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Nextbit Robin Review: Is this the future?

the next bit Robin has had my attention since I started here TechnoBuffalo it's the first device that I've been really really excited to get in to review and that's not just because they have a cool novel way of storing your information in the cloud it's also because it's the first device that really has a chance to make it add a Kickstarter alive and not fall flat on its face so with that in mind I've got some good news for you they did it I think it's not perfect there are some issues with it but because of the price and the execution on a number of the things about it it really does make it the phone to beat in the price range if you want to know why let's go find out alright rope the differentiating factors here why is the Robin even difference why should you care about it the OS is supposedly intelligent which means it's going to want your behavior it's going to intelligently mark the photos and apps that you use the least so that they can be archived into the cloud when your phone runs out of space those are going to be the first ones to go if you don't want something to get archived you can just pin it to your device by swiping down on the home screen if you ever need one of those apps again you just tap on it and it goes from black and white to color while it downloads and re set up from the cloud but you don't even have to worry about anything else other than that everything's still intact all your data is still there you're still logged in to all your services the only thing the next bit is doing is archiving the apk from the device now there's been a lot of chatter about whether or not this is ultimately a useful feature lots of people are saying data consumption accessibility while you're offline device performance these could all be problems but you know what in practice it totally works it's not something that you're gonna use every day but it totally works if we're being perfectly honest alone another I'm not sure that this is the right solution to the problem of limited space in our pockets look it's clever it's demonstrative of what next bit is capable of but I'm confused as to why anybody needs more than 32 gigs on a mobile device to stay anyways that said I get it I see what they're going for it's just I'm not sure that this is the best way to solve that problem either way they needed something to differentiate themselves and that is exactly what they did the Robin is completely different from every other device that you can find on the market that's not just because of how it's been made it looks different it feels different the OS feels that it feels like a device that was made for the consumer not for the manufacturer I have not fallen so so hard for a device and really what feels like years the 5x did a pretty decent job of imitating the Nexus 5 but that special feeling that I had when I felt the original Nexus 5 in my hand this is the first time I felt it replicated since the Robin just feels great in the hand keep reaching out to pick it up just to hold it again that the case is polycarbonate super soft touch the colors are super striking and each and every single little individual tiny element on the exterior the device feels like it was put there to be looked at I gotta be honest this is the best device that I have felt in my hand to date since starting a TechnoBuffalo the build is just phenomenal the performance was actually really really good too I didn't expect to too much it's only a Snapdragon 808 onto the hood but it is on par with with this past years but OS and it even performs better than the Nexus 5x believe it or not you are gonna get occasional stutters if there's something crazy going on playing a game something like that but it never really harsha's the experience so much that I was upset by it never locked up never rebooted and it has been handling my gaming habits with absolute ease the screen on the next bit Robin is fine it's not amazing but it definitely gets the job done the colors are a little bit washed out black seemed a little bit more like purples but it's a 5.2 inch display at 1080 so the pixel density is nice and high in that 5.0 inch size means it's in my Goldilocks zone in terms of form factor for the hand then there's the major problem of outdoor visibility which is pretty darn poor on the Robin as I mentioned at the top of the video look this thing isn't without its faults and this is definitely one of the places that it falls a little bit short this is one of the few times that I can justify making an exception for some below average components in favor of putting a lot more stake in what the device actually stands for and represents well I am super super impressed that next bit was able to get marshmallow on the Robin for launch I'm kind of confused about some of the software choices they made the the implementation of the features that they need in the homescreen seems really really kludgy and I'm not sure why there's a floating action button there just taking up space seems to me that they could have just as easily kept the app drawer and used a long press or a swipe on the effort to get the functionality that they needed for the custom features that they built into Android the battery life on the next bit Robin was just barely above average I am totally able to make it through a full day no problem I said more than enough juice in the tank by the end and yeah I'm using this for gaming and using it for email music connectivity you name it so the battery is totally able to stand up to a full day if you want to stretch it to two days you could probably get away with one and a half the camera is also one of the things that I think Falls a little bit short the front-facing ones really bad it doesn't do very well in low light at all super super grainy if you're gonna use your front-facing camera for things like snapchat you're probably fine but don't expect to be taking anything groundbreaking on the front facing camera the rear facing camera is sort of a similar situation does not perform very well in low light and the software just kind of can't keep up that send expert has said that there are fixes already on their way so here's hoping that this gets fixed in the very very near future at the very least just like with the home screen nothing that they've added to Android here gets in the way of anything else working you absolutely still can't use Dropbox or cool photos to backup your images no problem I'm holding out hope here that X against their camera up to snuff because I really want to love this device but without an above average camera I can only really like it the Robins grassroots heritage really makes this a truly historical debut for the industry next fit has shown us that yes a ragtag group of folks can get together decide they want to take a device to market and just ship a device that meets then in some cases exceeds expectations for those that they set during their Kickstarter campaign we've seen a number of failed devices in the same vein but this is the first one to really really knock my socks off it's not perfect absolutely not and yes the space that it's entering is really rather crowded these days lots of big companies with very affordable devices that have great pedigrees on the market right now but the Robin does do enough I think to separate itself in that sea of options if this is what next bit has to offer on the Robin end of the spectrum I cannot wait to see the Batman 2 next bits Robin beefy specked out monster of a device that they could put together with the same kind of design language and philosophy I can not wait let me know what you guys think about next fit and the Robin in the comments below I know that some folks especially some of you specifically in the comments have been a little bit down on the idea it doesn't do enough to differentiate itself the colors are weird why is this fun even cool or important well hopefully now that you've seen this review some of those questions are answered for you so again let me know what you think down in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next video
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