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PlayStation VR is HERE!

up until yesterday consumer VR meant strapping cardboard to your face and while the Google cardboard still has a place especially the inexpensive realm PlayStation I think has the answers I hope for consumer virtual reality meet the PlayStation VR this is the launch bundle and I am damn excited as you see being pod named Morpheus we saw it a few years ago at CES but has taken the green pill or the red pill and is now a reality it's called open this thing up we'll set it up and give some first impressions so this launch bundle is going to set you back $4.99 but if you want to get just the core of it you can shave off 100 bucks and gonna cost you 399 so inside we got one box you got another box we don't if you don't need we don't need this box you can see what's inside you got the headset the controllers in game alright let's go look at the big guy first and see what we got PlayStation logo and tell exponent rip this upper sucker open and get virtual reality well that's fancy good for you Sony PlayStation VR booklet lots of cabling and stuff here we've got the power cord and power brick other power things power brick just wanna see the headset come to me so I am one of the few that did not test out project Morpheus or any test at all when this thing was in beta my first impression strapping this thing in my head plugging it in and trying it so inside the box you also have connection cables you've got the cable it's gonna connect this to your PlayStation so you've got inline controls on the headset as well and all your connection cables will go through what all this is we do the setup process guys will see that in just a few minutes and more HDMI cables live inside box number one inside of box number - we have probably imagine all the games and the controllers because to use psvr you need a lot of things you need a Playstation 4 a PlayStation camera PlayStation controller and a PS Move controller so we've got PlayStation VR demo disc PlayStation VR world's got a scan for the camera the ice cream cone or the moon whatever you want to call it got two of them cables cleaning cloths and the PlayStation camera that's it enough enough talking about this I want to put this thing on my head get it set up see how it works the Pagani so first impression it works pretty well the graphics leasing these demo games don't look like incredible ps4 graphics but looks like decent you know VR graphics I don't imagine job simulator is representative of everything pets simply coming out the motion tracking is pretty good like I definitely can tell that I'm moving my hand there when I was driving the car as I moved my hand I was able to see things pretty well overall pretty press which we consider it's a couple hundred bucks less and what you get with oculus or vive and you can prevent to plug it into your ps4 and don't need an external you know be sleepy see once you get to be a little more mature I think the games are gonna be really gonna tell how well this thing does if you're looking to get into VR you don't want to shell out for an oculus or a vibe I don't want to build a computer that'll sort of match those specs this is a really good way to get into beyond think it's a really compelling reason to pick up a ps4 one of them many now ps4 SKUs works well I think it's be pretty cool to watch movies with you get a really immersive view and a stereoscopic 3d and it tends to work pretty well I'm impressed I've never been a giant fan of virtual reality but this work truly well you're when I'm looking right now and I can see shadows coming over my hand hey what do you guys think about the psvr did you pick one up is it is it for you is it not for you let me know why the video a thumbs up till next time I'm Jenna endure for TechnoBuffalo and I will know where you are but somewhere I will see you in the next video
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