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From Mac to Windows: What I Learned

so in our surface book review of performance-based I talked about switching to Windows I'm had a ton of questions about why I did it I talked briefly about some of the problems that I had how I overcame them but I got a lot of questions asked me to explain it more so the reason I switched to Windows is I want to do more reviews on Windows laptops and desktops and we've already done some of the past breakthrough the only way to do that honestly is to actually use the operating system not just use it while testing your computer actually use it in and out every single day to get to know all the nuances of it so I switched to the service book and it's been interesting it took me about three and a half to four days to get over some of the humps trying something new think you're going to seem weird you get that you know 24 hours and you're like I mean mistake I can switch back I've been using an OS 10 or Mac OS since my very first youtube video when I box that MacBook Pro and I've just been find it to work for me but I need to be educated on both platforms and I wanted to learn what's going on with Windows 10 more than I had already knew sort of generally how to use it so I push myself through those issues me about five days to sort of be comfortable with Windows and appreciate what it can do but I did have some problems and here's what I overcame so a few things that I really like in Mac OS I like me I'll take screenshots you know just doing the command shift for those worked out well for me you can select what part of the screen that you want there's anything equivalent in Windows you can use a snippet tool or you can print screen but you can't take a screenshot of something specific and I do that a lot so I found a tool called green shot that you can set any custom shortcut keys you want take a screenshot and you can export it to wherever you like so I set that up and it worked exactly like it did on Mac OS I linked all these apps if you want down below they're all free as well so that was a really good fine for me another feature that I really liked in Mac OS they don't hit spacebar and see a preview of a document now there's an app that's in beta called sear st ER that supposedly does the same thing and it worked for me for like two days and then just totally stopped working but hopefully on that app comes out of beta and maybe let improve it but you can give it a shot on your own machine and see if it works for you another thing I really liked about Mac OS ability to sign documents in preview I can sort of use my finger sign one so I can just input the signature and I'm good to go I sign a lot of nd is in contract so there's no risk that windows didn't have that obviously I can use the surface pen to sign documents but at the computer docked most of the time so actually Adobe Reader I can download on any OS you get out of a key signed documents it makes it really easy it's a little ticked a few more steps and when I had on Mac OS but it works just as well but the biggest issue that I had was finding a nail app that worked when I reviewed the original surface book when my issues with it was the mail app was horrible it wasn't pulling an address book so if I wanted to send an email somebody had already emailed me and I didn't know their name or email address I couldn't do it it wouldn't pull it in it was infuriating he also couldn't drag and drop files into the mail app Microsoft has fixed that and the mail app works really well but admittedly I didn't just start trying the mail app so I figured they hadn't fixed with problems I tried to slew of other mail apps find ones that worked I didn't find one that really worked for my workflow I just started using mail app again and Microsoft fixed issues that I had before so I just went back to using that so it's hats off to Microsoft so the point being if you're thinking about switching a lot of folks are thinking about making a switch the new generation MacBook Pros you got to stick with it you gotta stick with it for at least sort of that three to five days you can over those weird humps things are strange they're not where they're used to them being but Windows has gotten really good instead of me just saying like hey you know Windows sucks I use Mac here's some emojis to say how stupid is I figured I need to actually use it and learn it so I always from an educated standpoint say yeah it sucks or yeah it's really good it turns out I'm kind of liking what I see from Windows 10 I don'ts gonna be a permanent switch but for right now I have no desire to switch back to Mac OS but maybe I'll change when the new MacBook Pros come in we get a good chance to to test those but for right now I'm live in that Windows life I'm not hating it so maybe I persuaded you to give Windows a shot and perhaps the way you want to do it is to create your own website but maybe you don't know how to code for you I've got a solution the folks at Squarespace have you covered the site's look super professional they're easy to do regardless of skill level no coding necessary which is pretty good for me it's really intuitive and easy to use I also get a free domain you sign up for a year check out slash TechnoBuffalo and use offer code techno for 10% off
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