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Marvel’s Civil War — Everything you need to know!

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by the LG OLED TV not a new TV a new category television with Marvel Cinematic Universe in full swing you might be feeling a little bit overwhelmed and I understand if we're gonna take care of that for you I'm mark Pearson over TechnoBuffalo and in case you missed it this is Marvel Civil War fair warning there are mondo spoilers ahead so just so you know if you haven't read if you haven't seen any of you vendors movies I'm just going to assume that if you're watching this you're watching this because you're trying to get this information so let's start in the beginning after a giant breakout at Rikers Island prison the new warriors they're a ragtag group of kind of greener heroes they decided to take on one of the most lethal villains that had escaped from Rikers nitro the human explosion was hiding out in Stamford Connecticut with some other c-list villains the New Warriors decided it was their time shine so they set out to take down nitro and his sort of ad-hoc crew oh and did I mention the New Warriors were the subject of their own reality series at the time and that the entire raid was being televised to the entire country in an effort to boost their ratings when challenged by the New Warriors in Stamford Connecticut named Morita of the New Warriors taunted nitro relentlessly which caused him to detonate himself killing most of the New Warriors and hundreds of civilians in the process including a nearby elementary school the nation erupted much like nitro into a crusade to urge superheroes to take responsibility by forcing them to publicly unmask themselves the superhero Registration Act quickly became law and spurred even more outcry against heroes in fact not only was the Human Torch assaulted but he was the night of bank loan can you even believe that shield then went after Steve Rogers Captain America to enlist his help in urging heroes to unmask but cap wanted nothing to do with it on the other hand Tony Stark was already in the limelight more often than not as Iron Man so he had no issue stepping up and working with the government the first heroes to be captured and prosecuted were the Young Avengers they were eventually rescued by an undercover cap and Falcon and they were recruited into the fold of the resistance these kinds of interactions continued to ripple throughout the Marvel Universe hanging in the balance right now is old Peter Parker before all this happened Spiderman was actually just in the middle of recovering from one of the worst arcs in comic book history the other he needed a new suit before Civil War began Peter Parker was approached by Tony Stark and offered one of the coolest spider suits of all time the iron spider the iron spider is exactly what it sounds like a spider-man suit made by Tony Stark it was awesome Peter now had a heads up display three mechanical spider arms and just a plethora of new abilities thanks to his new suit this is how tony was able to convince Peter to be the next hero to publicly unmasked which he did in an effort to earn back some of the public interest after that catastrophe in Connecticut as you might have guessed not every hero group was interested in cooperating though after Tony Stark met with the x-men Emma Frost explained that unmasking and hunting heroes was just something that totally went against everything they stood for and politely declined this spurred a few new offshoots of groups that could operate in a covert fashion keeping them from being discovered tracked or associated with their true identities the most notable of these is the Secret Avengers which cap then went on to start and this would be the group that would eventually morph into the sort of black ops offshoot of the true vendors that we know today the Secret Avengers continued operations until they were alerted to a chemical plant fire that had many innocents inside this turned out to be a plan by Iron Man though to lure the secret Avengers together into a trap Iron Man offered Captain America one last chance to register camp responded by disabling Iron Man's armor and thus began the melee this battle is one of the most brutal that we've seen in the Marvel Universe in a long time as Iron Man beat the hell out of Captain America Thor who had been notably absent ass of late reappeared magically on the Perot registration side and went to town on the Secret Avengers ultimately murdering a hero by the name of Goliath the former Giant Man Thor turned out to be a clone though with a mechanical hammer that happened to go haywire with the actual Thor's whereabouts still unknown even though it caused many anti-registration here us to reconsider Goliath's murder caused the pro registration group to hemorrhage supporters this fired up Iron Man even more so he put together a new team of Thunderbolts consisting of some of Marvel's most ruthless villains eventually the fighting between heroes took to Times Square where the damage was unprecedented not unlike the attacks on New York by the Chitauri want to take a quick break here to talk about our sponsor LG we have been using the LG OLED TV here in the office for a little while now and actually didn't hands-on with it it is one of the best TVs I have seen to my eyes it's an OLED TV which means the blacks are really nice and deep and dark and rich that means those pixels aren't getting lit up so you're seeing actual true blacks which is a really big deal the picture quality is fantastic it's a 4k display so watching 4k stuff from YouTube from Netflix you name it it's all really really sharp and nice big crisp clean colors not to mention the viewing angles are just fantastic it's a nice big curved display so it doesn't really matter where you're standing in the room it's gonna look awesome these guys have been great and this TV is fantastic you can go and check out all the information on the site and definitely make sure you check out that hands-on and just remember it's not just a regular old new TV it's a new category of television think about that in the first Avengers movie in terms of severity as cap was about to finish off Iron Man he was tackled to the ground and gave him enough repose to reconsider his position he stood up unmasked and surrendered unfortunately on his way to his arraignment he was shot dead on the steps of the courthouse this sets up the following arc which would focus on who would take up the mantle of Captain America which is another great art to read by Ed Brubaker the nice thing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that the first Avengers already laid the groundwork for a civil war the world hasn't been quite the same since then and I'm really excited to see how they sparked the flames that ignite one of the biggest writs in the history of the Marvel Universe now this is not entirely comprehensive this is intended for you to help you understand what happened and maybe give you enough of a taste to go and check it out for yourself it really is worth a read and some of the side books are pretty good too but certainly not all of them don't read every single thing that says Civil War on it I'm already planning on taking a look at the Winter Soldier in this series and the infinity war so those will definitely be happening a lot more often there's also a ton of great stuff on the way from the MCU so be sure to let us know which arts you'd like to see on in case you missed it and as always
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