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Hound puts Google Now and Siri to shame

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by harry's and what's going on guys the martin sang it from TechnoBuffalo and in today's video we'll be taking a look at a new voices system that puts Siri and Google now to shame sound hound the company behind the music recognition app recently launched a mobile personal assistant called hound and even though it's in beta its capabilities are hugely impressive just like Google now Siri or Cortana hound lets you do simple things like make a call send messages search for music flights or hotels but it's designed to be deeper and more complex to where hound really excels is understanding more natural language you can say something like ok hound I need a hotel in LA near West Hollywood from Wednesday through Friday between $150 to $250 a night showing 10 results with availability near West Hollywood for Wednesday June 24th staying for 2 nights between 150 u.s. dollars and 250 US dollars per night to pull up a couple of hotels near West Hollywood in a nice list view that shows hotels near West Hollywood between $150 to $250 a night what's really impressive about how it is that you can also add specific details and follow-ups let's say you need a hotel would have free Wi-Fi you can just say ok hound how about would free Wi-Fi to find hotels near West Hollywood around $150 to $250 a night and would free Wi-Fi it's super fast and works great even though it's in beta Hound can understand even more complicated questions than that stuff Google now or Siri wouldn't even begin to know how to answer ok hound what is the population in capital for Japan and China and their areas in square miles and square kilometers and also tell me how many people live in India and what is the area code for Germany France and Italy and 1 billion three hundred thirty million 44,000 for China and the capital is Tokyo for Japan and baby a few moments later the area code is 49 for Germany 33 for France and 39 for Italy so as you can see how it is very thorough and replying to a complex question it'll go through each question and answer those questions in proper order and the app itself will give you a list of information in the order ask them in pressing the question mark button will pull up some of the things you can ask or say to hound for example you can ask coun to split a bill two ways or four ways and it'll also show you two percentage and how much you should say for that specific bill there's a lot more that you can ask count by calculating mortgage and stock information you can even ask what's the latest news from TechnoBuffalo if you'd like well how it is still in beta it's amazing what it's able to achieve the fact that it can understand natural language and complex questions and deliver those answers within seconds is just amazing how it is an invite-only beta program and it's only available for Android at the moment iOS support is coming soon unfortunately only users located in the US can use it as of right now so before we end this video I want to thank our friends over at Harry's shaving can be quite expensive nowadays but fortunately our friends over at Harry's can hook you up with premium razors at non premium prices their starter kit starts - just fifteen dollars and that includes the razor three blades and your choice of Harry shave cream or foaming gel I personally like the gel it feels nice on my face as an added bonus you can get five dollars off your first purchase by using the code TechnoBuffalo all one word in lower case and half they're using the code you can also get an entire month of Shaving for just ten dollars anyways this is just a quick look and overview of sound hounds new mobile personal assistant if you guys have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section down below and if you guys enjoy this video give it a thumbs up and we will see you guys in the next one
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