
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Most Surprising Tech at CES

one of the coolest parts of CES for me is finding the hidden gems there's kind of technology from the larger companies you'd expect but if you walk around the show floor and roam the halls you will see some incredible tech from companies you would not expect let me share with you some of the most surprising technology of CES 2017 let's start the company it's been around for I think 240 odd years the United States Postal Service as a big booth here and had a ton of awesome technology in it one of the coolest ones for me though was the appropriately named most wonderful ornament and it's an ornament that's gonna glow different colors to track a package that you sent so if you're sending a present out to Grandma and you want to know when she got it when it got shipped and when she opens it up it'll glow three different colors it'll change to blue when the package out for delivery ready when it's been dropped off and the color you want it will glow green when has been open so you should check your phone and make sure grandma called you grandma to be more courteous I used a Siler technology in the sensor it's actually built into the box when it opens USPS is gonna know it so you don't to check your phone or put enough tracking information into a website you look at your tree and be able to know what the package is there did you come down in the morning you'll see the ornament is glowing different colors it'll plug or right into your string of lights too so you have to worry about external power it was kind of cool to see ornament technology start to be a thing and come from the USPS so from technology for your Christmas tree what about technology for where you work this is the alt workstation it's a gravity desk that lets you sit stand or pretty much lay down and work so the bad news first it's gonna cost forty nine hundred bucks the cool news though is it looks awesome it puts magnets on the bottom of your stuff so like your keyboard and your mouse and it lets you lato talese lat and you can type in and look pretty cool while you're doing it it's got an integrated monitor desk and chair that's gonna move with your body to create an amazingly comfortable and productive workstation for me though I probably would just we'll just sleep but if you think you can do work while laying down and take a look at it if you guys been watching a lot of MTV Cribs or maybe you see Diddy's yacht out there you think you know I wish I could have that yacht but maybe in a like a giant RV form then the fury on Elysium is probably gonna be for you this is clearly a concept and it's I can't describe it any better than like a land yacht it's kind of a cool marriage of high-tech and unnecessary luxurious living for an RV this is a trail like you're gonna you're gonna want to invite people over too so it's a 45 foot RV that showcases their latest tech it's got HGTV's it's got kitchen appliances audio guidance observations stuff it's even has a very Tesla inspired navigation screen and oh hey it also has a helicopter landing pad and a hot tub and beyond that the helicopter itself will retract into the RV just let that sink in for a minute and then they're claiming the upper deck is perfect for entertaining company and the hot tub but and we all know what that what that's for if you're gonna spend the money for an RV the hot tub I mean maybe maybe spring spring for a real boat fury on a company I hadn't admitted Lee never heard of it before the show also had a giant mechanical I guess prosthesis but it looks like it came from Avatar and say 20 foot EXO Bionic and mech suit capable of running at a speed of more than 21 miles per hour which doesn't sound that fast but if you see a giant mechanical spider looking thing with the dude inside of it coming at you 21 miles per hour is plenty fast it was built for a pilot and is the creation of responsive stable and powerful EXO Bionic platform amplifies the motion of the pilot so like if the dude inside or lady moves their leg it's going to move with them it stands nearly 14 feet tall 16 feet wide and weighs more than 7,000 pounds and it is electrically powered so I guess kind of goofy environment the next technology is from a company you'd expect to put out awesome tech but in an unexpected way this is razors project Ariana it's the world's first video projection system designed for immersive gaming it's a crazy cool video projector which uses an ultra wide fisheye lens and advanced processing capabilities to take your game just like out of your setup so if you're gaming and you have your TV up on the wall it's gonna project what you're looking at around the TV as well to create a really immersive environment it's got pretty cool intelligent calibration for personalized projection this is obviously a concept it may never come to market but the way it immerses you into the game is unlike anything I've ever seen if you ever looked at a hoverboard and thought that just looks too safe the folks at one wheel have you covered with the Plus this $1500 single wheel hyper core motor thing takes performance - and they claim next level it's got a five to seven mile range before folks yell at me that's 8 to 11 kilometers can also go up to 19 miles per hour or 30 kilometers per hour which is really fast and it looks like you are just putting your feet on opposite sides of a go-kart wheel it's available now it looks crazy it was hard to ride by matching yourself getting used to it so there's a ton attack obviously get CES and if you go looking for it you'll find a lot of really cool things for companies you wouldn't expect I was really impressed what I saw from Razer from the USPS let me know down below what kind of tech you guys like the most anything sound interesting to you have a discussion about it I'm sure you've notifications turned on so you when new videos are coming until next time I am John Rhett injure TechnoBuffalo
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