thinking able to review tech for a
living is beyond awesome sometimes the
emails that we get review new
technologies go under the radar
and gently do me hours of like midnight
and like 5:00 in the morning I'm getting
between 75 and 100 emails from products
that literally I wouldn't take a look at
so for the past few months I've just
been saying yes to all of these email
because maybe there's some awesome
products and diamonds in the rough that
we didn't keep a fair chance to haven't
been reading much for what they are I've
just been saying yes to everybody and
Ralph's a mark in the office and getting
other products and sort of picking them
out so we can fill our very first we
said yes so like I said we said yes I
haven't seen any of these products yet
in persons for gonna serve experience in
them for the first time hopefully you
guys enjoy the video if you do like the
style of video and like this as a new
series give it a video a thumbs up to
let us know what's our it's a big one
because that's heavy alright so
solowheel I'm bringing back finger
stabby your original unboxing knife I'm
going to try and open this sucker up not
cut myself
I completely miss a tape all right so
this looks like it's an electric
unicycle all right yeah power cord it's
got a pushing for your feet there sure
the guy reading at barefoot so I
probably wouldn't do that but there are
two cushions for your feet oh here it is
okay this is heavy I'm gonna put it down
all right solowheel so ice ice is
probably looking a little bit ridiculous
I'm not sure a practical something like
this would be but I will give it a shot
so I just looked some stuff up here
first that's gonna cost you about 900
bucks and it's going to give you 28
miles of range there's an IP rating here
in case you're happen to be riding in
the rain there's a retractable handle
somewhere there you go so you can kind
of look like a suitcase or luggage or
something um
so there's that so we'll give it a shot
we'll try it
I mean 900 bucks is a lot of money I
sometimes fall just walking so I'm not
just sure how this is gonna go but uh
turned it on oh it's got that going
yeah that was totally the windows down
okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna try
it I'm sorry to my wife I break my leg
oh no you see yeah right here all right
so the next boxes are smaller and they
appear to be less dangerous unicycle box
all right so smart sleep glasses this is
clearly a stock image that they just put
on their front of this I'm betting this
guy doesn't even know he's on the cover
of this box this is by Peggy's Tech I
see and then a lot of Chinese kanji that
I don't understand but we will try it
and we give it a shot
i I've been pretty vocal and honest
about suffering from insomnia I'm
guessing that's why Ralph and mark
picked to this but these are smart sleep
glasses he's actually smart sleep
glasses too so there was one before
that's what does this do put on glasses
more instructions download the app times
a QR code does it loominatee module no
illuminance and luminance module not all
right charge and just give no
instruction on what does so I mean I'll
look it up
what's glowing that's like put this on
your head you'll totally be fine
so all I see is just green light which I
did not seem conducive to sleep it seems
like I just hold my kin alarm-clock like
this far from my face
so Ralph filled me in on these 89 bucks
they were a Kickstarter product it's
supposed to help your melatonin
secretions so if you need help with your
secretions this could be something that
can do it you supposed to wear them for
about 30 minutes before you go to sleep
and then you go to sleep you take them
off which is probably why the guy in the
box isn't wearing them he probably would
observe minutes before and they say it
takes about seven days for your levels
to start increasing so it's different so
I'll really try it I mean I've got some
problems anyway so I'm willing to try
just at anything all right so that's the
this looks like a gun virtual blaster up
to age four smartphone screens up to
seven inches there smartphone screen to
the bigger than seven inches if you got
one this will work it doesn't look like
it cares if it's iPhone or Android they
do have an iPhone on the back so
probably half you hate it already so
it's a bluetooth-enabled gaming gun it's
like 29 bucks comes with two games I
guess you can put on your phone and then
you just put your phone inside of this
so if I give it a shot it does feel good
I mean it's got nice weight to it
doesn't feel too weird with a phone in
there and this look at ridiculous as you
would think those are very first we said
yes video if again if you guys liked it
let us know you want to see us do more
products of one video let us know that
as well and of course give the video a
thumbs up it really helps us out once
people see the video a bit more I had
fun with this there's a lot of products
that I generally just ignore but there
could be some really cool things in
there so I'm excited to take a look at
all three of these especially to see if
I can perhaps help my sleep situation
and learn how to ride a unicycle and
kill some zombies so yeah the next one
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