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New Nexus and What's Next for Apple (Ask the Buffalo)

one of the things I love more in this world so after my family is talking tech and what better way to do it than to talk tech with you guys let's take you some questions disaster Buffalo i'm jon rettinger let's get to it our first question comes from Gary Fox at Foxcatcher who do you think will be the manufacturer for the new Nexus device who do you want it to be so every rumor is pointing towards HTC making the next Nexus device but i should say making the next Nexus device because legend a there will be two and i want to c GC do it i would have also liked Justin Sony get a crack at the Nexus line but I'm really happy to HTC back making Android devices as Google intended next let's go to at Bob hog who asks do you think smartphone innovation has hit a plateau smartphone innovation yeah I'll wait it's super plateaued it is like the first new thing we've really seen is kind of from LG with the g5 with the friends or the modular phones but that is a very first foray nothing really new has happened you know the last real innovation that we saw was 3d screen to stereoscopic 3d and it was innovative sure horrible to use hurt your eyes and not practical yes innovation isn't always better I think the next innovation we're going to see and I've been hoping is gonna be battery technology just better battery actually locally here leave you see is a new battery technology so I'm hoping that'll make its way to phones and ask to plug my phone and every night cuz I forget sometimes and that's sucks at kike one asks where do you see TechnoBuffalo in a few years time and here's time is tricky um on the video side like to see us getting 150 200 thousand video views per video I think that's a good gauge of success I'd also like to see on the web sites i like to see us finally gets to 20 million page views a month and 7 million uniques to be really hope you feel good but less sort of met Ricky I want to just to keep having fun I love doing this and I hope that I can still have fun doing this in a year as long as I can do that I can still pay bills and paying staff then I'll be a pretty happy guy next to jump over to snapchat I'm on there over at jon rettinger mr. Sean yuck asks do you think we'll see a 4k display from Apple at WWDC make one bold prediction for WWDC and 4k display I'm not sure the question certainly means we only have a 5k imac I'm hoping the high resolutions on phones let me be a qhd we'll see potentially with the iphones item that zakhmi double w DC if you want one bold prediction for double wdc here it is and Mark mark the down gaming Mac our last question comes from snapchat again Eric Johnson 16 asks are you excited for the Rams be playing in LA I am beyond excited for the Rams back in LA so my earliest memories the kid was going to rammed games they played in Anaheim with my dad and I loved it with my two boys I cannot wait to go hoping to get season tickets in fact over the weekend the official Rams joder counts is that a picture of Nate and daddy rocking some Rams gear we put a video on snapchat even the guys at the office have drawn a picture of me and that's that's how they see me so yes I am beyond excited for football back in LA I love do you thank you guys for asking questions keep them firing away will try and do more of these as questions start coming in anything you guys want to know I'm pretty much open book personal or company or tech just leave in the comments send me a tweet hit me up on snapchat Instagram whatever I have a lot of ways you can get a hold of me the next time John render from technobuffalo talk to you on the next one won't take a quick second to thank our friends and overall good peeps at full sail university I went back to school later on in life and if you want to learn something new maybe start a new career perhaps you should consider it to folks at full sail have a software development undergraduate degree program and I can teach you how to create your own mobile programs application so if you can develop the next billion-dollar idea if you want to get into the mobile side of things they also have you covered if undergraduate degree program to teach you how to create apps and much more to learn more check out full sail edu / technobuffalo
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