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Galaxy S6 Edge Explained - This is what it can do

hey what's up everyone this is Todd Hazleton from TechnoBuffalo I already brought you our hands-on video with the Galaxy s6 edge and now I want to show you a little deeper dive into what you can actually do with the edge of the screen like why is it there what makes it important you can see it it looks cool but what else so when you have the phone open on the lockscreen here you can quickly access your favorite contacts now note the color codings because we'll get into that in a little bit and you can quickly place a phone call or a text message a crisp fernandes what's up will swipe it back so it's always just a swipe away from the side of the screen there okay so now we can go into the customization I'll show you all the different things you can do with it go into settings edge screen now here you can see the edge lighting you can set the device to light up the edge when calls and notifications are received and I'll show you that in a second people edge that's what we already showed you where you pull in from the side information stream I'll show you that in a second but it's similar to what we've seen on a note 4 or a note edge rather and then night clock which I'll also show you you can go in here select the notifications that you want to receive information streams shows different things so you can manage the feeds right here we have it looks like just your notifications and calendar alerts Yahoo a Twitter Yahoo Finance here and then Yahoo Sports on the end you can download feeds now remember and I told this the apps are different from what's on the note edge so they're not the same not compatible so very different and then you can go in and change the wedding's the weather settings the weddings the weather settings two different edges here change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit and stuff like that so now let me show you some of the functions now what we can do is I can demo some of the features because Samsung actually set it up for us here so here's SMS and we'll actually in a call alert and we're gonna show you how it works so the phone will start ringing but if it's face down you can see the edge actually glows blue to show us that that's the caller coming through and obviously it will work a lot better in the dark we get an idea of who's who's calling you and you can just see right there the color change so it actually does have a use for you now I'll show you what it looks like in sleep mode so if you're here you can activate the stripe it's actually facing the wrong way there we go and this is great if you're just lying in bed or you have it on the desk and you just want to quickly check the weather the time or the battery charge and then this is where you're going to flip through to see your stocks your sports scores notifications what's going on on the Yahoo News and Twitter and everything like that and then if you want you should also get a bedtime clock there and it's just sort of a soft glow after this deactivates let's see if it goes into that mode for us in case that's a quick look here at all the features you can currently do with the galaxy s6 edge we imagine as developers gain support they're gonna create much more functionality but that's a that's a start of what you'll see out-of-the-box this is Todd Hazleton from TechnoBuffalo
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