
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Nexus 6P & 5X: 51.5 Hours Later

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by Harry's and mi beaver brush what's going on everyone we're just casually put a desk in the middle of our office to talk talk about some new Nexus phones that just that just came out so I've been testing the 6p I've been testing the the 5x and so we figured instead of me making a video my impressions and mark making a video we just kind of do one together yeah and share our thoughts and impressions on both phones so far before our review and then if you guys have questions about things we don't cover then you can ask us yes let us know we were gonna do a full on livestream Q&A but it did not quite work out no that way instead we compensated with just a lot of cameras yes yes lots and lots of cameras so so 6p 6p I got a ton of questions people ask me about the weight because the little tiny hum from the top didn't make a difference it does not feel top-heavy to me okay like moderately but no more than really any other phone right this one feels light the the 5x feels really really really light and and that's saying something because the old one was to just do you want it you want to hold these up together do you want to feel though it feels it feels identical in the hands to what the original five it feels like the like younger better at sports brother but like it's those two years ago yeah and so now it's almost so light it kind of feels a little cheapish I don't know that I would say cheap but I would definitely say I'll say it fits right in line with like the budget line of phones that we've been looking at anything in this price range I think people are gonna be perfectly happy in fact this is kind of like above average for billed for that price right and the build on this is awesome I've never really used many Huawei phones in all candor yeah but it feels awesome it looks nice too Lucy thinks so too she also thinks Lucy thinks it looks awesome you had the black on that one looks nice yeah I love to cover that Google sent us okay so fingerprint sensor on the back anchor print sensor you like or don't like I I think I like it there I think it does exactly what they said they wanted it to do you pull it out of your pocket by the time you're looking at it it's unlocked it's almost like my lock screen is obsolete I never saw my lock screen I will say it took a while to get used to be I like to put my phone down on my dance move I'll put my thumb on any one of those yeah and I'll look at the screen right but now you got to sort of pick it up and put your finger on the back I missed because I was just using the Moto X I miss a lot of the X features like that would be totally ambient sensor exactly so if I could just wave over it I agree I will say though I got used to the sensor on the back yeah and it is really accurate stupid it takes like eight seconds to setup so I thought that maybe it was gonna be not accurate yeah setup was so simple but it's fast and a cool thing too I noticed any time I wash my hands if I try and unlock a phone whether it's touch ID or one the same thing devices it has a fingerprint sensor whoever worked for a couple minutes afterwards this one worked I didn't have any problems that was watch my hands I was cooking a bunch of the weekend I was I don't know doing other hand things like video game yes yes she's gonna let your imaginations run wild and it had I didn't have any issues with it whatsoever and you're absolutely right the pairing process seriously takes like five taps maybe yes super fast and and and you're done you're good to go so on I think the more I usually I get used to on the back and not even really like notice I'm totally fine with it how was the display on yours uh maybe I shouldn't I've seen so many qet displays now it looks good yes it's a good display nano 1.2 everything it was bad except in direct sunlight really I was outside at the park with my son trying to take pictures and I couldn't even see the screen to see if he liked this in full in full focus I had to pull it all the way up to full brightness before I could okay see anything okay but there's a phone at full brightness then deposit take a picture is let me launch a camera you can do by just double tap on the home button I did enjoy that ordell tapping the lock button yeah but then you got a pole brightness all the way up the crane direct sunlight I will say about bringing up the camera with that button so so that's another thing that I really missed cuz I was just on a motor device so I miss being able to flick and I missed the chop for the flashlight but bringing up the camera is that's a really nice helpful little flare the only thing is that or if you notice it locks the device again so even if it's unlocked yeah you can't swipe in to see the rest of your photos anymore so I'm not sure that was the best implementation of a shortcut that I've ever seen it's handy then you put it back in your pocket I think was the idea take your picture and actions done we're finished here so um how is your screen though so this is yeah my screen is weird it's okay I when I did the unboxing looked at it thought this green looked