hey guys john r Ettinger here i want to
give you a demonstration of Bing
Microsoft's new search engine and show
you how it compares with google seem
like I've been doing a lot of videos
about Microsoft product software and
harder recently but they have come out
with a lot of really interesting things
the past couple days Bing was announced
last week and it actually was just
announced today in a preview beta form
today is June 1st so the address is
www.samhsa.gov/dtac we fancy there that
will pull up some of the most viewed
results it'll break them into categories
which is actually relatively interesting
so here it's general Los Angeles Laker
results down below it's Los Angeles
Laker cheerleaders Los Angeles Lakers
tickets rumors roster so really breaks
up the search into search category which
is very interesting and on the left-hand
side here you'll see it shows some
related searches which is also very neat
the categories that are broken up -
broken into are also displayed on the
left hand side in the top let's go back
to Bing again show you what else it does
so it also searches images there's a
relatively nice job of it so we can
search just Lakers
actually what image search looks like
just pulls up standard images now one
interesting thing that it does do is it
searches videos so we'll type Lakers
again go over to video and this will
pull in video from a ton of different
sources including YouTube and I'll say
right down below where that video is
coming from so right there it's going
from the NBA
espn.com after YouTube videos it also
pull in YouTube videos at all
like removal and you can see right there
as you move your mouse over one of the
videos actually does start playing which
is very cool I'll show you that again
and I've got the volume muted so you
can't hear it but you can see the video
is playing something that is actually a
very neat feature so let's do a head and
search for John for Lakers you can see
that these are some YouTube videos that
I've done or some mentions that I've
been in and you can see that YouTube
comes up here employee is nice and easy
so here's my my old intro move your
mouse away and that's done so we'll go
back and you can also same with shopping
news maps and travel same sort of
similar search results you can search
forever you'd like and they'll pull it
up for you if you just want to do news
and you click on it it will pull up the
most recent news maps you can type in
your location and uses Microsoft Live
Search to pull up your math and also
give you some nice pre eloquent
directions and the same thing for
traveling type of the location and you
can search for travel deals or dates but
it's kind of like a built in Expedia
type of client it'll pull from a variety
of different sources but the big thing
that I care about is searching and how
good and accurate the search results are
and how does it compare against Google
which I use all the time so let me go
ahead and give you a heads head tag
comparison of how to stacks up with a
Google we are head-to-head with
google.com really whichever one you like
to looks better is going to be a
personal matter I actually like the way
Bing looks with the images in the
background and Google is very simple at
classic and it's become very iconic of
Google so let's do similar search that
we did before let's search for Lakers I
will search for the Lakers and Google as
well and unless you get the same results
here the you get news results on top for
Google and down below to get the
official side of the Lakers Wikipedia
and you get sort of the same thing here
oh the first site you get is the best
match the homepage you get some Lakers
scheduling which is very nice tell you
that the games are coming up in the
games it just happened forms and news
and Wikipedia is down a little bit below
so one of the things that I use Google
Form I know a lot of you use it for as
well is actually a spell check that is
being handled spelling errors well it's
summer vacation a lot of people are in
holidays let's type in holiday but spell
it wrong two L's for holiday and it
pulls up results for Matt holiday not
the holiday we were looking for let's
check another word let's type in Friday
it's my favorite day of the week did you
mean that Friday yes we did go ahead and
hit it and I'll put a whole list of
things for Friday let's try the same
thing here with Bing your Friday and
actually automatically corrects your
results are included for Friday it
doesn't ask you if you want to correct
which is very interesting it breaks it
down by categories in the day that I've
been playing with being I've to say I'm
very impressed that I do like the
categories although the search results
do not seem to be as accurate as it
Google's you can see right here I've got
one through twenty of 225 million on
Google I've got 548 million so at least
right now Google is pulling up almost
double the results at least in this
particular category certainly Bing will
catch up to that but it's got a long way
to go so my thing if you need to search
I'm still going to use Google but I'm
going to keep giving Bing a shot for
other maybe non spellcheck related
searches I think it's a nice end and I
think it has a lot of potential so what
do you guys think about Bing are you
going to use it does it interest you or
you've no interest in it whatsoever
leave your comments down below for
exclusive content be sure to follow me
on Twitter twitter.com slash John for
Lakers and I'll see you guys in the next
video bye-bye
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