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Segway miniPRO Giveaway! (International)

what's going on everyone John rendered the TechnoBuffalo here coming in hot Here I am certainly about this this is Peaks probably the funniest man on facebook and this little rolly guy is a Segway second way mini pro horsepowers we want to give you two two of them want to run a show what I can do yeah because what see what you can do with it alright guys doing it it's hard to turn matsuki all right route gosh they said it wasn't possible but I'm gonna surely then edit a of it I did it looks like a seven and a half anywhere in the world if you're anywhere in this earth right now enter our contest we're going to get through these away two guys the information is below make sure that you do all the steps in order to enter into the contest these things are amazing you can remote control with your phone the future yeah they go off road you have the tires to go anywhere you want you go downstairs you can't go upstairs but you can lift it up and you can go anywhere you want you can drag it whatever it's really tempting right now so giveaways going to run from the 20th of july to the third of august you guys can enter many times as you want just hit the link either down or in description somewhere there will be a link to an article on TechnoBuffalo that's where you're gonna get enter mu we just want to give you stuff yeah pretty much let them away we have them lying around so so a little gift to you guys two different winners and happy happy entering hurry after the wild Pikachu here let's go what's the plan man huh cool we had a break big way
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