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Nintendo Switch Giveaway (International)

so we haven't done a giveaway in a while I was thinking to myself what's the hottest new thing coming out and it's gonna intend to switch so I want to give you guys a chance to win not only gonna tend to switch but a baller Nintendo's switch bundle with with games and joy cons everything you need to get your gaming on we teamed up with the folks from is in stock comm the guys you might recognize from air pause and kind of find a pair of ear pods they would send you notifications let you know when your store had them in stock in fact it's actually where where I got my air pods from they do a ton more stuff to if you want to find ear pods beat decks Google Wi-Fi the Maverick pro NES classic Pokemon go plus and a ton of other stuff including LG's work here 5k displays they can notify you they also support retail options so like Apple Best Buy Target ATT etc so any store and nearby they will let you know when they have it in stock you can just put your email address and they'll will send it to you or you can pay him a few bucks they'll send you an alert as soon as it comes in it's really cool service one that I use so it's pretty happy to team up with them so going to down below G you should check out what they offer so here is the giveaway we're giving away a lot of good stuff so first international don't yell at me in the comments if you live on this planet you could win it's a u.s. console so the console is not region lock employee thing it's gonna be us so whatever get an adapter and it'll work for you but know that going in so you could win a Nintendo switch it's the Greyjoy con starter bundle but we're not just gonna gonna give you that we're also gonna need a Legend of Zelda breath or the wild has been heroes one two switch and the official Nintendo switch 3 protection kids because the unofficial one just isn't gonna do it might sound familiar it's the Game Stop bundle we should be getting it right on launch day we'll send it to you as soon as we get that sucker in we'll get it out to you the giveaway is gonna run for 10 days from the 15th of February till the 25th of February I will link to it down below if you want to enter so don't don't enter on youtube hit the link down below guard one second of buffalo calm you can you can enter there and get your give a wink going I think you the folks to is in soft calm if you want to buy stuff just check them out we didn't they're not paying us freeness who just really liked the service so we teamed up to do a giveaway and they're cool guys just they run the site themselves and I like what they do so figured we'd do something cool for the audience as well hope you guys enjoyed good luck happy entering and if you win even if you don't win you're getting a switch let me know in the comments down below and we can play on launch day I'm gonna be playing some Zelda gonna be a Hyrule hero
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