
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Google Now’s Got Jokes

what's going on everyone John Ranger from TechnoBuffalo we all know digital assistants are good for things like checking the weather sports scores making appointments but they're also a lighter side they got a bit of personality last week we did a video on jokes and songs here you can tell I thought we'd follow that one up with what Google now has in store so we show you some fun things going out can do and I apologize in advance for probably setting off all of your phones but if using Android on the upside you can follow along yourself ok Google what is the Fox a hottie hottie hottie home so that's oh it's cool but that is with foxes this one's broke my favorite Google's got an accent ok Google beam me up Scottie I can't do it Cap'n I do not have the power should you not have the power I just gotta do it I then suppose a break of the tongue twisters ok Google how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood which is a lot of chucking wood chuck you let's get a little melancholy for a minute ok Google what is the loneliest number the loneliest number is one it's true there's a little more visual but ok Google do a barrel roll did a barrel roll you know a little hungry making videos kind of worked up an appetite okay Google make me a sandwich what make it yourself that's not funny and last and probably not least okay Google who are you searching for oneself can take a lifetime but a good place to start is classic rock classic rock he's a good place to start we could all try and find ourselves you're just a few fun things that Google have to do again anything else you guys know that it'll do leave a comment down below maybe get updated video I know I think you guys for watching hope you enjoyed this video a thumbs up rose appreciate it stay tuned to techno buffer for the latest tech news I'll see you guys the next video
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