great it looks good for the device that it's on I just miss an a backhand it come I know I get that you know it's you're handsome for you okay wouldn't you screen it looks nice look it's a great display I don't mean to say that it's a bad display it's just obviously this is the lower end device but you can't I mean it's not fair to do it's not apples to apples everything start screaming right right it sounded same comparison in the context in the context of what this device is I think it's a good display I miss AMOLED though that's fair yeah um I haven't not had a chance to test the camera really out yet aside from seeing how fast the autofocus worked yeah and that was pretty fast so before the review hits I'll test it more did you get chance to my camera was okay so the shortcut was again really really helpful I did find and this kind of leads into the next thing I did find a little bit of sluggishness here and there I want to put this like and be totally fair with it because I want to like this device I really do but everyone's especially after I got everything set up yeah super stuttering that's easy laughter I can 808 and this is it right should be plenty fast she'll be plenty fast like I said I just came from the Moto X I didn't have those issues on it there but bringing up the camera I've missed quite a few photos already from this weekend's you I had no speed issues at all this thing was fast and I know it's got the 810 so everybody's freaking out about speed but it's the two-point one iteration yet it never got his feet oh yeah okay so I want to talk about battery but also you know I feel like we know each other pretty well yeah my shave bro thank you actually this morning smooth are you it against the grain or never against the grain and it doesn't really matter what I do because this morning I got some razor burn anyway because I wasn't using any Harry's razors Harry's razors yeah do you know anything about Harry's tell me more about Harry's ready to tell you some more about Harry's see Harry's is a great site that you guys can check out you can head there whenever you want ideally today I'm is it on the internet it's on the inner you can head to Harry's comm they have all kinds of stuff razors you can sign up for subscriptions it's all super reasonably priced their whole thing is you want to be able to shave and not get razor burn like mark does at a reasonable price so let's say I go on the internet and I go to what am I gonna get well they have a starter and it's only 15 bucks I realized that that's already pretty cheap it includes a razor you get three blades you get your choice of shave cream or foaming gel which is pretty impressive let us know which one you guys prefer and why were you what am i I am a very fancy shaving cream I don't I don't want just like regular ol chin I saw you yeah I have a have a beaver brush made of it's made of Beaver hair that I use for for painting it on my face moving on Oh every every fiber of my body is trying to not make a joke every fiber of my be brush is very soft you can use the code tech note to get I realize 15 bucks is already pretty it is but techno is gonna give you five bucks off of that but mark purse seiner we about shipping I bet that's expensive it is it is and it's really kind of Harry's to pick up the check on the other shipping so what is it comes up to $10 for a starter kit what about shipping no doesn't cost you anything what fo 399 I telling me shipping is free 399 free 9999 399 399 so shipping is free yes now you know except for John but what if people want to try your beaver brush so last point how's your battery life battery life is exceptional I've been going through a full day and plugging it in for probably half an hour 40 minutes and fully charged again I mean getting about a day and a half of usage I have a couple of graphs and I'm sure we'd be happy to throw up on the screen maybe I was using mine I know yesterday I probably had think about two and a half hours of screen on time but time I plugged in at the end of the day I had like 55% better battery life has been really good 55 is high doze all about that goes the doze I think really seems to be making a difference I'm ending days around 15% so I'm definitely feeling a bit of a difference there I think you've got more capacity right yeah it's bigger pack yeah so we'll wrap this up yeah we're gonna talk a lot more about the phones and reviews yeah we haven't we haven't actually done a full review yet we this is just over the weekend this is like 48 hour a little more this is like 48 hours 50:51 in a half hour Holly seven minutes I'm using the phones yeah but I think you guys want to see us cover that we didn't like talk about yeah here let us know we'll go into more detail and interviews and also if you dig this style if you'd like this let us know if you don't let us know or babe your mouth shut they will let us that's my way for Halloween I'm dressing up as the Internet and I'm just gonna start yelling at random people for no reason okay cool also the hobo on my back thank you guys thank you guys for watching like comment subscribe let us know what you think and we'll see you later
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