so I'm guessing galaxy s 10 videos are
all up in your YouTube homepage listen
it's all up in mine - it's everywhere
and playing with it
I'm loving it and I'm also been enjoying
the five cameras on the ass ten plus and
well five is probably more than is
necessary it gives you a lot of
flexibility to what you can do and I
kind of just wanted to play with it a
bit more and I figured instead of doing
a video it's like static product shot or
maybe some like broody moody portrait
modes I was gonna think outside of the
I guess inside of the box with this
fifteen hundred pieces of Awesomeness
I'm gonna test a galaxy s 10 plus camera
I'm gonna build myself a Porsche 911
I've never built anything this extensive
but builds a lot of Legos in my day but
never fifteen hundred and eighty pieces
and also we're using galaxy s 10 plus as
our B cam so let us know down below what
you think of footage all right so we got
bags on bags on bags and bags and
predictably we have four wheels for the
Porsche 911 I have I've never built
anything this big in the Lego world but
I'm kind of stoked to try it's gonna
take a long time and build what I think
is pretty close to a dream car and
Porsche 911 just like smaller may add a
tiny little bricks and start building
they said of Legos all the time additive
buckets in talking to the bucket to them
and people kind of think of Lego now
it's like you know the lego movie in the
video game is back then like like it was
life like I said there's built stuff
like I would build like he-man
from all the shows i watch Saturday
morning and we're trying to build like
Ninja Turtles on my own they looked more
like mutants than the real Ninja Turtles
looked might not look like too much but
if you take apart a car it's not gonna
look like too much either unless you
know different parts so Technic does a
really cool job kind of mimicking what a
real car with you so this where the
steering wheels gonna go in as I turn it
you can actually see that the wheels
will turn when they are on and then also
really cool so you can see the engine
where the engine is gonna be right here
you can turn it kind of see all the
gears start to turn it's got a working
suspension like you can see two springs
in the shocks like as I move this like
you can't actually go up which is kind
of cool this isn't just like a you know
bricks go together and I like looks like
a 911 like I should put a ton of detail
in here I mean do you can see the
cylinders in the engine which is kind of
cool so you can tell six cylinders
because I can literally just count them
so this mile I'm hoping is not creepy at
the smile of accomplishment because it
is built pat myself on the back a few
times for getting this sucker done but
now let's talk about how the s tended
now I was really excited to put my sweet
sweet track lops which is I'm calling
the cameras on the s10 plus to good use
and they don't think they disappointed
at all so the use case for each camera
on the back I think I was able to use
for the Lego bill the wide-angle was
freaking awesome to see all the pieces
on the table it does look a little bit
started but it's a wide-angle and it was
really nice to have the zoom was kind of
cool to guess where those really tighter
shots the regular camera is obviously
pretty good but I think Samsung start to
really kind of flex a bit was on video
the 4k 60 was crazy smooth I think one
of the most awesome things that I like
didn't expect was actually the
stabilization it looks awesome
almost like go pro level stabilization
to the point where if I was gonna rig up
like a hero 7 for a car shooter I guess
in this case a tiny car shoot I'd
consider using the s 10 instead of a
GoPro it's that level of good I'm
looking for a way to like flex a little
bit with the s 10 plus could do and it
impressed me every chance it had and a
lot of ste I gotta build a Lego at the
job doesn't get much better than that
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