it's been six months its finale of the
console wars a PlayStation 3 and Xbox
360 clash of 12 heated rounds and in the
end PS recap on on top both consoles
have evolved quite a bit since the
beginning of the series and it's now
time to take a second look in season 2
of the console wars we're going to be
focusing on motion control gaming it's
going to be a battle between the
PlayStation Move and the Xbox 360 Kinect
in this first round we're going to be
taking a look at the technology behind
all the smoke and mirrors I'll be
comparing the devices in terms of
technical innovation and implementation
so we're going to be taking a look at
how the devices work and how the
technology translates into actual
painful a lot of technical stuff to be
covered so put on your gaming hats get
ready for six full rounds of heavy room
game console action this is LP and I'm
back for season two of the console wars
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