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Rettingers Riffs: Goodbye Flappy Bird

this episode of TechnoBuffalo is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club what's up everyone welcome back there pisode of retinas risk I miss John renders the show where I riff on anything going on the words of Technology up this week though it's all about a teeny tiny pixelated flappy bird and where it went who's written just riffs let's start ripping usually we hear about developer success stories usually followed by their starting a company their IP owing sort of following that rovio model but very infrequently do you hear the total opposite happened so let me tell you the flappy bird story over the weekend developer dong win make good on his promise to remove flappy birds from the itunes app store and google play store to the what of everybody else in the world so when is based in hanoi vietnam has been super reclusive aside from his twitter feed it's been a relatively interesting back story though so sit back let me tell you about the rise and fall a head get it a flappy birds so as soon as februari seventh win was seemingly enjoying all the flap attention answering questions and talking about really anything had to do with that little bird he was responding to questions and we when one users said he had input for when to which he replied it just a minigame just let it stay a minigame he liked the way it was he didn't want to change it he said he's not an entrepreneur in another tweet and said the game was just built for the masses and for everyone to enjoy and then as a saturday morning would even suggested that he was already working on a sequel later that afternoon though he started to say people are overusing the app and suddenly his mood start to swing not really sure what overusing means but he felt that they were like if you use it while on the toilet perhaps it was causing longer than usual private bathroom time speaking of private bathroom time at the transition I never ever thought I would ever make let me tell you about our friends at Dollar Shave Club if you watch my videos you likely know a few things about me first I'm so pale I'm clear in The Wizard of video editing makes my skin tone look human and I clearly hate to shave much to my wife's chagrin buying razors sucks you got to trudge the store get the key is that plastic razor fortress little thingy then they got a shell out 20 30 bucks and ridiculous shaped egg don't even need like a razor that vibrates you can use in the shower or that's going to sing and dance for you you just don't need it I don't need to raise your it's also a laser pointer fortunately though there's a company that's doing away with all that ridiculousness it is called you guessed it Dollar Shave Club and it really couldn't be any simpler for a few bucks a month Dollar Shave Club ships amazing razors and other bathrooms stuff right to your door their blades are just as good as big shape companies at a fraction of the price but they're not just about the blades I got everything you need for your whole shaven face including dr. Carver's easy shave butter to make your shave even more buttery smooth and listen we all do it you gotta try one wipe Charlies the new peppermint infuse wipes for men they tingle in a good way save time save money join now at Dollar Shave Club calm / TechnoBuffalo again fat azz Dollar Shave Club complex TechnoBuffalo now that I've got my beard for a prop I can finally shave it my wife can be happy again so where we left off don was saying that he was a little bit upset people over using his app and then he took his Twitter account again to say that he can call flappy bird the success of mine he wrote but it also ruins my simple life so now I hate it but why keep in mind his native Vietnamese speakers something certainly might have been lost in translation it was accused by gaining site kotaku of stealing sprites from mario though he denied those accusations and said there's an art to doing that he told another user on Twitter that he had no plans I our PR agency or take some of his work off his hands because the altar doing so would mean he wasn't indie developer anymore he lose the street cred because supposedly if you're just going to mainstream by mid-afternoon that one februari eighth win officially announced today we take down flappy bird from both iTunes and Google Play attention had evidently gotten to him even though he originally labeled the title success the game was indeed pulled although wins last tweet says that he was making game still he also said he won't sell flappy birds so don't ask him at all Oh an also said he didn't pull the app because of anything related to legal issues just that he can't keep it anymore despite denying any of the glitch at all a Reuters report suggested Monday that wind may have received letters from Nintendo although the report said Nintendo was not considering a lawsuit has been rumors of extortions and all kinds of crazy stuff but that's the story of flappy bird so yeah on one hand refreshing to see a developer not being it to start a company or become a gazillionaire on the other hand I kind of want to yell WTF dong you got a success you've got something on your hands developers can only dream about even if you want to keep your indie cred you could still enjoy the success opposed to the app was making upwards of fifty thousand dollars a day so credit for making a pretty fun game that I deleted then i reinstalled and then I oh I can't stop playing but there are ads on that so there was a ton of money to be made and perhaps if you didn't want the success it could have go into that money somewhere that could have used it instead of just pulling it all together but that is the story of dong win and that is the sad sad rise and fall of the flappy bird what do you guys think I love to hear your thoughts on this sort of crazy bizarre story flappy bird sort of flapped onto the scene all of a sudden and then flapped away just as quickly one of the other developers going to follow this path maybe release an app making a huge success or try making success and take it away to try and you know up its publicity the reality is you can still get flappy bird there's a port of it even on the pebble watch and play it on the web you can still install it if you choose on your iOS device if you want to look through some back channels to get it there ton of ways to get your flappy bird on but not the official way so dumb maybe you want to give its official statement on what happens thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed please leave comments in this region about what you think happens until next week i'm jon rettinger see you next video what's up everyone thank you for watching that video if you want to see more of the latest and greatest tech news you can subscribe to our main technobuffalo channel by clicking the button right down below in my pants region or click on the buttons to your right to see more videos
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