Apple reached an all-time high today and
the stock price is not the only thing on
fire the popularity of the iPhone the
iPad simply doesn't seem to be losing
steam but is this Apple's best moment as
competing devices like the android which
does offer more flexibility in many ways
come to market will they overtake Apple
joining us is jon rettinger
editor-in-chief of technobuffalo and
i'll expect our strategic analytics
senior analysts good to have both of you
with us and and if you could Alex start
off by saying giving the case for why
others like Android could end up being
the dominant players I think it's just a
numbers game Aaron if we look back at
the smartphone market Apple was was the
leading vendor to define the new
smartphone user experience but then
device vendors using Android came in and
they had there were more device vendors
more devices on the market and so they
were quickly able to overtake Apple in
terms of volume so it'll be a similar
story i think in tablets over time it
won't just be one device it'll be
multiple devices multiple tablets
running android and those will add up
and there will be more Android choices
for consumers okay then I guess there's
a point to be made there when you see a
lot of people liking the the smartphone
droid experience what's your response
John do you think this is a real risk or
this time this time being the iPad does
Apple really have it locked up you know
those numbers and facts are bit
misleading when the iphone was released
it was released on just one carrier if
you look at Android for example you have
multiple Android devices on multiple
carriers so it's the fact of multiple
devices competing against one now at the
device like the iPhone releasing on
verizon on the tenth iPad which verizon
is also committed to carrying there's
going to be much higher market
penetration for the eye patch already is
experiencing upwards of seventy five
percent market share apple reported that
they sold 14 million iPads compared to
the 1 million Samsung Galaxy Tabs our
souls not to mention the biggest
probably downside of the Google tablets
is a google fragmentation in 2010 alone
Google really
three different versions of the
operating system so from a developer
standpoint if you have to code for one
vertically integrated device like the
iPhone or the iPad or you have to
support multiple software upgrades on
the Android side I think the choice is
going to be very clear Alex what's your
response to that I mean and do you think
that Apple has made enough of a head way
through the ipad is just one example
that it's going to get in the corporate
market because that would clearly help
them because people like to have you
know the same thing at work as they do
at home may just makes it easier you
don't have to learn as many things and
Apple has been making headway at least
with the iPad to corporate America
absolutely i think that Apple Apple over
the past few years has made tons of
headway in corporate first it started
out with with the iphone and more and
more enterprises being more accepting of
Apple moving moving towards Android or
I'm sorry moving towards the iPad the
BlackBerry PlayBook is is another
competitive device that will potentially
try to get into this enterprise space as
we know blackberry is extremely popular
with enterprise and what they'd like to
they'd like some of that volume and
profit share as well so that the
PlayBook will be another contender there
as well John what's your point of view
in terms of pricing Apple you know
historically and a lot and a lot of
different products not all of them I
guess but a lot of them was able to
charge a premium do you think they'll be
able to do that because obviously from a
stock price perspective even if they
remain intensely popular but have to do
so by being more competitive on pricing
that could be a hit for shareholders
absolutely apples pricing policy I think
it's speaking for itself when it comes
to this number of units that are being
moved if you look at the biggest
upcoming android competitor the zoom the
rumored pricing is just about eight
hundred dollars which actually puts it
about eighty dollars higher than the
highest priced ipad right now and what
we're talking about in terms of ipad is
still by all intensive purposes almost
last generation hardware we are on the
dawn of woods expected to be an ipad 2
announcement sometime in the next few
months so we may see a slight price drop
although i wouldn't count on it from
apple all right Alex John thank you very
much appreciate it thank you good to
have you back all right and it's great
to be back and good to see both of you
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