive anymore because those things kind of been done it's nice and agrees with apps you can type to it but I'm excited for for the new home screens the new lock screen looks great i'm a better for a lot about Windows Phone 8.1 I can't wait to try it yeah I think this is gonna be a good update yeah okay we're going to take a you have time for one more question Jon I do have time for one more question all right this one comes from Eric Hong can you stream mobile tablet content via fire TV does fire TV voice search feature search all providers contents or just the amazon prime I know that Roku allows you to search all providers contents that was a lot of it is that that's why I picked oh they did not say anything about streaming any content from the kindle fires yet as for searching all providers they did not dress that directly we will have the fire TV in the irvine office and i'll also have one tomorrow that's actually one of the very first things i want to try out and see if it does search more than just saying go ahead and women aged just just gonna be prime but we'll see yeah the NCS gonna be interesting because the Rope who does search all like Netflix Hulu Plus and all that so it's gonna be interesting to see if the voice search does work for all of them it because they dim directly address that today no need so okay we we have to I want to take this one because actually I can answer this one very easily will we ever see web OS again from a bloom 24 yes on what platform John televisions oh I know that that was it was it was nice to see the webos logo again but you're like really on TV yeah yeah webos is coming to televisions so sometime this year yep from LG all right John do you have any final thoughts you want to share with the audience um I'm excited for all the new stuff one time a year like a giddy looks like everybody watching this I had to love new things I love following a noun since I'm excited to try windows phone 8.1 to try the new Lumia devices to try the fire TV player that of course share all of our opinions with you if everybody's asking our Windows Phone arts are HTC One m8 review will be a very very very soon we filmed it yesterday and the editing was sort of commenced yesterday i think is wrapping up later on today so that's all done i know you know you spend a longer time with the devices than most sites are usually come later but it's much more comprehensive mooch or trying to give you're actually using the device those are just trying to rush a turkey Russia had a reviews look for that sometime this week alrighty folks folks well we appreciate you joining us for those of you that normally watch the TechnoBuffalo shadow we did postponed today due to the Amazon Microsoft event it will be happening tomorrow at the regular time so please feel free to join us then it'll be the usual table of Joey Todd and myself I stand leading for my invitation I drawing you're the boss you can say hey I'm gonna be on the show today I want to force my way in I was hoping to get invited but 19 I I will send you an engraved invitation too little too late hun on a stone tablet even too little too late but i'll use the company shipping account to do it alright thank you everyone for joy is and we'll see you here next time don't think yes
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