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Pengate, Cortana on Android, and Apple’s event - TechnoBuffalo Weekly

pokken tournament is heading to the US pen gate strikes the note 5 and we ask Siri for a hint I'm r % / TechnoBuffalo and this is definitely a video that you're watching on the Internet hello friends and welcome back to another episode of a show that I am making that we are making together thank you all so much for your suggestions you were super enthusiastic about coming up with a name and we have narrowed it down to chew and I would love for you guys to vote and see which one you think is better and that is what we will name the show so the finalists are the Buffalo breakdown or the Buffalo down you can hit the link to the pole in the description or you can click on it right here in this vicinity you're my hands in this magic area right here and you can definitely make sure your voice gets heard hopefully this doesn't start a bitter rivalry that will echo through the ages but I am looking forward to seeing what you guys all pick i also got all your feedback loud and clear and it seems a lot of you do want me to cover some of the more broader things and what i would kind of consider nerd culture so i'm including a few gaming and entertainment stories this week i'm planning to just kind of keep everything still tech focus with a smattering of gaming and entertainment but if there's enough demand it might make sense to break them out into the road shows or do their own section in this one so thankfully i know you guys will keep letting me know what you think in the comments so we will keep the show fluid for as long as we need to all right let's get into it first up Cortana is now available for android in public beta if you're not familiar with Cortana it is the little personal assistant just like Siri or Google now but it is usually on Windows Windows 10 and Windows Mobile which is all going to be the same thing now Cortana even lets you replace Google now as your voice assistant of choice forcing Google now to take that back seat question is whether or not it's going to be smart enough to stay there so you can go ahead and give it a try for yourself you can grab that beta or you can check out our video right here on TechnoBuffalo detailing cortana and what she can do while we're on the topic if you've ever felt weird about how much facebook knows about you get get ready to weirder Facebook this week announced and their very own digital assistant that's powered by facebook Messenger David Marcus the VP of messaging at facebook says that M will be powered by an AI but it'll also be supervised by humans M is going to be able to find and buy products for you book reservations secure travel arrangements all that kind of fun stuff it is currently in testing so it's still going to be a little while before it launches at scale but you could wind up with it on your device pop it up saying hey you're a beta tester if you're lucky after months and months of drooling at least for me the u.s. is finally confirmed to be getting an official release of the Pokemon fighting game pokken tournament it is made by the team behind Tekken and pokken tournament pits your favorite pocket monsters against one another in glorious HD and they're coming to the u.s. in spring of 2016 will be able to battle with the best of them on the Wii U I cannot wait to see a complete roster and start diving into the mechanics of this game Plus after seeing what its gonna look like it makes me pine for the day that we finally get a fully realized pokemon MMO for those of you with a brand spankin new galaxy note 5 i'm going to need you to set the device down and go read the manual because otherwise you risk doing major functional damage to your device the flagship feature of the note 5 otherwise known as the s-pen apparently fits a little too comfortably into its slot when it's inserted backwards unfortunately it doesn't come out quite as easily while it can still be removed appliers if you insert your S Pen into your no.5 backwards it will permanently disable the sensor that detects depends presence which means that any functionality related to removing the pen will cease to function properly while this is certainly a huge oversight on samsung spark come on guys pay attention to your pen put it in the right way alright I'm gonna need a minute for this story I'm still kind of reeling from the news but Instagram now supports photos of all dimensions that's right square photos are no longer the only option for Instagram the facebook-owned company said in their blog post that was announcing the chain that the visual story that you're trying to tell should always come first of course the photo will be cropped into a square for viewing in your profile grid but your friends will be able to see that panoramic selfie in all its landscape oriented glory speaking of Instagram Star Wars footage hit our retinas this week via the film's Instagram page the 15 second clip shows ray with bb-8 in a forest and finn using what we believe is luke and or / or Anakin's lightsaber and a little bit of dialogue there's been an awakening have you felt if lens flare Abrams is pedigree is to be trusted we should be in for a treat come December eighteenth which is when we should be seeing Star Wars Episode seven the force awakens lastly of course it is that time of year again and Apple has sent out invites for their upcoming event on September 9th in San Francisco the invite reads hey Siri give us a hint iphone users you can actually ask Siri hey Siri give me a hint and you will be greeted with a cryptic statement about the date we will certainly be there covering all the sweet news for you and in case you're not sure there is a crazy good chance that we'll be seeing the iphone 6s but the question of one more thing still remains alright kids you've been informed thank you so much for watching if you have thoughts questions comments mean things to say I don't know you can comment below or tweet me over at mark be as usual you can hit that subscribe button if you would like tiny else to deliver videos directly to your retinas and finally thank you for watching be kind to each other and I will catch you in the next video
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