hi everyone this is Joey Davidson senior
gaming editor at TechnoBuffalo comm and
I'm here with a look at new super Luigi
u that recently released DLC for new
super mario U for the Wii U which is way
more to use than I feel like saying in a
sentence ever I'm pulling this live
right now so that I can show you exactly
what's new and unique about the game and
kind of basically explain whether or not
it's worth your time and money
essentially new super Luigi u is a
redoing of all 80 some odd courses that
launched with this title back when the
Wii U were released all courses have
been reduced in length and you'll see
right up in the top right corner of the
screen right now that I only have a
hundred seconds to complete each level
that's different than I think the 300
that normally starts a luigi actually
moves different as well if you pay
attention to my skid it's a lot longer
to stop in this game which makes
platforming much tougher there's no
stopping on a dime essentially that you
get with Mario and the other three
players the two toads and the navigable
ittle bit they also have the same skid
and jump
you see Luigi has kind of a float at the
end of his jump it's very similar to
what we saw in Super Mario Brothers 2
back on the NES if you guys played that
you remember that every character had
its own basically jump and movement
mechanics and the we just jump had this
little kick float at the end it's a lot
harder of a game and part of that is due
to the nature of the quick levels
everything being much shorter but then
also Luigi's mechanics being so much
different just makes platforming and
exploring each level that much harder
and it's enjoyable for what it's worth
but if you're looking for something
completely new and Mario this isn't it
it's not going to be it for a while
oh that was terrible I knew it when I
did it I'm not gonna sit here and
suggest that I'm really good at Mario if
you hear some horrific grinding noises
just know that they've decided that
today's the day that they're going to
repave the road outside of my house so
if you hear this bar that's one of those
awesome asphalt mills that I didn't even
know existed until this morning when it
woke me up all right so I just want to
jump up to another level right now you
can get this game digitally for 20 bucks
I believe I don't think I beat this
level over here on the mushrooms or you
can wait until August to get it
physically for 30 dollars they're the
exact same game regardless of that price
point but if you're a collector and you
want something more physical with it oh
here a collector and you want the
physical forms of your games which I
know some of you're like that and
personally I'm like that as well it's
gonna cost you $10 more and since it's
the quote year of luigi from him to look
at all those guys and Yoshi's gone
whatever he led a good life no that's
what I'm talking about with the
platforming so much more difficult and
frustrating it's I mean I'm enjoying it
as a more challenging take on Mario but
it's definitely a much harder game which
should prove interesting
gosh this platforming issue is really
killing me
so like I was saying with the physical
addition if you are a collector it comes
in green for the year of Luigi which is
kind of cool I suppose I don't know if
that necessarily warrants a ten extra
dollars but if you are the type of
person who likes to have games occupy
your shelf and you go nuts for those
different color games which I know a lot
of people do I used to back when for
instance Nintendo 64 had like blue
cartridges anyone who played Tony Hawk
knows I'm talking about but otherwise
it's it's essentially the same Mario you
know and love just with a Luigi twist
and the aforementioned nabbit when
you're playing multiplayer he brings
kind of a new dimension to gaming with
friends in this game he cannot take
damage from enemies so if you have
someone who might be maybe not as good
at these types of titles as you are you
want to give them nabbit whenever it
encounters any of Bowser's baddies he
doesn't really take any damage at all so
that's nice for more tougher segments
but he is susceptible to the same
platforming problems and Luigi slow
movement this so for 20 bucks I mean you
are gonna get 82 courses they are more
bite-sized than than the originals so
don't expect to get the same longevity
out of the title no I'm not two words so
hard then and three-quarters was
absolutely right I'm gonna leave it
there thank you guys for watching so
much I'm Joey Davidson again from
TechnoBuffalo and if you want any more
of these types of videos just sound off
in the comments below we're working hard
to bring them to you as much as we can
until next time see ya
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