hey what's up guys John rettinger here
and I want to give you a demonstration
of Google's Chrome browser for mac
people that have pcs love chrome they
rave about how quick it is ease of use
and I certainly agree I've used it quite
a bit on a pcs and I'm a big fan and
finally it is coming for Mac I should
say that this is not an official beta or
release candidate this was just a build
that was seated only to developers it is
not feature complete and is a little bit
buggy and quirky which is why this isn't
a review just an overview this more
shows a working proof of concept of
Google Chrome so let's go ahead and jump
right in and those you that are familiar
with Google Chrome will notice that it
gives you your most watched tabs right
across the top so let's go ahead and see
how quickly it loads a web page let's go
to my youtube channel for example see it
loads up nice and quickly but no flash
unfortunately as I'll show you in a
minute this version of Chrome has a very
hard time handling downloads and
certainly can't recognize flash quite
yet but you did see that a loaded very
quickly let me open up Firefox my
primary browser give you some comparison
so placing the same website you can see
it loaded turn that down bus leave it a
little bit slower but just as fast
chrome is quite quick if you go to a
site one of my favorites hulu com take a
clip the tility that flash player is
required please continue so I'm going
pretend if you want to download this and
will agree and install and it chokes on
download it for download and start click
here you can click here it just won't
download it's apparently not feature
complete yet obviously just wanted to
show you guys that if you do plan on
finding a virgin chrome out there that's
in I suppose developer alpha it's not
going to be good enough to use as your
primary browser just a friendly heads-up
so you've got your tab browsers on top
the things people are used to with
chrome Pope as many as you like and this
pretty quickly
bit of animation that shows up there so
let me show you some of the chrome
preferences that you'll get when this
browser comes out we'll go to Chrome
open up preferences and here we go it's
relatively simple as chrome is known to
be so on startup you can open the
homepage restore the pages that are open
last open the following pages you can
use the tab page open this page control
your toolbar so sure the home button on
the toolbar will add that and show page
an option menu on the toolbar go ahead
and add that too and you can go ahead
and make chrome your default browser not
quite ready to do that yet use your data
cache give out your passwords autofill
you can import bookmarks clear your data
you can even choose themed I'm not tell
you sure what this does yet so right now
it's the blue we can go ahead and pick
different colors let's pick red and see
if that doesn't it and under the hood
there's nothing there yet so we'll close
out nothing really changed color wise so
great but I assume you'll be able to
pick custom theme and put it right into
chrome and I do have google search right
on your homepage so we do have to go
ahead and actually close the browser and
open it back up and see if any of the
preferences that we put in place are
there so we wanted to put the home
button on the taskbar get it didn't show
up so there are a lot of quirks with
this browser but i just wanted to show
you guys let you know that if you are a
fan of chrome or if you mean jealous a
your friends chrome on their pc it is
coming to your mac and this is one of
those things that i'm very happy to see
when i first switched over to mac about
two and a half years ago i was worried
that maybe there wasn't going to be all
the software that i wanted on math
that's a very common misconception that
goes about there and i can very happily
say that any software you want format
there is or want for pc rather there is
a mac equivalent and it just nice to
know that chrome is another instance of
that coming for mac hey guys hope you
enjoyed for exclusive content be sure to
follow me on twitter twitter com / John
for lakers i'll see you guys in next
video bye bye
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