hey what is going on everybody I'm
knowing from TechnoBuffalo calm and I'm
here with uh what might be my favorite
tablet I know somebody here could it be
like what are you talking about but the
little nut color the little the little
ereader that could is now all grown up
and it's a it's baby Android tablet for
so let's look at Angry Birds how it runs
on this thing
again you know the the thing that I like
the most about this device and the
combination of simplicity and form
factor very easy to use one-handed great
for ereading and then the bonus of the
the web functionality I'm the worst
Angry Birds player ever so you know and
so you've got the multi-touch and every
birds least is fairly responsive for
that I'm so bad I just chucked it over
the top okay now I'm just trying to be
that no I'm not I'm really bad that was
I mean even for me that was pathetic but
you can see it works you know it's
responsive the gameplay is good it's
going to come down to you know how how
good are the apps that are being made
and are people interested in to them on
this device on a you know smaller
perhaps less spectat but cheaper device
for 250 bucks and now you're starting to
see honeycomb tablets you know for for
under 500 under for under 400 even and
so then it comes down to marketing and
you know Barnes and Noble has a huge I
mean they know how to sell stuff they've
been in retail for a long time they have
huge marketing huge distribution
channels and that's why I think there's
a smart move for them to launch their
own app store I don't know how much you
know cost of in terms of money and
resources a couple little quirks here
you know with some of these apps to get
out of a nap you have to do I have to
pause the app and then the button will
come back to life and I can keep
clicking back so I quit that kind of
thing there may be a long press function
actually I should try the long press
function but you've got your email
contacts like I said I your nook friends
Pandora sodoku all that kind of stuff
get a music player built in you know all
that good stuff I actually didn't quite
touch the touchscreen that time it just
transmitted for my thumb maybe I
staticky there's also a notifications
bar now so before when I had a new email
add a little notification pop up down
there when my contacts from Ford a
little notification saying you know hey
see if these people want to be your
friends on nuke friends so that's kind
of cool your apps show up because it is
very unobtrusive which I liked about
your apps show up in your most recently
viewed stuff kind of weird that these
apps you know because they don't have
proper icons yet they look a little
funny next to their their apps that have
proper icons like nook friends like
email and then the ones that don't angry
birds doesn't even have a title so I
think those are little bugs that will
get fixed hopefully soon and that I've
got you know my new issues of running
magazine running times and a new book I
haven't read yet you know these are
these latest things that I've looked at
and so you can you know you can go back
and read the books and they've now
updated the reading functionality
animations now do I have to maybe I have
to set I have to turn on animations
actually didn't check this out before
check out the other stuff but did not
check out yeah animate you book page
turns go okay
me I would probably leave this off but
some people want to see the stuff that's
it it's the animation okay you know
whatever let's look at the web browser
because that's also the the biggest area
people been talking about with flash
support now on the web we go to the web
and we're at youtube so i can watch
videos in line on youtube you can see
the pinching exhuming works it's a you
know not the smoothest ever kind of
depends on what page you're looking at
and that sort of thing but the video
plays in line and then if i turn the
device play it there as well and then i
can go into i was able to afford to get
it into full screen mode i'm going to do
that that double tap there you go so
full screen mode on youtube
and if I clear out of here I'll press
the HOME key to exit right there little
shortcuts they programmed in the home
key exit south we'll go back i was
looking at ESPN before and this is um i
also haven't had AI had some weird Wi-Fi
connectivity issues before the update
where the the connection would kind of
forget my network and then we remember
it that kind of thing haven't had those
yet since the update so that's good but
if we go to ESPN go to sports center
videos and i was looking at this before
and play
so you have to deal with an ad so it's
you know it's not the fastest in the
world but it loads up in other words but
then you can see the video not optimized
for mobile and so you know that gets
into anything they're actually that the
browser has mobile and desktop modes and
it's nice the way it presents to you you
know the choice up front and it
recommends mobile mode as default of
course I put into desktop mode and you
can see you know not optimized for
mobile the videos pretty stuttery but
the audio comes through pretty well so
there's that and then I'm going to
scroll down I'm going to go to Megiddo
calm and real quick check out a couple
of Doug's mega Doug a cup of a couple of
mega deck Doug's games and let's go to
in racer flash game see how all this
works so I don't know how I can play
because I don't have a space bar and a
uh yeah so it's not gonna lie there's no
way I can play so let's go back let's
try a different game
bowling i believe i've played on a
mobile device before no works just fine
yep so there you go you can play you
know this is a very simple flash game
but simple enough for me to rule us bear
one of those in nine but there you go
it's flash it's working I can zoom in
even a tip tap to interact perfect
thanks I don't know how I'm gonna tap ok
now I convert the spare no all right but
there you go a quick tour around the
nook color with the new firmware update
from barnes & noble it's got you know
everything that i liked about it
beforehand Plus now a little bit more
with integrated email contacts a little
bit better web browsing flash support
and those ant crazy animated page terms
I'm app store Angry Birds you know HD
you know all kinds of stuff so I'm
psyched about this I'm going to be a nap
nation this coming Wednesday in term
cisco sitting on a panel with somebody
from barnes & noble as well somebody
from amazon and a couple of developers i
believe me interested to talk with them
hear what they have to say here how they
respond to what i have to say about you
know all these new app stores coming out
i think it's it's uh you know android
purists might not love it i don't know
how to enjoy purus think but but i think
about it but i think it's the way the
future android turning into these sub
branded things and I think barnes noble
and i think amazon has a tablet coming
that's my guess I think they're right on
it I think it's the way to go to
leverage this to their own you know to
their own strengths anyway much much
more on all the tablets John got like
seven of them in last week while I was
on the road over on technobuffalo and
all our video outlets and everything
else till next time my name
Noah if you've got questions about the
new color definitely hit me up over on
the site or on the twitter account at
normal kravitz and i will tell you what
I can about it we'll see you later
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