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OxygenOS is here! Check out what’s new (OnePlus One)

this episode of technobuffalo is brought to you by what's up everyone jon rettinger from TechnoBuffalo here the folks at one plus are trying to bring some fresh air into the oneplus one and they just debuted and release the new oxygen OS let's see if it does the job most 1+1 users were waiting for one of two things either cyanogen 12s based on lollipop or 1 plus his own much T's oxygen OS also based on the ollie pop and that's what we have here fun fact the original one plus one actually shipped with cyanogen 11s based on KitKat it was for dot or dot for here we have one plus one oxygen OS and it looks very much like stock lollipop it's based off of 5.2 a lot of things that people loved about the original are here in 1 plus is own OS let me start with the off-screen gestures and a lot of these were ape to directly from cyanogen double tap to wake up you saw that guy in LG devices of course on cyanogen 11s go and turn that off again so you want to launch the camera go ahead and do a little circle that's going to turn on there if you want to launch a flashlight you can just make a V and that's going to turn on the back not sure if that's going to show up on camera if you want to play music you can draw your fingers down if you want to go fast forward or back you can draw arrows depending on what you want to do those are all here and those can all be tweaked in settings so go ahead and jump right in let me jump into settings and show you some that stuff that I was talking about first we'll go down to about phone and you can see this is running oxygen 0 s 1 point 0 point 0 and it's five point 02 based and go ahead and jump back so the one plus one is when a few phones actually ships with physical buttons or you have the option of using software buttons they're kind of Lowell it down below you can still turn those on or off in settings to paste depending on what you want to do one of the big features that they're touting here is in quick settings go ahead and pull that down this looks pretty standard what you see on lollipop except see those little four squares will go and push them four squares and now you can rearrange or even hide these quick settings icons if you want so it can rearrange them anywhere you want you can tap it to turn it off and it goes black and then once you hit that Save button they are going to go and of course you can always bring them back or reset to defaults go ahead and exit out of that jumping into settings here scroll down scroll up rather and you're going to see buttons this is where you can determine without you want your on-screen or your physical buttons turn that on or off you want to have on screen nav bar go ahead and go back we've got gestures this is where you can turn on or off all this stuff that I showed you previously so we just installed this on here if you want to know how to do it i will put a link down below to show you the instructions can be a little bit complicated but if you've ever installed a custom OS on a phone i should be able to do it yourself a few other things that one plus is having it's got a built-in file manager now which it's not that big a deal but there's one built in San to go ahead install a third-party other that we're going to get to your testing and see what other new features we've got here other things are on board you have google now if you swipe on over if you've got to turn down from the side we don't have it turned on here but it looks like the Google now launcher with a few new tweaks built into it we stop real fast thank our peeps at it's the place to go when the next great idea hit you like in the middle of the night so one-stop shopping for all your domain name and web hosting email needs wants to hook you up with a pretty sick off for say twenty percent on domain names and web hosting and use coupon code technobuffalo it's all one word in caps at domain coms check out when you think domains think domain com so a pretty nice look especially for a 100 build appears to be relatively stable but we'll continue testing into anything that sort of jumps up as gigantic big gross crawly bugs or not it's pretty stable if you are one plus one user and you really want to use at your daily phone you might want to wait a little while let us test it at a see how stable it is but of course 12s first I engine is coming soon that's the device you'd be able to put that on there as well you can really just take your pick anything else you guys want to see us cover with the 1+1 leave in the comments located probably in my pants region otherwise be sure to hit the big subscribe button we got a ton new videos coming seemingly every day until next time i'm jon rettinger from technobuffalo so you as the next one bye bye you
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