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Mass Effect 3 Demo - Get Your Game On!

what's up guys this is joey davidson senior editor at technobuffalo calm and I'm here to give you a look at the mass effect 3 single player' demo alright so there's quite a bit of cutscene before this I'm going to try and skip all of that I'm playing this on the xbox 360 so you'll often see some kinect integration going on but before we get there the reason why I'm cutting all the or skipping all the cutscenes i should say is i'm not really looking to ruin the story for you guys so you're going to see some cut scene moments pop up and I'm just pressing X and getting through them as quickly as I can you can download the demo right now on the playstation 3 xbox 360 and pc i believe with the pc version you have to do some stuff with origin so if you're not in origin you may need easily order to get the demo so sorry for that though I didn't do it looks good let's go come on let's keep moving lieutenant commander you read me so right now i'm following anderson he's obviously a serious staple for mass effect and I picked male Shepherd you can do some customization stuff at the start of this but you can't load in your Shepherds they're gonna see me fight some husks don't make fun of my shooting yeesh have to take these things out the old-fashioned way so to catch you up if you're wondering what is going on the Reapers are invading earth right now the husks are pretty much their lowest form of infantry I suppose that's the Reaper ships that are raining all sorts of red laser down on the surface commander shepard at the start of this demo is being court-martialed for his actions throughout the course of aspect one and two won't get into the gory details boom I'm going to use some of the kinect features here I could press a but I'll say open instead and it opened its crazy actually the kinect features work really well you'll see it when the combat picks up and I'm actually fighting alongside Anderson I'm going to be skipping a big cut scene here so that's why the video seems a little bit jumpy so Shepherd and Anderson right now are on their way to the Normandy Normandy is obviously Shepherd ship or his crews currently stationed you know it like I said there's a lot of cutscene so I'm about to head into a bigger battle here the demo is not too difficult when it comes to actually fighting Reapers or any other enemies there is a second section that involves a lot more action than this here this is kind of like an introduction to the game and its mechanics if you've never played mass effect before this will take you through the controls so that was my radial entry I'm actually not going to use the radial at all throughout comment i'm going to use all connect to control Anderson and I think his one move throughout this whole thing is concussive shot so it's pretty easy the way the Kinect functionality works is you can say see like when you're normally running if you're unfamiliar with mass effect you have two partners with you and that's kind of your squad so when you're with two people you control them each if they have the same ability by saying their name so you would say liara and then you'd say your name or you'd say you know garrus and then you'd say his ability when I'm solo or when I'm with two people that have the same or excuse me two people that have two different abilities you can just say the name of the ability you two all right some more advanced form of reaper the cannibals they actually use weaponry so I'm still so low right now you don't see Anderson's icon there beware my health and shield basically they're telling me that I need to go activate a radio and that's where I understand and I are going to go right now now you see Anderson you see the logo there for concussive shot and I'm just holding the radial down to show you that's the voice come in you'd say Anderson concussive shot or just concussive shot I don't think we've seen flying Reapers before in this game it's kind of why I tracked him with my camera alright so when I'm targeting someone you'll see the concussive shot thing kind of disappear and then cool warm up there I just said it Anderson used it in the guy next to us dropped you'll see it a few more times it's actually pretty useful if you've played mass effect one or two then you know that combat typically flows a little bit slowly because you're constantly opening up the rail and using powers I'm not saying that that's necessarily a bad way to play it certainly how we played the first two games and didn't really bother us it actually gave us time to strategize in combat and women just more than just you know run and gun which isn't really the style to mass effect here with the Kinect voice integration I can just keep using it I don't really have to slow down battle in order to open up that radial you'll see it here after I use the radio that's not okay alright moving off of the pistol picking up the rifle works for ammo types as well so you'll see me say incendiary ammo here I mean how to pronounce that I just said it so this is Sheppard cool with this gun and all of a sudden you have in city area logo she's obviously very good on my biotic like films and watch as Anderson's concussive shop cools off which it's doing now I'll use it again target I say it he drops pretty neat if you're familiar with opening up the radio you know what it's like to not have voice controls we won't get to the second portion of the demo in this video but is a lot more action heavy so if you guys do want to check it out i do suggest playing all the way through to that you have to play this first more to get to them and then there is also a multiplayer arm which we don't even touch right as i run out of ammo the normandy flies in Seth Green totally did that alright so as this cinematic runs just want to say this is our first gameplay video on technobuffalo calm if you guys like it let us know you can get into the area of doing more of these I know you've probably seen the mass spec turi demo or at least I've heard of it will do more advanced games if you guys want to get into that just let us know if you liked what you saw here give us the thumbs up or a comment and tell us and I will push towards doing it more often let this wind down thank you guys for watching I'm not going you saw those men back there is a million more like them and they need a leader we're in this fight together Anderson it's a fight we can't win not without help we need every species and all their ships to even have a chance at defeating the Reapers talk to the council convince them to help us what if they won't listen then make them listen now go that's an order I don't take orders from you anymore remember consider yourself reinstated commander you know what you have to do I'll be back for you it'll bring every fleet I can good luck you to ship
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